The IRON BANK mock ups (5 Viewers)


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May 6, 2013
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The Wall
Just starting this thread for all things Iron Bank.

Will mainly just be posting ideas as they come to me for the cash set.

The original idea


and the new ideas

.25 - Arryn
$1 - Stark
$5 - Lannister
$20 - Baratheon
$25 - Mormont
$100 - Targaryen

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For some reason all your pic links are coming in broken to me (on Tapatalk). Anyone else having that problem?
i don't see any pictures or links and i'm on a laptop using chrome.
I was thinking about this theme and I am coming up with so many cool (and expensive) extra things you could do with it outside the chips it is scary.
Strange, works fine for my phone and laptop

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Why a $20 and $25?

Mormont seems like a lesser house to be included in this group.

Nothing is set in stone, also yes Mormont is a lesser house but Jorah Mormont does play a pretty big part in the story. And its green.... :)

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Uploaded pics from laptop instead of linking from chiptalk, hopefully that works
They are there now. Can't wait to see what the J5 art looks like on these!

Why a $20 and $25?

Mormont seems like a lesser house to be included in this group.

Agreed the $20 and $25 is strange together in a set. Also agreed Mormont is strange when the other houses in this set are the big mofo houses from SOIAF.
I'm open to suggestions. Nothing is set yet.

The reason for a $20 and a $25 was because there have been some enquiries(?) about purchasing sets. It will happen, so I wanted the option of both. It may end up being a pointless exercise but I'm just spitballing right now.
I'm finding it hard to pick anything but the original edge spots, especially for the Stark, Lannister and Targaryen chips.
All I can say is YES!!! Awesome mockup. Cannot wait for a sample set of these.


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So are you thinking E&C or FDL molds (is E&C even still available? ...and it would be more like mammoths in GoT land anyway, right?)
I've always been fond of the mandarin red w/ yellow + DG yellow combo. Hard to go wrong with any spot pattern with those colors :)
I'm open to suggestions. Nothing is set yet.

The reason for a $20 and a $25 was because there have been some enquiries(?) about purchasing sets. It will happen, so I wanted the option of both. It may end up being a pointless exercise but I'm just spitballing right now.

Make your $25 house Reyne and 86 it.

I see your point about having it, but I think most people require the 25s for tournaments more than cash....provided there is a $20 option. Also, with 2 books still to come, there may be another house worth adding in the future.

I've always been fond of the mandarin red w/ yellow + DG yellow combo. Hard to go wrong with any spot pattern with those colors :)

The Lannister chip is the nuts.

I'm also surprisingly into the House Arryn chip
What you need to do is to print two different houses with the same denomination.

Halfway through a tournament, run one house off and replace it with the other.
I was thinking about this theme and I am coming up with so many cool (and expensive) extra things you could do with it outside the chips it is scary.

Dont hold out on me :) share the ideas that'll send me broke and divorced.

What you need to do is to print two different houses with the same denomination.

Halfway through a tournament, run one house off and replace it with the other.

Just throw the Tully chips on the floor yelling "DIE" and replace them with Frey chips?

Dont hold out on me :) share the ideas that'll send me broke and divorced.

Ok keep in mind all of these are excessive I know. Just the way my mind works.

Ok so your set is the Iron Bank? I think the chips should be stored in a positively medieval cash box. I'm talking a completely iron monstrosity that requires a key the size of your hand to open. You would probably have to have it custom made unless you get really lucky at an antique store and I'm sure it would cost a fortune.

If you have or are entertaining having multiple tables I think each table should have a unique custom graphic. The idea? Make each graphic represent a unique location from the SOIAF world and recreate the feel of the game map from the opening credits of the TV show (ex Winterfel, Kings Landing, Harrenhal, The Aerie, etc.)

Have custom made drink/eating tables made using a Dothraki theme. Have them carved to resemble horses and have the holders hold horns instead of standard glasses. You can actually find drinking horns fairly easily online.

Like I said, ridiculous and excessive but I thought of all three of those in about fifteen minutes of mulling. A set with as rich a theme as this is only limited by your imagination.

I do some woodworking, and I'd give it a try for materials cost, but shipping would hurt.
I'm actually looking at local garage sales and antique shop for a old chest to fit the chips in. There's not much around though.

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