Exodus... (1 Viewer)


Dec 24, 2013
Reaction score
...Wow... I haven't seen an exodus of this magnitude since Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. Did I miss an "incident" over at the other forum? In any case, great to see y'all here.

Hmmm... maybe it's just Tommy's magnetism, or maybe everybody is just looking to score some more Terrible's chipes!??
every time i see this thread title, i think of:

and then i think of the hold steady's reference to the above in the biblical song:

which features another of my all time hold steady lines:

i guess i heard about original sin
i heard the dude blamed the chick
i heard the chick blamed the snake
i heard they were naked when they got busted
i heard things ain't been the same since

npr did a pretty fantastic explication of that whole song some years back.
...Wow... I haven't seen an exodus of this magnitude since Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.

Bwah-ha-ha-ha! Post of the Day good sir! Unfortunately, you posted it yesterday so the competition resumes anew today!
"Exodus" made me laugh. Observe, the parting of the blue sea.

Basically, the other forum is having technical difficulties and nobody is fixing the problems.

My understanding is it can't be fixed, and was basically built using a forum platform that is no longer supported. To fix it, you'd need to move everything to a new format / host company, as the old host company is out of business.

Rather than do all that work, it appears TenPercenter walked away, and won't answer calls from the mods, who are left holding the bag.

The chiptalk "customer service" mailbox is full, and I've heard nothing from Ten after my request to cancel my sponsorship, which "auto-renewed" while the ship was sinking.

I hope to hear from JM and Abby here soon. They deserve better than this.
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The chiptalk "customer service" mailbox is full, and I've heard nothing from Ten after my request to cancel my sponsorship, which "auto-renewed" while the ship was sinking.

This is the most egregious shortcoming. To automatically take money. To take hundreds of dollars for providing a service, then arbitrarily not providing said service is a crime. Literally.

I appreciate TenPercenter for what he has done. He gave many of us a community to meet, share, and buy/trade. But he also let the whole thing go up in smoke without an apology, an excuse, or an explanation.

Welcome TenPercenter to the chipdom Hall of Shame:
  • Red Ott
  • Dice Chips
  • Anyone who immediately resells a group buy purchase on eBay for 3x the cost (I don't follow the eBays too closely)
  • Anyone selling "clay composite" chips that are 90% plastic, 10% metal slug.
  • TenPercenter

Feel free to add to this list...
Like Spike, my supporter subscription was setup to automatically renew in Paypal. I cancelled my renewal there, as per the instructions provided by PP.

But yeah, this is a disappointing turn of events.
This is the most egregious shortcoming. To automatically take money. To take hundreds of dollars for providing a service, then arbitrarily not providing said service is a crime. Literally.

I appreciate TenPercenter for what he has done. He gave many of us a community to meet, share, and buy/trade. But he also let the whole thing go up in smoke without an apology, an excuse, or an explanation.

Welcome TenPercenter to the chipdom Hall of Shame:
  • Red Ott
  • Dice Chips
  • Anyone who immediately resells a group buy purchase on eBay for 3x the cost (I don't follow the eBays too closely)
  • Anyone selling "clay composite" chips that are 90% plastic, 10% metal slug.
  • TenPercenter

Feel free to add to this list...

The parallels between the death/rebirth of ASM/CPC and CT/PCF are really kind of astounding.

Much like the new CPC, I have already found Tommy to be a breath of fresh air to work with.
This is the most egregious shortcoming. To automatically take money. To take hundreds of dollars for providing a service, then arbitrarily not providing said service is a crime. Literally. I appreciate TenPercenter for what he has done. He gave many of us a community to meet, share, and buy/trade. But he also let the whole thing go up in smoke without an apology, an excuse, or an explanation.

Look, I understand people have (justifiable) reasons to walk away from CT. Per "why Ten let it all go up in smoke" I think I can share some things. First, his dad passed away last week. Second, he went through a horrible divorce in the past 18 months where his ex stole his children without a trail. He's recovered, but not after losing chunks of life both physically and financially to get them back. Third, I don't think CT is a blip on his radar anymore and to me I would place his blame on not shifting responsibility or ownership of CT to another group or person who's willing to step it up. Ten is actually a good guy. I played HU with him in a hotel till 6am talking about life and I think his heart is genuine. He probably felt that CT would get his attention eventually, but that available time wasn't hitting. More than others, I haven't been following CT much in the past year except for the same old 2-3 threads I enjoy, so there could be more I don't understand and I'm willing to give into that but, lets just grow this site and RIP chiptalk.

In the 90's, the daily forum grind for me was rec.arcade.collecting from google groups... aka Deja groups... aka (something before that). In the 2000's everyone leaped over to KLOV's discussion forums. Some made the leap, some did not. Over several years the old discussion board eventually (sadly) died but it was all due to attention and features of the new site. If you let something die, it tends to die. I do wish Ten happiness in life but also respect the migration in process. As far as my $200 lifetime membership I paid.... meh.
HAIL TO TOMMY! And HUGE thanks for the great site. I am very patient and long-term dude, but....I logged off from CT with my mobile and my laptop.
Not blaming anyone and only time will tell if I ever log back in for long term. I'll think PCF my chip-home from now on.
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Look, I understand people have (justifiable) reasons to walk away from CT. Per "why Ten let it all go up in smoke" I think I can share some things. First, his dad passed away last week. Second, he went through a horrible divorce in the past 18 months where his ex stole his children without a trail. He's recovered, but not after losing chunks of life both physically and financially to get them back. Third, I don't think CT is a blip on his radar anymore and to me I would place his blame on not shifting responsibility or ownership of CT to another group or person who's willing to step it up. Ten is actually a good guy. I played HU with him in a hotel till 6am talking about life and I think his heart is genuine. He probably felt that CT would get his attention eventually, but that available time wasn't hitting. More than others, I haven't been following CT much in the past year except for the same old 2-3 threads I enjoy, so there could be more I don't understand and I'm willing to give into that but, lets just grow this site and RIP chiptalk.

In the 90's, the daily forum grind for me was rec.arcade.collecting from google groups... aka Deja groups... aka (something before that). In the 2000's everyone leaped over to KLOV's discussion forums. Some made the leap, some did not. Over several years the old discussion board eventually (sadly) died but it was all due to attention and features of the new site. If you let something die, it tends to die. I do wish Ten happiness in life but also respect the migration in process. As far as my $200 lifetime membership I paid.... meh.

I agree with everything that you posted. Having been through a divorce involving kids, it can be an emotional and financial Armageddon on Dads especially in today's courts and ESPECIALLY if the father wants to take an active roll in their children's lives but the mother doesn't want him to. Literally my heart aches for dads in Greg's situation. However, having been apart of this community for just a little while I know that we are a pretty understanding group. It would have taken very little for Greg to have given a general heads up to the members via a post or AT LEAST to contact Abby or JM and have them relay the inability to maintain the site. I don't think that is (was) asking too much.

BUT! I do sincerely wish Greg well with everything going on. We have found a new home that promises to be better than the old and, as a lifetime supporter as well, I feel my contribution was worth it just for what CT has added to my life.

RIP Chiptalk - logging off
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