4 of a Kind
The I-Opened-My-Chip-Cabinet-to-Organize-Everything-and-Found-a-Box-With-Random-Stuff-Inside-That-Should-Be-Given-Away-In-a-Giveaway Giveaway.
Simply respond to this thread with "Six Deuce Never Lose" to be entered. First 6 entires will be dealt six-handed Scrotum. Ya, you read that right. We're playing some Scrotum. What better way to do a random giveaway than this fun game. For those of you who aren't familiar with the game Scrotum, below is an excerpt from @inca911 detailing how it's played.
Here's how this is going to go. Whenever I deal your five cards, I’ll send over a PM with the cards you were dealt. Of those five cards, you select which of them you’ll keep for the flop. Once everybody has selected their cards, pics to follow of the flop, turn, and river as with other giveaways. Shipping is on me. You pay zero.
Ready, set, random stuff pr0n, go...
The I-Opened-My-Chip-Cabinet-to-Organize-Everything-and-Found-a-Box-With-Random-Stuff-Inside-That-Should-Be-Given-Away-In-a-Giveaway Giveaway.
Simply respond to this thread with "Six Deuce Never Lose" to be entered. First 6 entires will be dealt six-handed Scrotum. Ya, you read that right. We're playing some Scrotum. What better way to do a random giveaway than this fun game. For those of you who aren't familiar with the game Scrotum, below is an excerpt from @inca911 detailing how it's played.
You are dealt 5 cards. Preflop, you decide which cards (n=1-5) that you want to play and set your hand such that everyone can see the number you are keeping. You must play every card you keep, interacting with the standard flop, turn, and river that are on the board. For example, if you keep two pair (4 cards) and the board matches one of them, you play the one from the board for a boat. Another example, if you keep trips and the board has a pair, you also make a boat. Alternatively, you keep trips and the case card hits, then you have quads. Four to a flush means you have a flush when there is one card of your suit that hits. You can also keep all 5, ignoring the board with a pat hand.
Here's how this is going to go. Whenever I deal your five cards, I’ll send over a PM with the cards you were dealt. Of those five cards, you select which of them you’ll keep for the flop. Once everybody has selected their cards, pics to follow of the flop, turn, and river as with other giveaways. Shipping is on me. You pay zero.
Ready, set, random stuff pr0n, go...