What is the "range" for Paulson now... (1 Viewer)


High Hand
May 5, 2020
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New to thread and wanted to put together a Paulson set (sold my last one many years ago) and was thinking I could build a decent set for $1-2K...turns out holding onto those would have been a better investment than school! ha!

What is the typical range now? Clearly $1-2 seems outdated. I saw 600 brand new top hat and canes for $3,800 or so, however over $6 seems crazy...

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated before I go out and buy around 1K chips

New to thread and wanted to put together a Paulson set (sold my last one many years ago) and was thinking I could build a decent set for $1-2K...turns out holding onto those would have been a better investment than school! ha!

What is the typical range now? Clearly $1-2 seems outdated. I saw 600 brand new top hat and canes for $3,800 or so, however over $6 seems crazy...

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated before I go out and buy around 1K chips

It depends on what you want. The market is kind of flush right now with mint RHC mold Paulsons for $2 apiece or less. you can find Paulsons for under a buck a chip or for $8 or more per chip, depending on what you're looking for.
I really liked the world top hat and cane set - the one sold by Paulson to retail (i.e., was not from a casino)...saw some stuff on eBay and even was willing to make a good offer but felt like they wanted to hold firm north of $6/chip...which led me here to do research!
For example, all the brown colored links in this sale are still active and in stock - there's horseshoe Cincinnati chips in all denoms to build a set.

These also came to market recently, and pretty cheap for mint chips, but there are only $1's and $25's left.

And any day now, this guy is gonna post a 28,000 chips

Other than that, there's the classifieds, where, as I said, you'll see Paulsons from under a buck apiece to over ten.
Much appreciated - thanks for the info! Okay at least I can sleep knowing not everything is going for $5+ per chip haha
Now I remember, the set was the Big Apple, I sold probably over 10K of those in college...ha!

Now I remember, the set was the Big Apple, I sold probably over 10K of those in college...ha!
Wrong thread...
Hey @Vector777

Welcome to the forum sir, first and foremost:)

We're all like-minded folk here and love our chips, and I'd like to share my thoughts on your original question.

The prices of Paulsons are really subjective first to what it is you want out of them, be it for tournaments or cash games. Then figure out how many players you will typically be hosting. With a budget of $2K, you can definitely build or buy a completed set of some type of Paulson's set.

The best thing to do is spend a small amount of the budget on some samples. Get a feel for different types. Maybe try out some hybrids, ceramics, and plastic. Plastic is the new craze it seems, but I can't stand it. **So I'd recommend sticking to Paulsons or CPC ( www.classicpokerchips.com ) This is just my opinion.**

You can buy and sell most of your needs and wants right here in the Classifieds section of the site. eBay can be a great source of deals when you manage to unearth them, but better to do a bit of learning here to understand what the prices ought to be. Don't get screwed by some eBay seller who won't give a damn if you are happy or sad with your purchase. The sellers here are going to care :) (they should anyways)

As far as prices of Paulsons, man, the range is mentally exhausting and will likely blow your mind. I'm a total newbie around PCF. I've been here for 15 months now. I'm an active user although I am in financial ruin. Haha. That's a mild joke, but I have spent too much and I'm back in rehab for a long while. That said, I've got Paulsons that were as little as $1.50 each all the way to $30 single chips. I've got barrels of chips that cost $400 ($20/chip) and everything else in between.

It's all subjective to what you want, how many you need, for the games you will want to spread etc.

You can always drop me a PM and I love to try to help in any way I can. I host games as well. I have cash and Tournament Paulsons sets. 1 single CPC set. I'm not anywhere near the level of the senior members around here, but I've been a quick study of this place.

Most of all, enjoy the site, the community, and watch your budget. It can get blurry REAL DAM FAST!
Much appreciated! My objective when I first started looking was to put together a cash set, we play 1-2 or 2-5 on a good day, and I really like these ones https://www.amazon.com/paulson-world-tophat-aluminium-silver/dp/b001cpieby ...always have wanted that set! There was a set on eBay brand new 600 that looked perfect, but I got auto rejected with a $1,500 offer so made me feel like I was playing a whole different game than I thought from a price perspective.

I know the addiction, unfortunately the itch is just beginning again...so you guys may see a lift on the demand side of the curve in the market haha
If u are looking for a full new set of Paulson for the 1-2k range I think thAt the horseshoe cincys are A great option. UpNdown gave u the link above. The chip exchange is selling brand new mint chips. That is the set that I break out for my regular game and they look great. U will be able to get plenty of all the denominations well within ur price range. The only exception will be the pumpkins, which depending on how many u need may exceed ur budget a bit (assuming I need them). Good luck with the search!
A wide budget range of $1-2K will be able to get you quite a lot, even these days. You just have to figure out how many chips you need for what type of games you play, so you can determine what your most efficient dollar to chip ratio is.

A lot of the Paulson fantasy lines that you've mentioned (WTHC, CDI2005, etc.) are quite popular and still go for $2.50-$3.50 or more per chip if in excellent condition. Don't use eBay as a gauge for current market price because lots of sets are WAY overpriced and have sat there for months and months and years. You can search the Classifieds here to see what certain chip sets have been selling for in the past little while.
Welcome to the forum, from a local chipper in Tacoma.

I’ve got a 1000 chip set I could sell for $2300...and I’m local so no shipping. PM me if you are interested.
I would say prices have actually started about the same. But the range for what you can get has gotten massive. You can get a near mint RHC set for 1.50 a chip-ish. But now there are much more options.... Levels increase.... Prices raises.... It's all about how picky your going to be on what you want. Not picky, you're gonna have a hayday.
I really liked the world top hat and cane set - the one sold by Paulson to retail (i.e., was not from a casino)...saw some stuff on eBay and even was willing to make a good offer but felt like they wanted to hold firm north of $6/chip...which led me here to do research!
Welcome to the forum. The average price on the World Top Hat and Cane chips is about $3.50 per chip depending on the denomination and condition.
Your biggest challenge with acquiring these chips is that they don’t come up for sale often.
Putting together the perfect set for your game can take time and patience but it is possible to do.
Best wishes on your journey going forward.
wanted to put together a Paulson set

I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if I didn't post this (kidding but I always mention these chips) ...... look at the Casino Aztar (Indiana) chips. Great chips, great spot patterns and colors, cheap price. They are fairly easy to find and are a good way to get real casino Paulsons without breaking the bank. :tup:
1k-2k price range will give you a good paulson set for sure. As others have said it depends on your wanted breakdown, mold preference, color preference and more. World top hat and cane chips are around $3-$4 each i think, so its not out of the question depending on how many chips you need.
Got a deal working in your suggested ranges on WTHC. My objective is to put together a wide range cash set which will likely drive me to put together two sets. We play a lot of 1/2 and 5/5 but I wanted to build a set that also grows with the stakes over the years.

Currently working to close on a set of 25 denoms + so now looking at getting 500+ 1-5 denoms, that is the current hunt!

Thanks again for all the help, I'll make sure to post the buys!
Much appreciated! My objective when I first started looking was to put together a cash set, we play 1-2 or 2-5 on a good day, and I really like these ones https://www.amazon.com/paulson-world-tophat-aluminium-silver/dp/b001cpieby ...always have wanted that set! There was a set on eBay brand new 600 that looked perfect, but I got auto rejected with a $1,500 offer so made me feel like I was playing a whole different game than I thought from a price perspective.

I know the addiction, unfortunately the itch is just beginning again...so you guys may see a lift on the demand side of the curve in the market haha

As an owner of Paulson World Top Hat and Cane chips I can tell you they go for right at $3.50 each right now. Disregard eBay prices or what people try to sell them there.

Wether it be eBay or here on the classifieds you can’t go by what people are “trying” to sell things for or what they are “listed as”. You need to look at what they have sold for.
As an owner of Paulson World Top Hat and Cane chips I can tell you they go for right at $3.50 each right now. Disregard eBay prices or what people try to sell them there.

Wether it be eBay or here on the classifieds you can’t go by what people are “trying” to sell things for or what they are “listed as”. You need to look at what they have sold for.
If you have any lower denoms (1s and 5s) in great condition and want to sell - feel free to message ha!
If you have any lower denoms (1s and 5s) in great condition and want to sell - feel free to message ha!

Unfortunately I don’t. There was a flurry of transactions for cash denomination WTHC a couple months ago. If I were you I would look through classified listings (sold, wanted, trade) of WTHC in the last 6 months and just PM people asking around.

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