SOLD Jack Cincinnati Sale (4 Viewers)

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View attachment 661253This is what I got at About 2:00.30 and by the time I refreshed and realized it was probly a glitch all the new 1s 2s and 2.50s were already gone. Sorry you have to deal with this Jim.

How did you do that so fast?!

I'm testing now, and just clicking each of these links takes me 30 seconds to get to the last one after fighting with PayPal about being a robot. That's before attempting to change any quantities - which I know takes a few seconds in itself.
This is a bewildering statement. I don't understand how anyone involved in the chip world would write this.

I mean, of all things, people notice new vs used. There's always a difference.

No offense, this isn't a transaction from friend to friend. Regardless if PayPal is at fault or not, these are business to customer transactions.

I mean, if I ordered something from Best Buy and I got sent an open box item I'd be super pissed. I don't care if a third party involved f'ed up. Not my problem and I wouldn't want it to be my problem.
I don’t understand this statement, the chips are scarce and the market value exceeds your purchase price, if you bought some. Someone involved in the chip world can clearly recognize that. If I get used 2’s and in place of new 2’s and refunded the difference I’m not super pissed, I’m lucky.
How did you do that so fast?!

I'm testing now, and just clicking each of these links takes me 30 seconds to get to the last one after fighting with PayPal about being a robot. That's before attempting to change any quantities - which I know takes a few seconds in itself.
pm me i can try to describe how i do it.
Jim, even a great carpenter - hits his/her thumb from time to time. Someone who stands up and says “there was an issue and I am doing everything I can to make things right” is ok in my book. This forum - is a community - and while there are some bad actors - for the most part folks here enjoy buying - trading - selling chips. As I explain to my wife - it could be a lot worse - I could be addicted to crack - hookers and meth. Having 1,000’s of poker chips is mild in comparison.
I have no idea what PayPal did. I went through all of the order, the earliest time stamp was at 12:00:32 and they were still allowing sales of new chips at 12:04. I didn't start receiving my confirmation emails for about 5 minutes after the sale, which was definitely unusual. I know some people were receiving sold out notifications within the 1st minute, but other orders were allowed to go through. I went through all my settings with PayPal and they were all correct. They said the system shouldn't have allowed the sales to go through....but they did. They were going to check with people in programming, but I doubt anything will come of it, same song and dance as before. The $2 chips, no one will hardly notice the difference between new and used. The snappers are a little more used and the $1s even more so. I will reach out to the international customers affected before shipping, due to shipping and customs. We have over 290 orders.

We sent out over 60 orders yesterday. Some of the people would have received the new chips, but it appears most would not. This is our fault. Normally, this is never an issue, when the inventory function works correctly. Combining order is a bit of a logistical issue, but we don't mind doing it to help you save shipping costs.

Again, I can't apologize enough for the trouble. We pride ourselves on our customer service and transparency. We appreciate everyone for their loyal business over the years. We will work very hard to make sure this never happens again. Please be patient during this process.

Jim. Thank you for all that you do for us. Contacting the casinos, buying the chips, sorting, counting, shipping, and especially offering them to us at a very low cost. You do this pretty much solo in order to offer us the low prices on the chips. I greatly appreciate your generosity and hard work, and I hope you continue.
If I am receiving new chips and shouldn't be just let me know and I will send them back to you so you can give them to the person that should have them.

Thanks for all you do for PCF!
If I am receiving chips that I shouldn’t have, please let me know and I will gladly return them so you can give them to the person that should have them.

Dear PCF Community,
Please realize that Jim is a part of our community. He’s not some corporate powerhouse looking to take advantage of people that will pay for obsolete chips. If he was, he would probably hire a team of workers, IT specialists, shippers, etc and the chips will probably be double/triple the price; thereby pricing out even more amateur/low budget chip collectors like myself. 90% of my small Paulson collection is achievable purely due to Jim and his sales, so I am very grateful. I feel bad for the people that didn’t get what they wanted (I got the sold out messages as well when I tried very early). But I will gladly return this one set, to keep the Chiproom supplying us with future sets. Not trying to start a debate or offend, just stating my opinion. Thanks and happy chipping.
Jim. Thank you for all that you do for us. Contacting the casinos, buying the chips, sorting, counting, shipping, and especially offering them to us at a very low cost. You do this pretty much solo in order to offer us the low prices on the chips. I greatly appreciate your generosity and hard work, and I hope you continue.

If I am receiving chips that I shouldn’t have, please let me know and I will gladly return them so you can give them to the person that should have them.

Dear PCF Community,
Please realize that Jim is a part of our community. He’s not some corporate powerhouse looking to take advantage of people that will pay for obsolete chips. If he was, he would probably hire a team of workers, IT specialists, shippers, etc and the chips will probably be double/triple the price; thereby pricing out even more amateur/low budget chip collectors like myself. 90% of my small Paulson collection is achievable purely due to Jim and his sales, so I am very grateful. I feel bad for the people that didn’t get what they wanted (I got the sold out messages as well when I tried very early). But I will gladly return this one set, to keep the Chiproom supplying us with future sets. Not trying to start a debate or offend, just stating my opinion. Thanks and happy chipping.
Ditto! Jim does a great service and I am grateful for it!
In defense of Jim, I run an Ecom company, and this can literally happen to ANY framework when you have a mad rush of orders. The reasons it doesn't happen to really big companies as often probably has more so to do with how much extra stock they hold back to cover these scenarios.

It happens with WooCommerce. It happens with Shopify (Sorry Jim but it's true, you'll likely still have issues).

When we have big releases on my site, I hold back 10%+ of the product specifically to cover my oversells - and even then it happens sometimes.

If he's had a few smooth sales it's easy to think everything will be OK -- but, it's only OK until it isnt :) It's not fun to deal with system oversells like this - add in a the very eager customers and it becomes even less fun.

Hopefully things work out as best they can for everyone!
A 'just return it' response is flippant and very ignorant of the challenges for international buyers.

As you're blissfully unaware, returns in this case are very costly for folks internationally. Things like taxes and duties are a very large factor.

In any case, it sounds like Jim is going to reach out to international folks beforehand so 'just return it' is moot.

There's no socialism here. This is straight capitalism. Get real. The ratio limits aren't in place for the benefit of mankind. This isn't Jim's Green New Deal for chippers. It's so he's not stuck with a gargantuan mountain of used chips.
Stuck with? That would mean he overpaid in the first place. I doubt that happened. The lowest price I've seen for $1s in the chip room is $0.60 each. I doubt he paid half that. What chips from prior sales is he currently "stuck with" for more than 6 months after? Not many. Blissfully unaware, indeed.

And if you have problems with how your government taxes international transactions, I suggest you change your government (or don't you live in a democracy?) or don't make international transactions.

Now do you see what "flippant" really is?
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A 'just return it' response is flippant and very ignorant of the challenges for international buyers.

As you're blissfully unaware, returns in this case are very costly for folks internationally. Things like taxes and duties are a very large factor.

In any case, it sounds like Jim is going to reach out to international folks beforehand so 'just return it' is moot.

There's no socialism here. This is straight capitalism. Get real. The ratio limits aren't in place for the benefit of mankind. This isn't Jim's Green New Deal for chippers. It's so he's not stuck with a gargantuan mountain of used chips.
Jeez, I bet you're a blast at parties. :rolleyes:
If you read my post, it said I will be contacting international customers before shipping, due to customs and shipping costs
He didn't read the post. Or think. He just reacted and went off.

Personally, I don't like the structure of the chip room sales, but I am not going to presume to tell anyone how to run their business.

However, it is VERY clear that the consensus on this forum is that the majority of the people (even those that may be disappointed or frustrated in how this sale turns out) appreciate the service you provide and trust your integrity to do your best to fix problems as they arise.

Do what you think is best, Jim, and I am sure the vast majority of the forum will continue to support you.
For a data point, my Paypal receipt shows a transaction time of 2:01:24 and I'm still in pre-shipment ....

Stings a little knowing those who ordered after me and were fortunate enough to snag even more chips at 3:00pm will control all the new THCs, but it is what it is. Gonna be tough to justify keeping any of them ... maybe relabel HSI 1a $1s as $1s and Jack used $2s as Fracs for a full RHC set? Anybody else making plans? :unsure:
He didn't read the post. Or think. He just reacted and went off.

Personally, I don't like the structure of the chip room sales, but I am not going to presume to tell anyone how to run their business.

However, it is VERY clear that the consensus on this forum is that the majority of the people (even those that may be disappointed or frustrated in how this sale turns out) appreciate the service you provide and trust your integrity to do your best to fix problems as they arise.

Do what you think is best, Jim, and I am sure the vast majority of the forum will continue to support you.
Jim is like America—we Americans may bitch and moan and complain, but when push comes to shove none of us are moving to Caracas anytime soon. Jim is a great guy and the chips he brings to the site are fantastic. Let’s not get it twisted.
You're likely not getting them. Used chips are going to over sold new chip purchasers.
All due respect I am doubtful on that one. He had enough used chips that they lasted the entire hour. Unless he oversold by a lot I think I'll be fine. I presume that the later timestamps will get sent to others to cover the oversold chips. I was 2 seconds after the 3pm mark so I'm confident I'll get them. Even if he oversold and has to cover all the oversells with the used chips I doubt he's going to opt to refund the orders from those who bought used chips following the 1 hour mark. As a business it would be better to refund the people who bought the oversold new chips and deal with them being unhappy rather than canceling orders from other customers to fill others orders with chips that they didn't order or might return. Jim was ambiguous on how he was going to handle the orders placed after the 1st hour that only contain 2's or snappers though. So I'm just guessing on this based on how he handled stuff in the past.
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For a data point, my Paypal receipt shows a transaction time of 2:01:24 and I'm still in pre-shipment ....

Stings a little knowing those who ordered after me and were fortunate enough to snag even more chips at 3:00pm will control all the new THCs, but it is what it is. Gonna be tough to justify keeping any of them ... maybe relabel HSI 1a $1s as $1s and Jack used $2s as Fracs for a full RHC set? Anybody else making plans? :unsure:
Just so you know, I ordered twice and have not received my shipping notification. There is more to it than having ordered twice.
You're likely not getting them. Used chips are going to over sold new chip purchasers.
You've been here for 6 weeks. WTF do you know about anything? Let alone know enough to make a statement in regards to whether someone is getting something or not?

Jim will update as he sorts through the issue. Conjecture and negativity isn't adding anything of value to the discussion or the site, especially not in the vendors thread.

You want to navel gaze and have a discussion about all the negative things that may or may not happen? Start a new thread somewhere else.
You've been here for 6 weeks. WTF do you know about anything? Let alone know enough to make a statement in regards to whether someone is getting something or not?

Jim will update as he sorts through the issue. Conjecture and negativity isn't adding anything of value to the discussion or the site, especially not in the vendors thread.

You want to navel gaze and have a discussion about all the negative things that may or may not happen? Start a new thread somewhere else.
Even money @monkeydog bought used $2s

(this is friendly not passive aggressive I promise)
Stuck with? That would mean he overpaid in the first place. I doubt that happened. The lowest price I've seen for $1s in the chip room is $0.60 each. I doubt he paid half that. What chips from prior sales is he currently "stuck with" for more than 6 months after? Not many. Blissfully unaware, indeed.

And if you have problems with how your government taxes international transactions, I suggest you change your government (or don't you live in a democracy?) or don't make international transactions.

Now do you see what "flippant" really is?
OK, noob. You've been a member since Feb 2021. Tell me more.

I called you out for 'just return it' as a stupid solution because you don't know anything beyond your own bubble.

You're the one who tried turning it into a socialism vs capitalist garbage discussion. And now you think it's about democracy. Ok boomer.

Apologies to Jim, I won't post further in his thread/forum. I've thread crapped way too much here.

Major credit to him for putting up with all the nonsense from folks all these years while single handedly provided chippers with hundreds of thousands of quality Paulsons.
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You've been here for 6 weeks. WTF do you know about anything? Let alone know enough to make a statement in regards to whether someone is getting something or not?

Jim will update as he sorts through the issue. Conjecture and negativity isn't adding anything of value to the discussion or the site, especially not in the vendors thread.

You want to navel gaze and have a discussion about all the negative things that may or may not happen? Start a new thread somewhere else.

Jim said new chips were over sold and those people would be getting used chips + refund of the difference. He said he bought only used chips, which means his order was after the first hour. Jim said from now on orders will be processed in time stamp order. You think there will be any left over for him? Maybe. But like I said - likely he won't be getting his order.

And you call yourself monkeydog - what does a monkey or a dog know about anything? ija.....
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