How do you keep points during a season? (1 Viewer)

We have a similar points system. Two exceptions:
  1. Regardless of field size, first 3 players eliminated all receive 3 points. 4th player eliminated receives 4 and so on.
  2. In the money players receive ‘bonus’ points. Depending on field size, we pay anywhere from 3 to 5 spots. Example, if 4 spots pay, bonus points are awarded as:
    • 1st place: 4 bonus points
    • 2nd place: 3 points
    • 3rd place: 2 points
    • 4th place: 1 point
In an 18 player field, 1st place would earn 18 + 4, for a total of 22 points.

For total season points, we drop the lowest score. This helps lower the feeling of being at a disadvantage if you miss a game.
You've got some really good ideas going here. Of the simple formats, I think this one is the best for a couple of reasons. First, the smoothing out of the bottom scores. Scoring the first three to bust out the same amount makes a lot more sense than the 4th player out getting 4 times as many points as the first. This also gives a bit of a participation reward without it being excessive. And then the bonus for in the money finishes adds extra reward for making money bubble. I might even add one more bonus point to the winner because, well, winning...

Good system. I would use this. I'm bookmarking this post.
We use a system that awards points to the top 8 finishers, with extra points to players who cash, as follows:

1st Place: (10 x Number of Buy-Ins) + (1 point for each $ of prize money won)
2nd Place: (8 x Number of Buy-Ins) + (1 point for each $ of prize money won)
3rd Place: (6 x Number of Buy-Ins) + (1 point for each $ of prize money won)
4th Place: (5 x Number of Buy-Ins) + (1 point for each $ of prize money won, if any)
8th Place: (1 x Number of Buy-Ins) + (1 point for each $ of prize money won, if any)
I always finish first.

white teeth troll GIF
First, the smoothing out of the bottom scores. Scoring the first three to bust out the same amount makes a lot more sense than the 4th player out getting 4 times as many points as the first. This also gives a bit of a participation reward without it being excessive.

Nailed it!
Why should you level out the bottom three places? I won a league last year with a last place finish so it does not mean you cannot stay competitive. If you’re last you’re last. No participation medals for the bottom 3, why don’t you just give the top three the same points then? I don’t get what makes that better.
Why should you level out the bottom three places? I won a league last year with a last place finish so it does not mean you cannot stay competitive. If you’re last you’re last. No participation medals for the bottom 3, why don’t you just give the top three the same points then? I don’t get what makes that better.
I thought I explained my reasoning in several prior posts, but I'll try to do better.

The leveling out of the bottom scores more appropriately reflects how poorly those participants played. The guy who busted out fourth in a two table tournament did not play four times better than the guy who busted out first, and doesn't deserve to get four times as many league points.

Also, this method more simply emulates the more complicated systems that some are using. The director of the league I participate in uses one of these complicated formulae. The folks who bust out early get very similar point awards. Here's the point awards from our tournament we played last week with 14 participants.


Note how there is very little advantage to busting out fourth as compared to first.

Another option to not giving those first three the exact same amount would be to just narrow the spread and start higher than 1. For example, you could grant 2.5, 3, 3.5, & 4 to the first four players out, then proceed to add a full point for each higher ranking place. Again, as you pointed out earlier, in the long run you are probably still going to arrive at about the same place in the end. But to me, this just feels better.

Ultimately, if you are happy with your method, then don't worry about it. Each tournament director is going to do it the way they are most comfortable with and that satisfies their group.
I level out the bottom three for the reasons @TX_Golf_N_Poker mentions. Is there really that much better play between first eliminated and third eliminated in a 2-3 table tourney?

But also, I want to encourage attendance. Coming in last and only earning 1 point is not much compared to the players who did not attend. So, as mentioned, a bit of a participation ‘bonus’ without being overly crazy.

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