Quarter-pie tourney set? (2 Viewers)


Straight Flush
Feb 2, 2015
Reaction score
United States
I love scroll mold solids/simple designs, particularly when hot stamped (*sigh*). Since I also tend to favor relatively simple spots on tourney sets, here's something I've been thinking of for a scroll mold quarter pie tourney set. Denoms would be 25/100/500/1000/5000/25000.


Tournament Set v1.png
I know some aren't fans of these type of color choices but when done right (like these) I love them.
I'd probably go with more 'standard' colors for a tourney set. Of those shown in the OP, I think the green, blue, and purple will be somewhat difficult to tell apart at the table (especially under low-light conditions).

Can't go wrong with mimicking the set below -- some of the nicest 1/4-pie chips ever produced:



I'd probably go with more 'standard' colors for a tourney set. Of those shown in the OP, I think the green, blue, and purple will be somewhat difficult to tell apart at the table (especially under low-light conditions).

Can't go wrong with mimicking the set below -- some of the nicest 1/4-pie chips ever produced:

The Riverboats were part of the inspiration, honestly. I don't like that there are three colors on the chips - will definitely be sticking to two. I'll see about lightening up the colors a little bit.

Man, do I wish we still had the web mold around :(
I think they look really cool, of you tweak your colours I'm sure you can eliminate any possible mixing if stacks. Scroll mold, are you thinking of an oversized chip to go into the set?

I might do an oversized 25k - although part of me honestly thought about doing the whole damn thing oversized! Probably won't do that...can't justify the cost, really, but the thought did cross my mind.
So here's a couple different variations - the top is a more traditional set; the bottom is based off the Stardust Poker Mansion colors.

Tournament Set - Traditional.png
Tournament Set - Stardust.png
If sticking with two-color chips, consider a mix of the two referenced sets:

green T25
charcoal/gray T100
red/pink T500
yellow T1000
orange T5000
light blue T25K

I think the red and orange chips are two of the nicest color combinations.... and would hate to see the final set without either one. I could live without the black or purple chips.

An all-oversize scroll mold tourney set would be baller.....
So after thinking on it some more, I'm sticking to a more traditional color pattern, but alternating between bolder and lighter hues every other chip. I've never been a fan of orange for the 5k - seems too close to yellow to me - so I skewed it to red instead of orange. Switched the 100 to charcoal/grey and kept the 25k as light blue, as I think it will look nice mixed w/the reds.

Tournament Set - Traditional v2.png
I really like where this set is going.

Also, two colors in a quartered field like this really evokes heraldry for me, even if a lot of the colors are largely outside of heraldry.
After checking the colors on sample chips, I've had to lighten things up a bit on some of them. Also, there was no bounty chip - duh! - so the orange chip makes its return as the bounty.

Getting really close to final design and shipping this, me thinks...any final thoughts?

Also, anybody able to do art for the inlay on this? J5's hella busy right now, and I already have a pending design in for him anyway, so I'm thinking he's out for this one.

Tournament Set - Traditional v3.png
Really like the latest mock-ups. Some suggestions to try/adopt/discard before have your 'final answer':
T500 - blurple/retro lav
T1000 - yellow/dg yellow
T5000 - red/dg pink or retro red/pink

Check with p5woody on the art.
Really like the latest mock-ups. Some suggestions to try/adopt/discard before have your 'final answer':
T500 - blurple/retro lav
T1000 - yellow/dg yellow
T5000 - red/dg pink or retro red/pink

Check with p5woody on the art.

I was gonna make the same 2nd (Yellow/DGYellow) and 3rd (RetroRed/Pink) suggestions you made! ;)

And I would also suggest Retro Green instead of Green...

Looking good indeed...
I'd probably go with more 'standard' colors for a tourney set. Of those shown in the OP, I think the green, blue, and purple will be somewhat difficult to tell apart at the table (especially under low-light conditions).

Can't go wrong with mimicking the set below -- some of the nicest 1/4-pie chips ever produced:



Those are gorgeous!

I love quarter pies but people constantly talk me out of them [emoji1]
Adjusted the green, yellow, and red. Leaving the blurple alone...for now, at least, and may adjust the red again based on samples.

I'm thinking T10k stacks of 8/8/4/7, or T30k stacks of 8/8/4/7/4. Breakdown for 20 people, plus enough for extras & 15 samples sets...

182x T25
182x T100
100x T500
161x T1000
120x T5000
38x T25000
37x Bounty

Tournament Set - Traditional v4.png
I'd get more of those pretty blues, just in case you want to run something with monster-sized stacks (T1000, T5000, T25K).

By my calculations, you need 410 chips minimum (10 players max at T10K or T30K), 640 chips (T10K/T30K up to 20 players), 780 chips (T10K/T30K for 20 plus T300K for 10), or 980 chips (20 players up to T300K). Since it's your money, I'd go full-monty:

160 x T25
160 x T100
100 x T500
200 x T1000
160 x T5000
200 x T25000
20 x Bounty
1000 chips.... plus extras/samples.

10 x T10K stacks: 12/12/5/6/B = 36 chips
20 x T10K stacks: 8/8/4/7/B = 28 chips

10 x T30K stacks: 12/12/5/6/4/B = 40 chips
20 x T30K stacks: 8/8/4/7/4/B = 32 chips

10 x T300K stacks: 15/12/9/B = 37 chips
20 x T300K stacks: 10/8/10/B = 29 chips

Customs are a once-in-a-lifetime expense. Spread over the life of the chip set, the cost is quite small.... and history has repeatedly shown the wisdom of getting all (or more than) you need initially up front. Chips that match exactly may not be available later (if at all). If you can't afford it, wait until you can, or otherwise find a way to make it happen.
I'd get more of those pretty blues, just in case you want to run something with monster-sized stacks (T1000, T5000, T25K).

By my calculations, you need 410 chips minimum (10 players max at T10K or T30K), 640 chips (T10K/T30K up to 20 players), 780 chips (T10K/T30K for 20 plus T300K for 10), or 980 chips (20 players up to T300K). Since it's your money, I'd go full-monty:

160 x T25
160 x T100
100 x T500
200 x T1000
160 x T5000
200 x T25000
20 x Bounty
1000 chips.... plus extras/samples.

10 x T10K stacks: 12/12/5/6/B = 36 chips
20 x T10K stacks: 8/8/4/7/B = 28 chips

10 x T30K stacks: 12/12/5/6/4/B = 40 chips
20 x T30K stacks: 8/8/4/7/4/B = 32 chips

10 x T300K stacks: 15/12/9/B = 37 chips
20 x T300K stacks: 10/8/10/B = 29 chips

Customs are a once-in-a-lifetime expense. Spread over the life of the chip set, the cost is quite small.... and history has repeatedly shown the wisdom of getting all (or more than) you need initially up front. Chips that match exactly may not be available later (if at all). If you can't afford it, wait until you can, or otherwise find a way to make it happen.
Sick breakdown. I'm going to have to copy and save this off somewhere.
I'd get more of those pretty blues, just in case you want to run something with monster-sized stacks (T1000, T5000, T25K).

I plead ignorance - I'm not sure that I fully understand the desire/purpose of a T300k tournament stack. Enlighten/link me? Is that what all the cool kids are doing these days?
If you don't mind sending samples to Canada count me in for that Please.
Also, what about oversized bounty chip?

Thought about that, but according to the chip factory there is no 1/4 pie spot pattern available for 44m scrolls :(
I love the latest incarnation... with one exception. I really loved the black/gray hundo. The gray gray version doesn't sing to me. However, that said, whichever one you choose, I'm in for a sample set! :)
I love the latest incarnation... with one exception. I really loved the black/gray hundo. The gray gray version doesn't sing to me. However, that said, whichever one you choose, I'm in for a sample set! :)

I'm borrowing a color sample set from someone. Once I get that in, I'll make my final decisions. This is something where I really need to see the colors in person to know, particularly since, based on multiple photos of color samples, the online tool displays colors more lightly/brightly than they end up in real life.

Stay tuned...
David said that if ican get my order finalized and paid in the next 10-14 days then he can get the order in on the upcoming scroll mold run!

These are looking great. Only thing I may add is for the blue chip. Maybe try retro blue base and either light blue or imperial blue for the other color.

Count me In for samples.

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