Giveaway Milli-Post Palooza! (1 Viewer)

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I just hit a thousand me clear out some extra chips!

Post whatever you want in the thread by 10PM EDT on July 14th. Anyone who posts in the thread will be [pseudo] randomly ranked, and starting from the top of the list, each member will have the opportunity to select a prize until all the prizes have been claimed. Many were given to me through giveaways or otherwise through the generosity of members. Thank you all, never thought I'd make it to 1000 posts on any kind of forum, but this is a truly great community.

If the prize you choose is more than one barrel, you'll be responsible for shipping costs. Otherwise, I'll cover shipping by mail with no tracking or insurance (winner can cover the cost of these if they prefer).

Prize list in the next post.
Thanks for the contest
Congratulations on 1000!
Count me in if I’m not too late!
Interested in F, J, or K.
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Allright, time to get started, sorry everyone for the delay. Here's how this will work:
  1. Preliminary: I've recorded the username of everyone who posted in the first 87 posts of this thread, filtered out the duplicates, and sorted alphabetically so it's easy to see no one has been entered twice. Everyone (except me) will be given a random number, and then we'll sort the list by the random seed, with the 13 members with highest numbers being advanced to Round 2.
  2. Finals: The 13 finalists will play each other in a round of holdem. The winner will get first choice of the 13 available prizes, and the 12 remaining finalists will play again. The next winner will have second choice of prizes, and the remaining 11 finalists will play again, and so on...
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