What's your favorite phrase to hear at the poker table? (2 Viewers)

I like to get naked. Do you have a room where I can get naked here?
(True quote from a few years ago...I declined as did everyone else at the table..but still liked hearing it!)
Depends on who's saying it. You don't want me saying it, that's for sure.
I like to get naked. Do you have a room where I can get naked here?
(True quote from a few years ago...I declined as did everyone else at the table..but still liked hearing it!)
We used to play with a guy that the ongoing joke was he would turn up the thermostat to get the guys to strip off layers of clothing... it was pretty funny and he would go on insta-tilt when we would bring it up. hahahahahah

Could've used that naked room I guess hahahah

This is how I identify my next target...the person from which I hear..."rebuy!!!"
Happened to me last night on last hand of cash game. Player to my right was a dealer at the card house and playing on his day off. Was having a terrible run with constant bad beats for the last 3 hours or so I played.

Had to make at least 2 trips over to the ATM throughout. I ran out of time (pay by the hour for your seat in Texas) and was asked if I wanted to buy more.

Said no this would be my last hand but one of the employees said I couldn’t play another hand without buying time. Unfortunately for the player on my right, the dealer had already dealt me cards so they allowed me one more hand.

Whole table knew I was leaving with my chips already racked up. I’m BB. Here’s the quick version of the hand:

Me: KdJd
Tilted Guy:8s8c

I raise $15 pre-flop, everybody folds, he calls.

Flop: Kh7s3c

He checks, I bet $25, he calls

Turn: 4d

He bets $50, I call

River: 9h

He checks, I bet $50, he re-raises to $200, I snap call.

Walked out of there a very happy man but that table was nuts. I know how he feels! Tough to watch.
Dude busted out of our PLO cash game, guy to my right (6 seat) "send us another Christian"
When you are bluffing the river and your opponent taps their cards while looking at them and says "damn, missed all my draws" and folds a hand that is still better than your bluff. :)

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