When It Rains It Pours - Another Cali Cardroom Find! (1 Viewer)


Royal Flush
Nov 22, 2018
Reaction score
129 West 81st Street, Apartment 5B
And the team rides again! This time, the story is a little simpler, even if it was a much farther drive (flight!).

Long story short, in calling a couple of places that had live rooms in the last 30ish years, we were able to chat with Kelley's daughter, Lisa. Luckily, while Bill's Card Room isn't still existence, they now own a a bar on the same premises. When asked about the chips, she said that she didn't have any pictures, but knows that they're mostly unplayed as they moved them all out of dad's house when he passed and they're taking up all the floor space in chip boxes in one of her closets.


While the pictures she sent were quite blurry and not "chipper" photos by any means, it was clear that this was an epic score. We asked how soon we could stop by, and she said someone else had actually recently reached out to her but they weren't local. Lol we said we were local and could stop by dang near same day.....

She said yes! So @kmccormick100 dropped off myself and @RocAFella1 at the airport Friday morning. We packed and wheels up!


Arriving in San Diego, we rented a car and saw that she had followed up to say she could meet us at the bar later that night when she closed - she would bring the chips and we could talk $.

Realizing that catching a 530 am flight was probably overkill, we had to find some stuff to do. We rented a car (Chris HAD to have a Tesla) and headed out to the coast.

We caught some pretty local fauna (!), went and looked at water (water in the bay or water in the south, it's all the same), and grabbed some amazing food. Burritos from Gringos was literally top 5 burrito of my life.



So now the turns and twists start. After lunch and hanging out for a bit, we take a drive. Following GPS, we end up out in the middle of nowhere in a lot of empty lots, stalls, very flea market on a saturday night turned horror movie-esque. We message and don't get a response for a bit, apparently the bar is *not* at the exact same place as the old card room. We're low on miles, been driving for a while, and *barely* make it to a charging station.

At this point we're getting a little stir crazy, we have a flight the next morning, but we're on a mission. We get charged up, Chris waters the bushes, and we're back out on our way.


An hour later we finally get to the *right* bar. It's packed, apparently it was just after the local roller derby womens championship. We ask around if Lisa is there and nope, noone knows except she's closing that night (she closes the bar like 5 nights a week). I have her number so I text Lisa and yup, she's coming, but won't be there until 1. Whelp, what else do you do while waiting for someone at a bar until 1?! Shenanigans ensue.


After a round or two or three, FINALLY Lisa comes in. We quickly make our hi how do you do's, and she apologizes but there were a lot more chips than she had remembered, she "forgot" that there was an entirely second set of chips that were never used back in the day. Husband and son helped load them up, but asked if we could help unload the truck.

Holy motherload lol. She was just so excited to have these out of the house finally, and while she didn't care too much about price or anything like that, was a little curious about pricing because someone else had also reached out. We came this far, so we would not be dissuaded.

Counting up all the chip boxes, it looked to equal about 30,000 ish chips. We didn't bring *that* much cash with us, but obviously have PP and cash app and all that, so we asked if we could huddle up. Chris and I chatted, and thought that given the condition of the chips, $15k seemed like a slam dunk offer for both sides.

We went back to Lisa and I said we have a number in mind, I have it written on my iphone right here. Tell us your number for *everything*, and let's see how close we are!

"Hmmmmmm....bout treefiddy?" That's when I looked up and we finally noticed that it was the got damn Lochness monster! We said damnit lochness monster we ain't giving you no money. So close.
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OK I'm not sober & goddammit Nessie ate the chips?!? So confused in Mountain View...

...and I want 2 racks of those 1's why isn't this a sales thread?!?
Well I can’t wait to see these finds hit the market hopefully!
I read this thread three times already and still didn’t understand if you guys got the chips. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Please don’t tell me I’m alone…

I don’t get it either. I’m struggling to understand whether she said treefiddy as in $3500 and you decided that she’s not getting the $15k or if she said treefiddy as in $350,000 and you decided you’re not getting chips.

We said damnit lochness monster we ain't giving you no money. So close.
...and that's when I realized Lisa wasn't an old curmudgeonly bar back, but an eight story tall crustacean from the Protozoic Era.
For those not in the know. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Lol there’s gonna be a whole lotta people with “I was today years old when I learned…” apparently.
I’m a little confused though. There’s *hundreds* of posts on PCF that are “tree fiddy”. Maybe it’s just me, but when I keep seeing something I usually Google it.

Lol PCFers just out here going, damn, why is everyone’s autocorrect making them write “tree fiddy”.

about $3-tree fiddy a chip

Tree fiddy? I was going to buy some chips off of him So he came to my door. I asked him how much for a chip. He replied" I'm going to need about tree fiddy"

Well It was about that time I realized that he wasn't a poker chip collector And he was about eight stories tall and a crustacean from the mesozoic era.

Nice set. Love the tree fiddy :LOL: :laugh:

approx. Tree fiddy.

I bid tree fiddy

'bout tree fiddy

About tree fiddy

It cost him about tree fiddy.

About tree fiddy
And the team rides again! This time, the story is a little simpler, even if it was a much farther drive (flight!).

Long story short, in calling a couple of places that had live rooms in the last 30ish years, we were able to chat with Kelley's daughter, Lisa. Luckily, while Bill's Card Room isn't still existence, they now own a a bar on the same premises. When asked about the chips, she said that she didn't have any pictures, but knows that they're mostly unplayed as they moved them all out of dad's house when he passed and they're taking up all the floor space in chip boxes in one of her closets.

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While the pictures she sent were quite blurry and not "chipper" photos by any means, it was clear that this was an epic score. We asked how soon we could stop by, and she said someone else had actually recently reached out to her but they weren't local. Lol we said we were local and could stop by dang near same day.....

She said yes! So @kmccormick100 dropped off myself and @RocAFella1 at the airport Friday morning. We packed and wheels up!

View attachment 1164804

Arriving in San Diego, we rented a car and saw that she had followed up to say she could meet us at the bar later that night when she closed - she would bring the chips and we could talk $.

Realizing that catching a 530 am flight was probably overkill, we had to find some stuff to do. We rented a car (Chris HAD to have a Tesla) and headed out to the coast.

We caught some pretty local fauna (!), went and looked at water (water in the bay or water in the south, it's all the same), and grabbed some amazing food. Burritos from Gringos was literally top 5 burrito of my life.

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View attachment 1164809

So now the turns and twists start. After lunch and hanging out for a bit, we take a drive. Following GPS, we end up out in the middle of nowhere in a lot of empty lots, stalls, very flea market on a saturday night turned horror movie-esque. We message and don't get a response for a bit, apparently the bar is *not* at the exact same place as the old card room. We're low on miles, been driving for a while, and *barely* make it to a charging station.

At this point we're getting a little stir crazy, we have a flight the next morning, but we're on a mission. We get charged up, Chris waters the bushes, and we're back out on our way.

View attachment 1164812

An hour later we finally get to the *right* bar. It's packed, apparently it was just after the local roller derby womens championship. We ask around if Lisa is there and nope, noone knows except she's closing that night (she closes the bar like 5 nights a week). I have her number so I text Lisa and yup, she's coming, but won't be there until 1. Whelp, what else do you do while waiting for someone at a bar until 1?! Shenanigans ensue.

View attachment 1164813

After a round or two or three, FINALLY Lisa comes in. We quickly make our hi how do you do's, and she apologizes but there were a lot more chips than she had remembered, she "forgot" that there was an entirely second set of chips that were never used back in the day. Husband and son helped load them up, but asked if we could help unload the truck.

Holy motherload lol. She was just so excited to have these out of the house finally, and while she didn't care too much about price or anything like that, was a little curious about pricing because someone else had also reached out. We came this far, so we would not be dissuaded.

Counting up all the chip boxes, it looked to equal about 30,000 ish chips. We didn't bring *that* much cash with us, but obviously have PP and cash app and all that, so we asked if we could huddle up. Chris and I chatted, and thought that given the condition of the chips, $15k seemed like a slam dunk offer for both sides.

We went back to Lisa and I said we have a number in mind, I have it written on my iphone right here. Tell us your number for *everything*, and let's see how close we are!

"Hmmmmmm....bout treefiddy?" That's when I looked up and we finally noticed that it was the got damn Lochness monster! We said damnit lochness monster we ain't giving you no money. So close.
Look I already gave her a dollar!

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