Giveaway Lady Liberty DB misprints (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Feb 6, 2019
Reaction score
Iowa, USA
I ordered these dealer buttons for another member here, and when the file was downloaded by the vendor, a setting was missed and the image printed very pixelated as seen in the photo below. The vendor has since corrected the printing error (within a couple of days, I might add!), but as a result, I have over 20 misprinted dealer buttons available for the cost of shipping.

You don't need to take the entire lot, but it would be nice to ship these in as few packages as possible.

Maybe you are a super patriotic guy who doesn't care about the pixelation. Or maybe you have devious plans involving drills and/or saws to experiment with. Regardless, just post in this thread how many you want, and I'll get these out the door.

Lady Liberty.jpeg
We have a nice collection of dealers buttons (in an awesome storage system thanks to @BearMetal ), but I cannot imagine adding more than one to the collection. That said, if you are not able to move them, I'm happy to take several and share them with local PCFers and poker players in my area.
We have a nice collection of dealers buttons (in an awesome storage system thanks to @BearMetal ), but I cannot imagine adding more than one to the collection. That said, if you are not able to move them, I'm happy to take several and share them with local PCFers and poker players in my area.
Exactly why I passed, I don’t want to take more than I need. I hope somebody can use these, they aren’t that bad and you can kind of convince yourself that it’s artsy. Lol
I would/could take a bunch from you and use them as giveaways at my next poker game. Guys love freebies and they would get used for sure. I can take whatever you don't move elsewhere. I don't want them all and am fine if I get none. But I will use whatever you might want to send. Just let me know!
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