What is the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house? (1 Viewer)

Weird ... dramatic ... only 2 bad experiences at our place.

We had a player drop a racial slur once, that led to the table being flipped, and a half hearted attempt at not allowing him to be beaten; but really we just didn't want anything broken. That was like 20 years ago. Cash out was kind of a disaster on top of it all.

Then maybe a decade ago some clown got shitfaced, and pissed all over the bathroom, then fell asleep on the couch ... as the harm was already done let his buddy finish up before waking him.
My buddy said it took him about 15 minutes to even remember who she was. They went out for a couple months while she was separated from him, before their divorce.
Man, if I ran into the guy who slept with my girlfriend that long ago, I'd buy him a drink and shake his hand. I would never have met and married Mrs S if it weren't for him.
Who had me taking first? You can collect. First out. Lol

I will be defending this next meet up

We have a regular who always sits down for one orbit at the start then goes and takes a shit and then comes back. Without fail, every single game.

I’m sure which part is weird might be up for debate.
Had a player drop the mondo deuce and proceed to need/use so much TP that they clogged the turlet. We have a bidet…

Banned! Shit on your own premises!!

Do that shit at home!

@LowerBama1714 see! It’s a rule for a reeeeeason
I had a player come back to my house at 4:00 am, about four hours after the game broke up. He just walked in the unlocked front door. This sets off the schnauzer pack - very loud / very startling.

I was still up and in my office with the lights off. We meet in the poker room - I ask why he is here and why he thought it was a good idea to just walk in the house. He says that he left his book and came to get it back. I never saw said book and we didn't find any book. I thought he might be trying to grab the bank.

I get him out of the house and banned him a few days later. -=- DrStrange

PS at the time we lived on 160 acers in the middle of nowhere. No point in locking doors. No one ever just drives by on my half-mile dirt road/driveway. And if they did show up with ill intent, no one is going to hear breaking glass. Rather they just come in and saved leaded glass.

PPS lucky for my errant poker player that I did not keep firearms with a house full of kids. Dude could have easily been shot by lots of people.
Not my story, but one of my players. Years ago he hosted games regularly with another poker friend when they lived together, lots of poker, drinking and smoking happened back then (not much has changed lol).

So they have a game going and get a text from a guy they know that wants to play. He owed the host money but they let him play anyways (bad decision). He shows and they play all night, it’s like 8am the next day and the game breaks. Host is cashing players out and tells the guy he is putting his cash out towards the IOU. Guy freaks out and says he needs the money, he told his girl he had been playing all night and won big, so he needed the money since he told her. Host refused and says get out. The guys go to bed only to be woken up a little while later to police officers banging on their door!! Guy called the cops and said he had been robbed by the hosts. They both get arrested.

Case was eventually thrown out but it still cost them a bunch in lawyer fees.

Host screwed up by not making it clear he would hold any winnings towards the IOU before the guy started playing.
Not my story, but one of my players. Years ago he hosted games regularly with another poker friend when they lived together, lots of poker, drinking and smoking happened back then (not much has changed lol).

So they have a game going and get a text from a guy they know that wants to play. He owed the host money but they let him play anyways (bad decision). He shows and they play all night, it’s like 8am the next day and the game breaks. Host is cashing players out and tells the guy he is putting his cash out towards the IOU. Guy freaks out and says he needs the money, he told his girl he had been playing all night and won big, so he needed the money since he told her. Host refused and says get out. The guys go to bed only to be woken up a little while later to police officers banging on their door!! Guy called the cops and said he had been robbed by the hosts. They both get arrested.

Case was eventually thrown out but it still cost them a bunch in lawyer fees.

Host screwed up by not making it clear he would hold any winnings towards the IOU before the guy started playing.
What the fuck is up with where you live and payouts? Never heard of such a shit show :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
i played in a local game around here that someone brought some beer from a local brewery. The beer was delicious but upset my stomach. Felt like I needed to rush home with the Hershey squirts. Left the game, jumped in my car and headed home only to find they shut the highway down while I was on it. I was in standstill traffic for more than any hour while my stomach is gurgling. Glad my anus is still tight to hold back the mud floodgates. I wasn’t going to make it home and shat my pants. Finally started moving and I pulled over the first exit to find a McDonald’s only I entered the shopping center wrong and it had not entrance to McDonalds. I didn’t have time as the seal was going to blow again so I jumped out my car and leaned against a brick wall in front of the drive thru. It sprayed out of me like when someone bumps your beer bottle and you try to cover with your thumb. I had to use an old sweatshirt in my trunk to clean up and go home.

I drive by that McDonald all the time but haven’t stopped to see if my sweatshirt is still there

I still see that beer on the shelves and am tempted to try it again.

@Greenackers22 Lol
This happened to a friend of mine when he was hosting. When I got there, there were several players pretty drunk and they were still doing jäger shots. One guy goes to use the bathroom and takes for ever. I'm next in line and now the host has to use the bathroom so I obv. let him cut and he hammers on the door. The player finally comes out and the host goes in. 20 seconds later host comes out again with a What the hell, guy?! When I look in, the toilet ring and lid is removed from the toilet and placed in the shower to cover up the vomit in the shower. He didn't take a shower, he just puked there, then removed the toilet ring and lid to cover it. The player went "It wasn't me!".
i played in a local game around here that someone brought some beer from a local brewery. The beer was delicious but upset my stomach. Felt like I needed to rush home with the Hershey squirts. Left the game, jumped in my car and headed home only to find they shut the highway down while I was on it. I was in standstill traffic for more than any hour while my stomach is gurgling. Glad my anus is still tight to hold back the mud floodgates. I wasn’t going to make it home and shat my pants. Finally started moving and I pulled over the first exit to find a McDonald’s only I entered the shopping center wrong and it had not entrance to McDonalds. I didn’t have time as the seal was going to blow again so I jumped out my car and leaned against a brick wall in front of the drive thru. It sprayed out of me like when someone bumps your beer bottle and you try to cover with your thumb. I had to use an old sweatshirt in my trunk to clean up and go home.

I drive by that McDonald all the time but haven’t stopped to see if my sweatshirt is still there

I still see that beer on the shelves and am tempted to try it again.

@Greenackers22 Lol
We were having a normal night and this new beer is going down great. A couple hours go by and a player who has also been drinking this beer abruptly punts his stack and leaves. He had a good reason and I didn’t think twice about it. Maybe 30 minutes go by and I start to feel stomach cramps and hear gurgling like I’ve never heard before. Drunk me decides to eat some buffalo chicken dip, which although delicious, had the equivalent effect of adding a mentos to a bottle of coke.

I could not bring myself to unleash these demons in the hosts bathroom so I made a quick exit from the game and after basically crawling to the sidewalk for my ride, I texted the player who exited early. Turns out he isn’t feeling well either and shit on the side of a building on his way home!

Finally got home and had a true Harry Dunne-esque experience.

And that was the last time I had sour from that brewery. Glad we can laugh about it now @joeyshin
We were having a normal night and this new beer is going down great. A couple hours go by and a player who has also been drinking this beer abruptly punts his stack and leaves. He had a good reason and I didn’t think twice about it. Maybe 30 minutes go by and I start to feel stomach cramps and hear gurgling like I’ve never heard before. Drunk me decides to eat some buffalo chicken dip, which although delicious, had the equivalent effect of adding a mentos to a bottle of coke.

I could not bring myself to unleash these demons in the hosts bathroom so I made a quick exit from the game and after basically crawling to the sidewalk for my ride, I texted the player who exited early. Turns out he isn’t feeling well either and shit on the side of a building on his way home!

Finally got home and had a true Harry Dunne-esque experience.

And that was the last time I had sour from that brewery. Glad we can laugh about it now @joeyshin

I almost bought some to take to the alpha meetup. Lol
So we have a regular at our games who is a large guy. Like 6'4"-6'6" I'm guessing and essentially a power lifter. He eats a lot. So on occasion I will provide food free of charge and just ask for people to donate. Sadly most don't but that's a whole other subject.

Anyway this regular will eat 4-5 peoples worth of food, easily. So we always have this running joke if there's food to get it before the "regular" gets there. So I have a few food stories.

One night my wife just made hot dogs, had chips and stuff just simple dinner/snack to go with the game. This regular ate 12....12 hot dogs and asked if he could take the remaining with him when he left.

Situation 2, my wife made brownies. Unknown to me she made enough for everyone to have one brownie at the game to have one brownie with a few leftovers. This regular comes back in the poker room with a whole plate full of brownies. Probably 10-12 brownies. Needless to say only a couple other players got some.

And the pièce de résistance. We didn't have food this night. My wife was working on things for my daughters birthday the next day, party stuff, presents, cake...so anyway she made the cake and had it sitting on the stove, the regular comes in and just helps himself with his bare hand scooping out a handful of my daughters birthday cake.
So we have a regular at our games who is a large guy. Like 6'4"-6'6" I'm guessing and essentially a power lifter. He eats a lot. So on occasion I will provide food free of charge and just ask for people to donate. Sadly most don't but that's a whole other subject.

Anyway this regular will eat 4-5 peoples worth of food, easily. So we always have this running joke if there's food to get it before the "regular" gets there. So I have a few food stories.

One night my wife just made hot dogs, had chips and stuff just simple dinner/snack to go with the game. This regular ate 12....12 hot dogs and asked if he could take the remaining with him when he left.

Situation 2, my wife made brownies. Unknown to me she made enough for everyone to have one brownie at the game to have one brownie with a few leftovers. This regular comes back in the poker room with a whole plate full of brownies. Probably 10-12 brownies. Needless to say only a couple other players got some.

And the pièce de résistance. We didn't have food this night. My wife was working on things for my daughters birthday the next day, party stuff, presents, cake...so anyway she made the cake and had it sitting on the stove, the regular comes in and just helps himself with his bare hand scooping out a handful of my daughters birthday cake.

We need the follow up. Was he sorry? Has he ever bought or brought food? Did he buy another damn cake? wtf. Seriously
I don't care if you gotta go in my house, sometimes you just can't avoid that. Let it out.

We once had a huge argument between 2 players over whether French Guiana was a country or a colony. It actually started to get pretty heated, and I had to stop it before it escalated. I could see both people were getting visibly angry, and while I doubt either would have thrown a punch, it was a really bad look for them. One was my neighbor a few doors down, and the other is a long time reg at my game. Almost kicked them both out right there.

We've also had a few watches, chips, and various things thrown at walls in the basement. All done by the host after brutal bad beats and a bad temper. Host has since learned to control his tilt.

Host also once got slow rolled by the French Guiana guy .. and jumped up onto the table (host was in the 2 seat, FG guy was in the 8 seat). Host was trying to be funny to knock over his chips, but it didn't look that way. Not a great look for the host.

I'm sure other things have happened that I either missed or cannot remember.
We need the follow up. Was he sorry? Has he ever bought or brought food? Did he buy another damn cake? wtf. Seriously
He's chipped in a couple times, and no he didn't replace the cake. As a matter of fact a few weeks ago the same thing happened. My wife was making red velvet cupcakes for my future son in laws birthday had them on the counter to cool before icing them. Friend comes in after the break and says "were we supposed to eat the cupcakes?" I said "no...why?" I was like omg not again, and sure enough he had ate uniced red velvet cupcakes that were for someone else's birthday.
So we have a regular at our games who is a large guy. Like 6'4"-6'6" I'm guessing and essentially a power lifter. He eats a lot. So on occasion I will provide food free of charge and just ask for people to donate. Sadly most don't but that's a whole other subject.

Anyway this regular will eat 4-5 peoples worth of food, easily. So we always have this running joke if there's food to get it before the "regular" gets there. So I have a few food stories.

One night my wife just made hot dogs, had chips and stuff just simple dinner/snack to go with the game. This regular ate 12....12 hot dogs and asked if he could take the remaining with him when he left.

Situation 2, my wife made brownies. Unknown to me she made enough for everyone to have one brownie at the game to have one brownie with a few leftovers. This regular comes back in the poker room with a whole plate full of brownies. Probably 10-12 brownies. Needless to say only a couple other players got some.

And the pièce de résistance. We didn't have food this night. My wife was working on things for my daughters birthday the next day, party stuff, presents, cake...so anyway she made the cake and had it sitting on the stove, the regular comes in and just helps himself with his bare hand scooping out a handful of my daughters birthday cake.
Seriously WTF
He's chipped in a couple times, and no he didn't replace the cake. As a matter of fact a few weeks ago the same thing happened. My wife was making red velvet cupcakes for my future son in laws birthday had them on the counter to cool before icing them. Friend comes in after the break and says "were we supposed to eat the cupcakes?" I said "no...why?" I was like omg not again, and sure enough he had ate uniced red velvet cupcakes that were for someone else's birthday.

This is who I picture.
So we have a regular at our games who is a large guy. Like 6'4"-6'6" I'm guessing and essentially a power lifter. He eats a lot. So on occasion I will provide food free of charge and just ask for people to donate. Sadly most don't but that's a whole other subject.

Anyway this regular will eat 4-5 peoples worth of food, easily. So we always have this running joke if there's food to get it before the "regular" gets there. So I have a few food stories.

One night my wife just made hot dogs, had chips and stuff just simple dinner/snack to go with the game. This regular ate 12....12 hot dogs and asked if he could take the remaining with him when he left.

Situation 2, my wife made brownies. Unknown to me she made enough for everyone to have one brownie at the game to have one brownie with a few leftovers. This regular comes back in the poker room with a whole plate full of brownies. Probably 10-12 brownies. Needless to say only a couple other players got some.

And the pièce de résistance. We didn't have food this night. My wife was working on things for my daughters birthday the next day, party stuff, presents, cake...so anyway she made the cake and had it sitting on the stove, the regular comes in and just helps himself with his bare hand scooping out a handful of my daughters birthday cake.
Thats horrible. Had a friend who was an intense lifter like that and was insatiable but made sure he brought tons of food to the function or paid me ahead of time to make triple what I expected. Then all you had to worry about were the protein shake farts.
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Time to talk to the guy about his lack of control over things that are not his. What a self important douche. I would probably get beaten by him, but only once, and he would never be welcome again. That’s just pushing friendship too far.
Situation 2, my wife made brownies. Unknown to me she made enough for everyone to have one brownie at the game to have one brownie with a few leftovers. This regular comes back in the poker room with a whole plate full of brownies. Probably 10-12 brownies. Needless to say only a couple other players got some.
I can’t understand how anybody could behave like that. How do you take more than one for yourself, leaving not enough for everybody else? Who behaves like that?
Don’t you think you need to have a talk with him?
Once had a guy who we'll call "Pizza Guy" text me the morning of a STT to tell me he was coming from a dinner & he might be a few minutes late so just go ahead & blind him. (Non drinker non 420 guy for the record)

:45 min after it started he showed up complaining he didn't like the food where he went & he was still a little hungry. I offered him the only thing I had but he declined because he really wanted pizza.

So for a half an hour he debated which pizza he should get. He settled on the one place that didn't deliver AND wasnt on his food delivery app.

He went to go pick it up which was only a couple of miles away but didn't return for over an hour. (We were all kinda shocked when he returned that he hadn't eaten any of it--What was he doing the whole time?)

Anyway by the time he had scarfed down a slice or two half the table had been eliminated & he was almost in the money. One guy who was eliminated asked if he could have a slice but Pizza Guy said no because he wanted to eat it when he got home.

Pizza guy finally sits back at the table & immediately gets involved in a big hand, goes All-in & gets felted.

He then continued to sit there quietly until the very end of the tournament and exited with the winner & runner up.....without his pizza.

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