[Closed] Joker Plastic Playing Cards (2 Viewers)

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Accounted for so far:

Mathieu (8 setups)
sergiophil (10 setups)
krafticus (6 setups)
MoeTremper (20 setups)
SiouxperStack (5 setups)
Forty4 (2 setups?)
Josh Kifer (however many fit in a MFRB - will find out tomorrow)

Seller wasn't available for me to pick up the cards today. I'm going to pick up 100 setups from her tomorrow and get them shipped over the weekend. Please hold your payments for now, I will post Paypal once I have the cards in hand.

I’m in, quantities TBD based on how many will fit in a SFRB or MFRB. I thought we discussed this? Apologies for not being able to be more specific in terms of numbers
Actually give me 10 decks. Even 5 sets of 2 decks. Thanks
Someone on FB marketplace with like 250+ setups.

If the group buy doesn't account for her entire stock, I've offered to pick up the rest and forward them on to Texas Poker Supply if they need a reload. Least I could do after linking their page... all I wanted to do is not steal credit for their great pictures, lol.
Does kind of depending on the packaging that the cards are in. I started to look into that this morning but didn’t get far. Thinking six will fit in a SFRB bulging. I believe two SFRB’s will fit into flat rate priority envelope.
Please put me down for 8 decks (or the number that would fit in flat rate envelope). Thank you!
Looks like 99 setups accounted for so far. I'll be picking up the cards in a couple hours. I'm raising the order to 150 setups to accommodate anyone else who wants to get in on this. After I pick up the cards, I'll stop by the post office to get boxes and figure out how many fit in them.

EDIT: seller decided to push the meet&grab off till tomorrow. FML.
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I'll take 10 set ups. If I don't like 'em I can always donate them to the senior community where my dad lives. They are some big-time Bridge hustlers.
Looks like

20 set ups (40 decks) fit into a MFRB +$14.35

30 set ups (60 decks) fit into LFRB +$19.95

Maybe can get a few more in depending on packaging.

Edit: just realized I used bridge size, but should still work out to about those numbers.
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So I’ll take a MFRB worth. 20 set ups.

If I’m reading that correctly it’ll be $54.35.
At this price, why not. Assuming we haven't figured out how many will fit in a flat rate envelope (I might have missed it). Assuming it is 8 setups, I will take 8 otherwise change it to whatever fits. Thanks!
I'm gonna try to up the buy to 200 setups. Next update coming later today when I pick them up.

If 8 fit in to a SFRB, I’ll just add the extra 2.

If only krafticus’ 6 fit for some reason (in a SFRB), I’ll take 14 more to fill out a MFRB
Making the pickup in about an hour. Seller let me know they only have 175 total setups.
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