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In addition to 2-factor, it might also be helpful if your paypal email address (that you share with people) isn't the same email as your account login here. Just sayin' it's not hard to brute force most peoples (short ass) passwords these days. The keyword for today is PassPhrase (think sentence).
My favorite xkcd:
Just in case people didn’t realize, the hacker doesn’t necessarily know about the chips. They lifted old classified listings and copied the entirety of the text and all photos...

@justincarothers sale ad today...

The original sale ad which was copied in full...

Hilariously, the one difference I noticed is they deleted "not" from "racks not included" - to make the offer more enticing? :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
People are joking until they get screwed over. Let them joke , it’s sad really
Hope I didn’t offend. I also take this very seriously & I want nothing but for the issue to be resolved. I don’t think anyone getting scammed is funny.
Everyone get a password reset notification? Or just me?
confirmed here

Anyone else get this? I about shit myself thinking I got hacked
what is likely to have happened is the user who was hacked used the same password as their email address, which without them knowing was likely compromised. whoever got into their emails probably saw the poker chip forum emails about buying and selling, did a quick scan of the site to familiarise themselves with how the forum works and took the opportunity to scam. happens a lot on other forums. change passwords every 2-3 years to avoid this happening to you, and enable 2fac as advised by admins.
For password manager, I have always used LastPass.

I also started using/testing out is Myki, it acts as a password manager and Authenticator app.
I used LastPass for about 4 years, liked it very much. Then they had a data breach they kept hidden from their customers for months. Shitty. The company was bought and sold several times and the prices kept rising. Discovered Biwarden, which is free, works better than LastPass IMO. Syncs across all degices. Open source I belive. I exported my LastPass database to Bitwarden, cancelled and deleted my LastPass account which still had 9 months on it and never looked back. Took about 4mins. Just an option for those who never used a password manager.
Use a passphrase, either a short phrase that makes sense or 3-4 random words. I like using spaces as well so it just feels like I'm writing a short message.

"Hackers suck butt 45!" Damn, now I have to change my new password. :-(

Easy way to come up with random words:
got something better that illustrates the current state of brute force techniques?
brute force attacks don't work anymore.

anything used for authentication off the shelf is going to time out the account after some number of login attempts that will make a brute force attack fail.
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