CT hacked? (1 Viewer)

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In early 2005, Greg was organizing a group buy of sorts for the original Paulson Pharaoh's. This project began on 2+2 but he was not allowed to continue it there, probably because the Pharaoh's project was a for-profit venture. Greg started CT in order to complete the project, and the rest is history. For those new to the hobby, Greg's article about the development of the original Pharaoh's and why he started CT is here.

So these chips ended up not being true Paulsons?
The lifetime membership cost was significantly higher than $20 - if memory serves it was close to $200 - but the anger you're hearing isn't about the money. I piss away $200 playing hold'em in the first orbit...

Alot of people are angry because the site was the best possible resource for chippers until Greg decided to monetize the site - it became more of a business and less of a hobby, hence the paid memberships.

At the same time this happened, Greg started to mislead new chippers via advertising his shitty China chips as authentic clay Pharaohs just like the Paulsons. He was misleading new members to line his own pockets, furthering the animosity from long time members.

Right after he started to make the site a paid site and less of a hobby site, he also let the site go down. Repeatedly. For long periods at a time.

Let's review -

- Took a very popular hobby site and made it about money
- Mislead new members to make more money
- Didn't give a flying FUCK about the site from a maintenance or uptime perspective

I have it on good authority from people that were mods over there that Greg was unavailable for long stretches at a time - and I know he had personal stuff going on - but you lose that leniency from long time members when you start charging people for what was once free.

Cliffs -
- Fuck Greg and Chiptalk
- Maybe not call people out as overreacting when you weren't aware of the backstory

I heard it was closer to $100, but whatever, it's a very insignificant amount of money from a long time ago. Even though I never named names you saw yourself in my comment, that's on you, but now that you bring it up I will counter with it must be about the money to you because that's all. you. ever. bring. up. OK, fine, it's not about the money or any sort of immature grudge holding or just another chance for you to call somebody an idiot, if that's all true I assume I'll never read another post from you referencing the "lifetime membership" thing because you just said that's not what it's about. I'll also retroactively assume that all. the. other. times. in the past you have mentioned it you were also mistaken in your speaking and what you really meant was the personal hurt you feel concerning the site is the fire behind your post. Cool, problem solved, glad that won't come up again.

To everything else here's a little info for you bud: I am fully aware of the "backstory", I was there when it all went to shit, I was there when people couldn't get a hold of Greg, I was there when the site was unusable and even missed out on my first set of chips in the classifieds because it didn't update my new posts, and I was one of the people who got Greg's "letter" of explanation. I'm also one of the people who felt burned that I payed for something as a symbolic "thank you" for the people I had met and the info I had received and then was left wondering why it took an unusable site and a long time, well respected admin quitting to get something done and even then it wasn't what it was before. (by the way, I'm not sure why you have to have it on "good authority" that Greg was unavailable for long stretches of time, it was all public knowledge and posted about basically while it was happening, no secret there.)

Greg fucked up, and it doesn't matter to the "website" side of his life that he had some bad things going on in his "personal" life, he let a lot of people down and no matter if he's a nice guy or not the product he was putting out was inferior so people spoke with their feet and money and left. His product turned to shit, people aren't there anymore, that is punishment enough and anything else is just sour grapes imo.

You seem really tore up about the china clay thing and "true compression molded clay just like Paulson", I happen to agree with you, it's ridiculous. One of the first things you learn as a chipper is that to call a china clay a Paulson because they both have the word "clay" in their makeup is like calling a Pinto a Ferrari because they both have four wheels. It is misleading and I have never understood it, you can search my posts on here and there because other than having PM conversations with other members I'm pretty sure I've brought it up on both boards with a WTF? type of thinking. Here's my only question: Where the fuck are your posts calling out a few of the vendors here, who are advertising these chips on their site RIGHT NOW as "true compression clay just like a Paulson", for doing the exact same thing as Greg does. The answer is there are none (that i've seen, i admit thought hat I don't read as many posts here as some of you do); you don't jump at every available opportunity to slam them, you don't get the over whelming anger about shippers being done wrong, only when it's CT and Greg brought up do you reach a point you can't take it anymore and post something hateful. Double standard? Yeah, I agree, and it's one thing that drives me nuts on internet forums.

-Greg and Chiptalk are old news but you are still hanging on to the anger, sorry about the rest of your life and how it must be going.
-I never "called" anybody out (is this a rap battle?), I do know the back story, and it's not "over reacting" that I am talking about; it's petty, immature, petulant, one sided garbage that is still going on after how long?

Oh, I almost forgot to review like you did-
-The site itself started out as a money making venture so sorry you were fooled, seems pretty plain to see now and not surprising it was monetized further (I was fooled to though, and had I been around longer I would have been a lifetime supporter)
-lot's of people mislead people in this hobby, you are focusing on one person and acting like he's the only one while not attacking anybody else. That shows me you don't have a "noble" reason for your anger, just more personal stuff
-Whatever the reason he didn't do shit with the site, be it for greedy or just plain not thinking about it, he reaped the rewards of letting a product he put out fall by the wayside, we all know where the poker chip action is now.

I'm not really an asshole and apologize that you more than likely have that opinion of me, but ever since a few threads have came up and people have shifted from talking about poker chips to thinking it's okay to call people names and bully them (lol at that, seriously, get a life) on an internet forum because they think they have it all figured out I have changed my feelings lately about who I think is here for poker chips and who I think is here because this is all they have. I agree with a lot of the thinking in the political and gun threads from members who have the loudest opinion, but I don't want to be anywhere near some of the shit that has gone on in those threads anymore.

I've been through a ton of personal tragedy in the last 2.5 years or so along with trying to start a family and a new business, I admit I'm on edge and probably let some things bother me more than I should lately, for that I sincerely apologize if I'm wrong or have snapped at people I disagree with. But I don't think I'm wrong here and I will never apologize for not wanting people to treat other people like assholes, even if it's just on some stupid poker chip board that I spend a good amount of my internet life on. Tired of the negativity, life is hard enough, I'm not sure why we have to be such jerks to each other.
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