Retired Life (1 Viewer)


4 of a Kind
Oct 23, 2021
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My fortress of solitude.
Calling all permanently unemployed folks. If you’re retired and enjoying your forever vacation, this thread is for you.

I’m always looking for new things to do, new hobbies & fun interesting stuff all together. I currently enjoy wood work, home projects and obviously poker / chips. I’ve come very close to taking up day trading again, but the stress and overall involvement on the matter isn’t something I find myself looking forward to…

So, what all do you do in retirement? What new things have you discovered in your new found off time? Any Pro Tips???
Retired in 2011. Used to day trade, but it killed my relaxation. Dumped the habit, and focused on tennis, volleyball, autocrossing (quit SCCA racing) and pickleball. Dumped my motorcycles about six years ago because of all the incompetent drivers down here. Started traveling heavily in 2016, and never looked back.

Nowadays we play competitive tennis 4-5 times a week, with a strong social component, away traveling about 3 months each year, and focus on making each other happy. Strangely enough, it works.

(I have a few tennis friends who still trade and worry about their portfolios, and they're definitely the least relaxed and content guys who gather in our BS area post-tennis...)

-- Larry ( in San Juan, snarfing chorizo in red wine and guzzling a pitcher of red (tempranillo) sangria...)
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Do what's fun. Do things that make you feel good about yourself.

Make an effort to keep somewhat in shape. Once you lose something, its hell getting it back after 60 - if you can.

Do things for your community. Sing in the choir. lend a hand to habitat for humanity. be a poll worker. Serve as a CASA advocate for children who need help. Join a social service club. volunteer at the food bank.

Keep curious. A broad range of topics. Read stuff - whatever floats your boat.

Stay connected with other people. I know all too many "sad sack" old people who turned into virtual hermits. A quick track to mental decline.

try new hobbies. Maybe you fish. Perhaps you have a shop. Go to game day at the local community center. Take up bird watching. Rent an RV and see the state. Pickel ball is hot. Golf is traditional. Just do something.

Hey!!! you worked your ass off your entire life to get here. Make sure you enjoy the last part of the ride. The end comes all too fast and catches us by surprise.
Not completely retired but 1/2 way there.
Wife was stay at home mom while kids were growing up and always asked her when it was my turn. With being very frugal and a lot of luck I've been working 2-3 days a week since I was 39. I'm 42 now and will hang on to that as long as I can. Seen too many friends and family work their lives away to die before enjoying much of it.
Project list never ends but sure gets done and on to the next one faster than it used to when I worked 60-70hrs a week. I'm actually home enough to enjoy the nice things I've worked hard for all those years.

3d printing is my latest hobby and I'd recommend it. A CNC would be cool and love woodworking and cars. So many things to do and learn.
I wish more of my friends had the kind of time I have to invest in playing poker. It's hard to get a full group together in my neck of the woods.
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I had no idea that you day traded! Something that I'm very much into, but don't talk to many about! One day I want to be like you Lou! You da man!
It consumed a large part of my time back in the day. I was lucky enough to land in some great positions during those years.

Retired in 2011. Used to day trade, but it killed my relaxation.
Yup, don’t think I wanna go back there again. I’m loving my peace.

autocrossing (quit SCCA racing)
Very interested in possibly turning my car into a track toy.

Dumped my motorcycles about six years ago because of all the incompetent drivers down here.
Yeah, I gave up bikes when I was living in LA due to the imminent death on every turn

Started traveling heavily in 2016, and never looked back.

Nowadays we play competitive tennis 4-5 times a week, with a strong social component, away traveling about 3 months each year, and focus on making each other happy. Strangely enough, it works.

-- Larry ( in San Juan, snarfing chorizo in red wine and guzzling a pitcher of red (tempranillo) sangria...)
Great advice Larry, I appreciate it

Do what's fun. Do things that make you feel good about yourself.

Make an effort to keep somewhat in shape. Once you lose something, its hell getting it back after 60 - if you can.

Do things for your community. Sing in the choir. lend a hand to habitat for humanity. be a poll worker. Serve as a CASA advocate for children who need help. Join a social service club. volunteer at the food bank.

Keep curious. A broad range of topics. Read stuff - whatever floats your boat.

Stay connected with other people. I know all too many "sad sack" old people who turned into virtual hermits. A quick track to mental decline.

try new hobbies. Maybe you fish. Perhaps you have a shop. Go to game day at the local community center. Take up bird watching. Rent an RV and see the state. Pickel ball is hot. Golf is traditional. Just do something.

Hey!!! you worked your ass off your entire life to get here. Make sure you enjoy the last part of the ride. The end comes all too fast and catches us by surprise.
I totally get all of this, and will follow the advice. Keep moving, thinking and finding new smiles.
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3d printing is my latest hobby and id recommend it. A CNC would be cool and live woodworking and cars. So many things to do and learn.
I wish more of my friends had the kind of time I have to invest in playing poker. It's hard to get a full group together in my neck of the woods.
I’m actually pretty close to getting a CNC setup. Slowly doing my homework on a few options. 3D printing looks fun too!
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Limited due to my stroke, but convertible rides during weather permitting months, chipping, hosting, playing as much poker as I can given my situation and enjoying life with my wife who will retire at the tail end of this year. We are comfortable, not poor but not rich either, have worked and saved to be where we are, put our kids through school, helped family when we were called upon and give fairly generously to our church which we love. Have a lasting project starting up soon where I hope to create some stuff to offer here and to occupy my mind and time.

A good blessed life. Thanks be to God.
For those who've asked, the last two bikes to go were a 1985 Honda Interceptor 500 and a beautiful, stupendous candy red 2002 Aprilia Falco, both of which I'd bought new.

Sigh. Some things hurt more than selling chips...
Bragging Full Of It GIF by ABC Network
I’m actually pretty close to getting a CNC setup. Slowly doing my homework on a few options. 3D printing looks fun too!
Not retired, still a decade away at least. But enjoying this thread. I can recommend the Shapeoko CNC for a hobbyist. Won't break the bank and capable for most things. Also, consider a laser cutter. Fun and fast.

Laser cutters > CNCs > 3d printers
Not retired, still a decade away at least. But enjoying this thread. I can recommend the Shapeoko CNC for a hobbyist. Won't break the bank and capable for most things. Also, consider a laser cutter. Fun and fast.

Laser cutters > CNCs > 3d printers
We just picked up a OMTech 40w to fiddle with.
Congrats on your retirement. I did it in 2012, my wife did it in 2011. We purchased a C6 vette for road trips, and we did many of those until Covid put a damper on it in 2020.
We took in many PGA golf tournaments on many road trips.
We still do an least a week trip with the car each summer.
I am a member of a golf club, so that keeps me busy in the summer months. In the winter, I join the local gym, and do a few hours 5 times a week. I have a bunch of friends that are also retired, we golf together, some play pickleball as well. My wife and I attend curling tournaments in the winter.
I built a poker table just prior to retirement. We (8 of us) plus spares play a few times per month from Nov-April, then no cards until after the golf season ends.
I'm in the process of changing my poker table to remove the racetrack, build a new rail and put the cup holders in the rail.
It seems that I always have lots of woodworking stuff that I fool with.
Life is great!!!
Congrats on your retirement. I did it in 2012, my wife did it in 2011. We purchased a C6 vette for road trips
I have a C6Z and absolutely love my car life, im thinking about tearing it down and doing H/C setup on it.

I wish we lived close to one another, we could do plenty of shenanigans and throw cards together

Life is great!!!
I have a C6Z and absolutely love my car life, im thinking about tearing it down and doing H/C setup on it.

I wish we lived close to one another, we could do plenty of shenanigans and throw cards together

Did you get the heads done on your Z? What kind of numbers are you looking at getting with the H/C?
My youngest boy owned an engine rebuilding shop. They did many big builds. Unfortunately for them, the shop had a fire and destroyed all their equipment. They are still in litigation about the insurance payout...the lawyers are doing OK though.
A buddy of mine has a 2008 Z06, had the heads and a bunch of other engine upgrades while he was at it.
He seldom drives it...I can't say the same with has 124k+ miles on the clock...if it wasn't for putting it up for 5 months a year during the winter, it may have twice that much. Both D and I both love touring in the car. She worked for an airline, so we travelled a lot in our younger days, mostly around Europe.
Take Care.
Enjoy your retirement
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Did you get heads done on your Z? What kind if numbers are you looking at with the H/C?
My youngest owned an engine rebuilding shop. They did many big builds. Unfortunately for them, the shop had a fire and destroyed all their equipment. They are still in litigation about the insurance payout...the lawyers are doing OK though.
A buddy of mine has a 2008 Z06, had the heads and a bunch of other engine upgrades while he was at it.
He seldom drives it...I can't say the same with has 124k+ miles on the clock...ifvit wasn't for putting up gor 5 months a year during the winter, it may have twice that much.
Take Care.
Enjoy your retirement
My last C6Z was over 600whp, 2800lbs, caged, and extremely rowdy :p

This one will probably be either more tame….. or more violent :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: Not sure which way i wanna go as i get older….
I'm going to call you a blow hard again and you're going to invite me down for a "sit down" and then your going to toss me the keys to something, besides your tool shed, how's the sound? I really need to hang with you guys.!
And I'm not calling louBdub a blow hard, again, he's a good man that jokingly told me we'd had a misunderstanding and that if I was there he'd probably throw me the keys to one of his cars, so, I'm really trying to get those keys! 600HP, AT THE WHEELS! Sign me up, hell, I'll go along for the ride!!
And I'm not calling louBdub a blow hard, again, he's a good man that jokingly told me we'd had a misunderstanding and that if I was there he'd probably throw me the keys to one of his cars, so, I'm really trying to get those keys! 600HP, AT THE WHEELS! Sign me up, hell, I'll go along for the ride!!
You ever show up, we are immediately getting in the Z06 and stretching out 4th gear, then maybe 5th……. It’ll be fun :D
I retired a couple years ago. My intentions before retiring were to travel overseas a lot more, do more road trips (both with the car and motorcycle) and basically just do whatever the f* I felt like doing. I used to do a lot of hiking/backpacking but the knees won't stand for that anymore (no pun intended) so that's out.

Well, a month before retiring I lost my brand new car and motorcycle in a flood. (Damn you Hurricane Ida!!!) So I bought a new motorcycle after retiring and went on my first post-retirement bike trip. Got rear ended the first day and spent the next 8 months recuperating/rehabbing. Doh!!!!! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Still haven't found a replacement car or bike but will rectify that eventually. I've done a few trips here and there but nothing crazy yet.

Here's the thing, I have no idea where the time goes! I somehow have less free time now than when I was working 60 hours a week. I've been learning guitar, playing/hosting poker more, go out drinking a bit, started baking sourdough breads and pizza, doing lots of projects around the apartment (redid the kitchen and planning the bathroom next although I might job that out as much as it pains me to say), spend a wee too many nights out drinking, currently serving as President of the board at my co-op, been going to a lot more concerts/shows whether it's a big act or just a cover band at a local bar, definitely out drinking too much, working on getting Italian dual citizenship (plan to buy a place in a small town somewhere with other family when that happens), picked up some bartending shifts for a bit but got tired of that so gave that up for now, chipping has obviously taken up a bit of my time, and so much more that I'm not thinking of right now.

In short, the only thing I've managed to accomplish from my pre-retirement goals is the "doing whatever the f* I feel like" part and I'm pretty much okay with that. :)
In short, the only thing I've managed to accomplish from my pre-retirement goals is the "doing whatever the f* I feel like" part and I'm pretty much okay with that. :)

That’s right about where I’m at. I let the sun wake me up, and I’m in bed at 10.

Everything in between is basically whatever I feel like right now.

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