GB Completed Round 2 - 3.5" x 5.75" Mixed Game Plaques on Plastic Card Stock Group Buy (1 Viewer)

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I missed out on placing an order when @CptainCanuck took the helm…any chance to get on the backup list for one set? Or is anyone out there willing to part with one of their extras?
Same goes for me…. If anyone is willing to part with a set, please let me know - I’d love to grab one…


Looks like everything is there - they even sent a few extra tuck boxes by accident.

I'll try to get as much of this packed up in the next week or so and shipped after Thanksgiving. Biggest problem is going to be the fact that the 200 tuck boxes aren't labeled, so not sure which are 48 and which are 56, but I'll get it figured out before I start packing mailers.
Quick update - family leaves tomorrow after a great Thanksgiving get-together. I packaged up about 1/2 the orders this evening. Ordered some more mailers from Amazon to finish the rest. Will get the final batch packaged up towards the end of the week and ship the US orders in the next ~week. International orders shortly after that.
I missed out on one of these if anyone has a extra one they would like to sell please PM me thanks
anyone know where I can go to see all these mixed games I know there is somewhere in here I just cannot remember where it is
50 of 86 packages hit the mail today.

About 30 more US orders that will be sent Tuesday AM. International will go out by end of this week.

Re-shipping was about $4-5 each depending on the number of decks. I’ll send out individual messages to everyone with the final settlement amount by Friday.

Thanks for the box! I was finally able to open my box-less deck. Life is good. Merry Christmas. God bless us every one!
New to the forum and love these! Is there a way I could get a set or be on a waiting list?
I can't imagine it won't happen again and normally there is a big interest and then sign up time period so you probably won't miss it if you stick around.

Something else you can do is just make your own. Download the pdf, find the small number of games you want to play and print them out on cardstock/laminate them or both. I did this in the interim with my group and it worked just fine until I got the actual cards. We used them for 6-9 months without issue.
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