cheaters gonna cheat.
I was thinking about this the other day, with the ease of obtaining glasses/contacts and ink, or marked decks, at what point do cards disappear and video displays are the only thing used. I know, it would be easy to make a program that cheated too, so you would still have to have some way of ensuring the randomness, perhaps a physical deck that is auto shuffled, random cut, and then the cards "scanned" as they are being dealt to the players, ensuring the casino/house would not have an edge, nor would the players. Kinda like the pai gow readers where they know the hand you are dealt. Suspicious of this, but not enough to not play...yet.
Of course, then someone would hack into the scanner and read the cards that the other players are receiving, so back to square one.
cheaters gonna cheat.
It sucks, and unfortunately it is a reality that scumbags are gonna take money from you because you try and trust your fellow man. All I can offer as defense is to have home games for low stakes where it is not worth cheating, only play with friends, or know you are going to be cheated against at some point and just be vigilant.
Or, join me at pai gow and video poker when not at a friendly home game / low stakes.