Working Life: The Eternal Grind (4 Viewers)


Royal Flush
Aug 4, 2015
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Fellow laborers in the unending workforce, lend me your ears—or, more aptly, your tired, caffeine-powered eyes. As we stand (or sit, or slump) on the never-ending conveyor belt of work, I come to sing praises of our ceaseless toil in the grand tradition of "Working for The Man" until the end of time.

Ah, retirement, that mythical land whispered about in hushed tones around the water cooler. A fable, a fairy tale told to bright-eyed interns about a time when you can finally live off your hard-earned pension in a cottage by the sea. But who are we kidding? That's not our destiny. Our path is one of eternal labor, not leisure. And before you ask, no, I've never day traded in my life—too rich for my blood—and the closest I've come to owning a Corvette is the miniature die-cast model perched on my desk, a tiny, mocking symbol of dreams deferred. Instead, my trusty steed is the Honda Odyssey minivan, America's #1 selling minivan, a beacon of practicality and reliability amidst dreams of sports cars and luxury.

Why dream of leisurely days filled with hobbies, travel, and relaxation when you can experience the sheer thrill of back-to-back meetings about meetings? Who needs the unpredictable excitement of day trading (not me, obviously) or the serene pleasure of woodworking when you've got the dependable, unchanging glow of your computer screen to keep you warm?

And let's not forget the unparalleled joy of crafting PowerPoint presentations at 2 AM, fueled by the last dregs of your fourth cup of coffee. The rush of hitting "send" on an email that's only slightly overdue is a high no retired life could possibly offer. Meanwhile, my Honda Odyssey stands ready, a faithful companion in my daily commute, a testament to my unyielding commitment to the grind.

Let us raise our ergonomic keyboards high and toast to the Working Life. May our inboxes always overflow, our task lists never shorten, and our coffee pots never run dry. For we are the warriors of the workspace, forever forging ahead in our noble quest for... well, I'm sure we'll figure that out eventually.

So, dear colleagues in arms, as we march forward into another fiscal quarter, let's do so with a smirk. After all, if we're doomed to work forever, we might as well laugh about it. Who's with me? Let's share our most absurdly humorous tales from the front lines of the eternal grind. After all, if we can't retire from work, we can at least retire our seriousness for a moment or two. And who knows? Maybe one day, we'll even graduate from miniature Corvettes to the real deal. But until then, the Odyssey continues metaphorically and literally in my reliable minivan.


OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (4) [Large language model].
This is a pretty funny story of how working sucks ass. This little gem of a conversation happened just over the weekend with my boss, the owner of the company, who I've known and worked for for over 2 decades...

"Hey, the client wants all the tables set up an hour earlier. Can you get to the warehouse at 11 instead of noon?"
"Sure, we are getting paid that extra hour, right?"
"Really? I'm already paying you for travel time and six hours of set up." (all pissy)
"But you're asking me to start working an hour early."
"The client said they will feed you after you set up the tables" (confident with solution)
"but we are still starting work an hour early"
"OK Derrick. If you want an extra hour of pay, then I'll give you an extra hour of pay." (back to pissy)

To make it even more of a slap in the face, it was over a 13 hour day and we don't get overtime. Just a base pay, so I did the math assuming this is a normal job that pays OT and basically I was working 13 hours while taking a 20% pay cut. FML
This is a pretty funny story of how working sucks ass. This little gem of a conversation happened just over the weekend with my boss, the owner of the company, who I've known and worked for for over 2 decades...

"Hey, the client wants all the tables set up an hour earlier. Can you get to the warehouse at 11 instead of noon?"
"Sure, we are getting paid that extra hour, right?"
"Really? I'm already paying you for travel time and six hours of set up." (all pissy)
"But you're asking me to start working an hour early."
"The client said they will feed you after you set up the tables" (confident with solution)
"but we are still starting work an hour early"
"OK Derrick. If you want an extra hour of pay, then I'll give you an extra hour of pay." (back to pissy)

To make it even more of a slap in the face, it was over a 13 hour day and we don't get overtime. Just a base pay, so I did the math assuming this is a normal job that pays OT and basically I was working 13 hours while taking a 20% pay cut. FML
Screw that guy.

I have to remind my team to claim overtime. This one guy didn't have any overtime for three months after he transitioned from a contractor to a FTE, yet I know he stays late or works off hours. That is mind boggling to me, why would you give the company free labor?
This is a pretty funny story of how working sucks ass. This little gem of a conversation happened just over the weekend with my boss, the owner of the company, who I've known and worked for for over 2 decades...

"Hey, the client wants all the tables set up an hour earlier. Can you get to the warehouse at 11 instead of noon?"
"Sure, we are getting paid that extra hour, right?"
"Really? I'm already paying you for travel time and six hours of set up." (all pissy)
"But you're asking me to start working an hour early."
"The client said they will feed you after you set up the tables" (confident with solution)
"but we are still starting work an hour early"
"OK Derrick. If you want an extra hour of pay, then I'll give you an extra hour of pay." (back to pissy)

To make it even more of a slap in the face, it was over a 13 hour day and we don't get overtime. Just a base pay, so I did the math assuming this is a normal job that pays OT and basically I was working 13 hours while taking a 20% pay cut. FML

How does that company get away with not paying overtime? Are you considered an exempt employee?
...I come to sing praises of our ceaseless toil in the grand tradition of "Working for The Man" until the end of time.

..Who's with me?...
FUCK THAT!!! You done bumped your damn head on your keyboard when you dozed off. My ass is retiring!!!

But best of luck on your adventure though!! :)
Screw that guy.

I have to remind my team to claim overtime. This one guy didn't have any overtime for three months after he transitioned from a contractor to a FTE, yet I know he stays late or works off hours. That is mind boggling to me, why would you give the company free labor?
we get paid per party we work. casino events business. I usually set up/break down the parties. We usually come out ahead when parties are short and we get the same pay per party mostly. this one just happened to be out of town and really sucked.
How does that company get away with not paying overtime? Are you considered an exempt employee?
we just recently switch from 1099 contract employees to W2's. And they just kept the pay pretty much the same.
This is probably sad but the activity I think about most when I retire from my current job is where I want to work next. I’ve always worked since I was 12 years old and I just don’t think I’ll feel right about myself if I don’t have something coming in on the positive side of the income statement. I really want a no stress gig where I only work a few days a week and I guess the good news is I’m not worried about making a large salary at this new venture. I hope to retire from where I’m at in 3-4 years and our financial planner says it’s a go so I’m happy about that.
Also our minivan is a Dodge Caravan, and it’s been great!
This is probably sad but the activity I think about most when I retire from my current job is where I want to work next. I’ve always worked since I was 12 years old and I just don’t think I’ll feel right about myself if I don’t have something coming in on the positive side of the income statement. I really want a no stress gig where I only work a few days a week and I guess the good news is I’m not worried about making a large salary at this new venture. I hope to retire from where I’m at in 3-4 years and our financial planner says it’s a go so I’m happy about that.
Also our minivan is a Dodge Caravan, and it’s been great!
I’ve worked at the same company for 22 years. Great company, great culture, and interesting work. They still pay me, but I enjoy my job. Countless hilarious stories, but few I would share on the internet. Probably the funniest artifact I have is a protest letter from an individual who was fired for
masturbating with
pink soap in a
handicap stall of the bathroom

If I shared this document it would quickly become internet famous, it’s that’s funny.
I’ve worked at the same company for 22 years. Great company, great culture, and interesting work. They still pay me, but I enjoy my job. Countless hilarious stories, but few I would share on the internet. Probably the funniest artifact I have is a protest letter from an individual who was fired for
masturbating with
pink soap in a
handicap stall of the bathroom

If I shared this document it would quickly become internet famous, it’s that’s funny.
This is a pretty funny story of how working sucks ass. This little gem of a conversation happened just over the weekend with my boss, the owner of the company, who I've known and worked for for over 2 decades...

"Hey, the client wants all the tables set up an hour earlier. Can you get to the warehouse at 11 instead of noon?"
"Sure, we are getting paid that extra hour, right?"
"Really? I'm already paying you for travel time and six hours of set up." (all pissy)
"But you're asking me to start working an hour early."
"The client said they will feed you after you set up the tables" (confident with solution)
"but we are still starting work an hour early"
"OK Derrick. If you want an extra hour of pay, then I'll give you an extra hour of pay." (back to pissy)

To make it even more of a slap in the face, it was over a 13 hour day and we don't get overtime. Just a base pay, so I did the math assuming this is a normal job that pays OT and basically I was working 13 hours while taking a 20% pay cut. FML
we get paid per party we work. casino events business. I usually set up/break down the parties. We usually come out ahead when parties are short and we get the same pay per party mostly. this one just happened to be out of town and really sucked.

we just recently switch from 1099 contract employees to W2's. And they just kept the pay pretty much the same.
What sucks about this event business is these are usually for play money so no one tips, and that sucks ass.
This is probably sad but the activity I think about most when I retire from my current job is where I want to work next. I’ve always worked since I was 12 years old and I just don’t think I’ll feel right about myself if I don’t have something coming in on the positive side of the income statement. I really want a no stress gig where I only work a few days a week and I guess the good news is I’m not worried about making a large salary at this new venture. I hope to retire from where I’m at in 3-4 years and our financial planner says it’s a go so I’m happy about that.
Also our minivan is a Dodge Caravan, and it’s been great!
I feel you, fellow minivan owner!

I too will probably be working in some capacity the rest of my life, by choice.

I currently work to support my children's education and to help set them up for a much easier start to life than I had.

Retirement me will hopefully work part time in some form of charity organizational management. Maybe I'll start my own 403b and run charity poker events.

Part of me really would like to finish my career as a teacher, hoping that I could make a difference for someone who needs it. But then I think, nah, I hate kids, why would I do that??
I feel you, fellow minivan owner!

I too will probably be working in some capacity the rest of my life, by choice.

I currently work to support my children's education and to help set them up for a much easier start to life than I had.

Retirement me will hopefully work part time in some form of charity organizational management. Maybe I'll start my own 403b and run charity poker events.

Part of me really would like to finish my career as a teacher, hoping that I could make a difference for someone who needs it. But then I think, nah, I hate kids, why would I do that??
Teach them to GAMBOOOL!
I don't know. Maybe I'm the lucky one. I get paid to quite literally look at the stars.

I get work here:

(I operate the telescope in the larger dome on the right side of the pic and stay in the housing at the left) "breakfast" looking out the window at this:

...and this:

...get to see things like this on occasion:

...and even even when the weather is crummy and doesn't let me do my job, get sunsets like this:

...I realize I can't complain. Yeah the long winter nights with 14 hour shifts can be a bit brutal, but I'm not working on a roof in the summer and actually enjoy what I do.

The gentleman who hired me almost 20 years ago is in his 80s, still works, and loves every moment of what he does, analyzing all the data my co-workers and I collect. I see the posts in the retirement thread and think, "I'm not sure I don't want to work. I'm having too much fun doing what I do!"

(I remember my Dad telling me when I was a wee squirt that "it's not work if you enjoy what you do". I think he lived that to the fullest when he worked and passed that philosophy along to my sister and I, and I like to think we both took that to heart and are living that to the fullest.)
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