Bill Cosby Do You Think He's Guilty? (1 Viewer)

Is Bill Cosby Guilty of Rape?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 8 61.5%

  • Total voters


A new beginning
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Tampa FL
A decent # of women have been coming forward with rape allegations, but then again, Janice Dickinson, who is batshit crazy, so who knows?

I'm not sure what to think, anyone have an opinion on this one?

need five options in the poll imo:

is bill cosby guilty of rape?

(1) yes
(2) probably
(3) don't know
(4) probably not
(5) no

although anyone who answers (1) or (5) is a moron.
It's possible with so many women coming forward, but the last allegation I saw from a woman was hard to believe. She said she was drugged, almost raped, convinced Bill she had a disease and he went for the blowjob instead. Then she accepts an invitation to his show and it happens again. Why would she decide to go back for more when she knew Bill allegedly drugged her and assaulted her the first time ??
I htink I'd vote Don't Care.

That said, he had a house in the town neighboring the one I grew up with. I had a girlfriend who's mom played bridge with bill's mom, and bill and I shared a dental hygenist. He and I got our doctorates from the same department at UMass.

Still don't care.
At first I was in the not sure camp. Janice Dickinson has zero credibility. But now that we're up to like, 20 accusers it seems to me I'm leaning into the "probably guilty" camp. When I mention this to people who believe he's innocent they respond with "why did the women wait so long to come forward?"


1. It's VERY hard for a woman to admit she's been raped, regardless of who the rapist is. There's significant amounts of shame, victim blaming, etc

2. You're talking about accusing a guy who everyone assumes is exactly like his beloved tv persona, who is going to believe one woman coming forward?

If you look at some tv celebs, oftentimes they are complete opposites of their characters. Sherman Helmsley played a loud-mouthed obnoxious guy (George Jefferson) but in real life is very shy, quiet and timid. Bob Sagget on Full House was the lovable Dad, but in real life he's a complete dick who swears every other sentence for shock value (because he just isn't funny and that's the only way to get attention)

Two actors that are complete polar opposites of their tv personas. So I can definitely see Cosby being the same here. There's too much smoke now for there not to be a fire
I sincerely hope it isn't true because he is the last of a long line of great comedians from that era that hasn't died or been convicted.

BUT...this is funny


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Hard to say, at first I thought it was all about the money but there are quite a few women that are claiming it so not sure at this point.
Whether he is guilty or not is no longer relevant. He has been rendered a pariah in the court of public opinion.
Whether he is guilty or not is no longer relevant. He has been rendered a pariah in the court of public opinion.

I disagree with this as a blanket statement, the same situation applied with Michael Jackson. There are plenty of people who didn't believe the allegations of abuse and I think the same applies with Cosby.
But, whether they believe them or not, it does not change the notion that Cosby is finished in terms of his career. Hell, there are people who think OJ was innocent, too, but how much work has he gotten since the trial?

Jackson is an interesting case for this . . . how BIG does your fame have to be before you are virtually immune from negative publicity? Does anyone think that Ray Rice will be unemployed next season?

Cosby (and Ghomeshi here in Canada) has basically been in semi-retirement for a while now. What if this were happening to, say, Justin Timberlake? Tyler Perry?
I believe the key in Cosby's case is: Is the first accuser telling the truth?

Cosby is both wealthy and famous. Once such an allegation is made, any number of people who've had even casual contact with him might see an opportunity to cash in and get rich by making a claim for themselves, and gain a little fame for themselves, too. (Janice Dickinson?)

I can't be certain either way.
That is sort of what I am getting at . . . the antipathy and ambivalence of the average observer. This is part of the problem with trial by twitter. Facts are whatever a particular tweet says they are. I think the rise in conspiracy theories of ALL manner has been predicated on the exponential exposure provided by the internet. People who used to be lone moonbats shouting on an obscure street corner, now have an outlet that allows them to reach a much wider audience for their drivel.
Cosby is both wealthy and famous. Once such an allegation is made, any number of people who've had even casual contact with him might see an opportunity to cash in and get rich by making a claim for themselves, and gain a little fame for themselves, too. (Janice Dickinson?)

I can't be certain either way.

My initial reaction was "Janice Dickinson? C'mon bro, she has ZERO credibility"

But now we're up to 20 accusers. Also, I believe back in 2006 Janice was on the Howard Stern show and made some pretty damning comments regarding Cosby then. At this point there's so much smoke I'm fairly confident there is fire.

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