GB Completed Round 2 - 3.5" x 5.75" Mixed Game Plaques on Plastic Card Stock Group Buy (1 Viewer)

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As for Personalizing Tuckboxes I just get Decals/Stickers made up and printed. I did these for the Alpha decks that came in without boxes. I got the boxes from Make Playing Cards and I can't remember where I had the decals made.
Everybody ordering an extra tuckbox...

Are you considering the need for new, larger tuckboxes when the buy for the extended deck/games occurs?
Everybody ordering an extra tuckbox...

Are you considering the need for new, larger tuckboxes when the buy for the extended deck/games occurs?
One thing of note - they make tuck boxes of various sizes. The ones closest to our order are 40, 48, 56. Our sets right now sit at 42 cards, so we'll be ordering the 48 card box by default, leaving room for 6 new cards. I can offer everyone the option to upgrade to 56 card boxes a la carte (10-20 cents more) in anticipation of future mini-GBs of addon cards.
One thing of note - they make tuck boxes of various sizes. The ones closest to our order are 40, 48, 56. Our sets right now sit at 42 cards, so we'll be ordering the 48 card box by default, leaving room for 6 new cards. I can offer everyone the option to upgrade to 56 card boxes a la carte (10-20 cents more) in anticipation of future mini-GBs of addon cards.
Yes. Please update my order to 3 with 3 56 card boxes. Thx!
@inca911 had a couple cards with some corrections....hopefully he can input here.
Most of my game card edits were more individual preferences, rather than full-blown correction of outright errors. I posted them somewhere….
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It was Showmaha. It read: Best 5 card hand from individual and community.

Should read: Best 5 card hand using 2 individual and 3 community.
That's sort of implied in the "maha" part of the name though - not exactly a fatal error.
That's sort of implied in the "maha" part of the name though - not exactly a fatal error.
For someone hosting for players that have never played before, it could certainly be a fatal error.

On the river a player repots all-in for several hundred dollars. At showdown he is playing 3 from his hand. He explains what the written rule clearly states. You're going to take his money on the ruling that "maha" clearly states only 2, and call it a minor error?
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