Great Fit Bit Challenge of 2017 - Win Awesome Chips and Get Fit! (1 Viewer)

That's where I am at right now. I hit it about 4 times a week (run days) but can be as low as 3500 on the other 3 days (particularly when a non-run day is during the week).

Still in if any one wants to add me for Challenges, etc. We can put up cash or chips for another PCF challenge in January 2018.
I like the idea of playing for cash and running it like a tournament. Top 2-4 entrants get ITM, depending on how many PCFers join the challenge. Part of the entry fee could go to a high hand jackpot(most steps in a single day) at the end of the challenge. Stuff like that.
@leo822 @liftapint @Bill @detroitdad @WedgeRock @ChipEnvy @MacGrad @Burke @krafticus @bivey @Poker Zombie

As members that participated in, or showed interest in the last challenge, how do you all feel about my "tournament" idea?

Let's say we set a buy-in price, decide on running the challenge for 6-8 weeks or whatever, and pay the top 2-4 finishers depending on the number of participants. A portion of the buy in will go to the member with the highest single day step total at the end of the challenge. We could also siphon off a portion of the buy in for the highest amount of floors walked, and the most active hours total. This will hopefully encourage everyone to get out there and get their steps in and to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Oh, and per the suggestion by liftapint, up the daily step goal to 12,000 a day.

I'm personally excited to get started. I was thinking we could begin on Sunday Sept, 24th and run the challenge for 6 weeks. We can start a new thread and give more members a chance to join in. That means the finally day would be on Saturday. Nov, 4th, which happens to be right before daylight savings time ends.

I'd also have no problem being the TD this time around. Definitely don't want to step on @leo822's toes, as this is ultimately his brain child.

I don't have a problem with anything you listed. Problem is I don't have a fitbit. I normally use my phone. I don't think that is very accurate. I'd need time to acquire a cheap fitbit
@leo822 @liftapint @Bill @detroitdad @WedgeRock @ChipEnvy @MacGrad @Burke @krafticus @bivey @Poker Zombie

As members that participated in, or showed interest in the last challenge, how do you all feel about my "tournament" idea?

Let's say we set a buy-in price, decide on running the challenge for 6-8 weeks or whatever, and pay the top 2-4 finishers depending on the number of participants. A portion of the buy in will go to the member with the highest single day step total at the end of the challenge. We could also siphon off a portion of the buy in for the highest amount of floors walked, and the most active hours total. This will hopefully encourage everyone to get out there and get their steps in and to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Oh, and per the suggestion by liftapint, up the daily step goal to 12,000 a day.

I'm personally excited to get started. I was thinking we could begin on Sunday Sept, 24th and run the challenge for 6 weeks. We can start a new thread and give more members a chance to join in. That means the finally day would be on Saturday. Nov, 4th, which happens to be right before daylight savings time ends.

I'd also have no problem being the TD this time around. Definitely don't want to step on @leo822's toes, as this is ultimately his brain child.


I like it. How do you win the tournament? Most steps during the 6 (or 8) weeks? What if I don't hit 12,000 steps in a day, what happens?

What if we ran it like a tournament of indefinite length. You have to get 12,000 steps per day at least 5 days per week. If you miss that mark, you are eliminated. Keep playing until there is only one person left. To keep it moving, if no one is eliminated for say, any consecutive 3 weeks, then the fewest step total is the 3rd week is eliminated.

Or, for every day you hit the mark, you get a random card from a 52-card deck (this would limit it to 7 players). Worst hand each week gets eliminated. Then its not about hitting the most steps, just about hitting 12,000 per day.

However we do it, payouts could be done as follows:

10% of the buyin to the most steps in one day. (I'm fine if you guys want to do side pots for floors and most active hours, but I work on the first floor, so I don't often have the option to take stairs.)

90% of the buyin to the prize pool. Payouts as follows (same thing I use for my home tournaments):


Not a fitbit. Make sure you can link it with the Fitbit app so everyone can track each other through the Fitbit app.

Unless... Are we tracking this based on the honor system? If so, any pedometer will work fine.
I will not be able to participate. I will be changing employment shortly, and will not be able to wear any fitness trackers inside the building.
I am iffy at best. I tracked my steps along with the last challenge, but I would have been slaughtered. Some days there simply isn't enough time to get in 5,000 steps, much less 10,000 or 12,000.

Motivation would turn to depression very rapidly.
I personally don't like the idea of anything based on "person with most steps wins". The idea is to encourage everyone to succeed. And if a threshold is set, and you make it every day, then you shouldn't lose just because someone else is training for a marathon or something.

I am out if there is a "most steps wins" aspect of it.

I think it all needs to be based on "did you meet the threshold every day? (Yes/no)"
I personally don't like the idea of anything based on "person with most steps wins". The idea is to encourage everyone to succeed. And if a threshold is set, and you make it every day, then you shouldn't lose just because someone else is training for a marathon or something.

I am out if there is a "most steps wins" aspect of it.

I think it all needs to be based on "did you meet the threshold every day? (Yes/no)"

I agree with this, and I'd be out if there was the potential to be eliminated randomly even if you hit/exceeded the targets every day.
Yeah. I also like the wrinkle where if you miss in one day, but do double the next day (24k) to make up for it, then you are still alive. Allows for slip ups, but you have to be VERY motivated the next day to pay for your slip!
Trying to cull everyone's ideas and still keep it simple.

Cost: TBD
Rules: Must take 12,000 steps per day. If you miss a day, you can make it up by doing 24,000 steps the next day. If you miss your mark two days in a row (12,000 steps and the 24,000 step make-up), you are eliminated.*
Prizes: Final remaining steppers get prizes. Are we good with the payouts and percentages I proposed? Are we good for giving 10% to the person with the highest daily step total during the challenge?**

*At some point, people are going to get in a routine and just keep hitting their daily step total, and this challenge could never end. How do we start eliminating people once we get to that point? Or do we just let the survivors decide to chop if they want? What if 9 of 10 people are still left? There won't be much to chop. Its a fine balance between keeping everyone active and finding a way to award a winner to the challenge. Maybe if two weeks go by without an elimination, the lowest weekly step total for week three gets eliminated?

**My only thought here is, lets say we get 10 people. Person A gets 34,000 steps in a day, but is eliminated in 7th. Everyone else is just doing their 12,000 per day. Once its down to three people, one of those three can push for 35,000 steps to take the 10%... Maybe for most steps, EVERYONE is active until the challenge ends.
I forgot that I am having foot surgery next month, so trying to hit more than 1,000 steps a day when on crutches for 8 weeks might be -EV. I'll join in 2018!
Trying to cull everyone's ideas and still keep it simple.

Cost: TBD
Rules: Must take 12,000 steps per day. If you miss a day, you can make it up by doing 24,000 steps the next day. If you miss your mark two days in a row (12,000 steps and the 24,000 step make-up), you are eliminated.*
Prizes: Final remaining steppers get prizes. Are we good with the payouts and percentages I proposed? Are we good for giving 10% to the person with the highest daily step total during the challenge?**

*At some point, people are going to get in a routine and just keep hitting their daily step total, and this challenge could never end. How do we start eliminating people once we get to that point? Or do we just let the survivors decide to chop if they want? What if 9 of 10 people are still left? There won't be much to chop. Its a fine balance between keeping everyone active and finding a way to award a winner to the challenge. Maybe if two weeks go by without an elimination, the lowest weekly step total for week three gets eliminated?

**My only thought here is, lets say we get 10 people. Person A gets 34,000 steps in a day, but is eliminated in 7th. Everyone else is just doing their 12,000 per day. Once its down to three people, one of those three can push for 35,000 steps to take the 10%... Maybe for most steps, EVERYONE is active until the challenge ends.

Just do it like the OP?
I personally don't like the idea of anything based on "person with most steps wins". The idea is to encourage everyone to succeed. And if a threshold is set, and you make it every day, then you shouldn't lose just because someone else is training for a marathon or something.

I am out if there is a "most steps wins" aspect of it.

I think it all needs to be based on "did you meet the threshold every day? (Yes/no)"

I agree with not eliminating people, but how do we decide to split the winnings if we don't go with "most steps wins"? How did the group divide up the chips last time?

I'd personally love to be able to play for some rare chips but have nothing to offer up myself, and it seems to be the same for a few others as well. That's the only reason I thought of the tournament style and using a small buy in.
Consistency (making 12k steps EVERY day) is pretty hard, for people with a desk job, unless you are in a regular exercising routine! It's tougher than you think. And if someone is ELIMINATED after missing, that might make it more difficult than the original competition, where you could miss 3 times.

Sorry, you're organizing this thing. Set it up how you want, for sure!!

It's just that we all come at this from a different place, and to not have a "most steps" aspect, it let's couch potatoes still compete with marathon runners.
Consistency (making 12k steps EVERY day) is pretty hard, for people with a desk job, unless you are in a regular exercising routine! It's tougher than you think. And if someone is ELIMINATED after missing, that might make it more difficult than the original competition, where you could miss 3 times.

Sorry, you're organizing this thing. Set it up how you want, for sure!!

It's just that we all come at this from a different place, and to not have a "most steps" aspect, it let's couch potatoes still compete with marathon runners.

I like the idea of being able to miss 3 times. What about having one off day per week? Because, yeah, hitting that step goal can be tough at times. Sometimes I really just want to sit in bed all day :D

With football season here too, it'll likely be even tougher for some to get their daily steps in lol
I thought you were worried about it being too easy, and people not dropping out. If you make it EVERY day...people will drop out.
I thought you were worried about it being too easy, and people not dropping out. If you make it EVERY day...people will drop out.

Nah, I want as many people to join as possible. I mean this about staying active, fit, and healthy right?

If we can get people motivated to be active by winning chips or money, that's a good thing. The main reason why I don't like the elimination idea if we run it tourney style

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