CPC vs Paulson (5 Viewers)


Sitting Out
Mar 11, 2020
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Hi. I've been lurking for sometime doing research on creating a custom cash set.
It sounds like CPC is best possible option out there in terms of quality and true casino feel?
However, I noticed a few things that bothered me about CPCs that I wanted to clear up.

- It seems like the edges are very rough and not very crisp and clean on the CPCs vs a casino (Paulson) chips. Almost look like they're chipping off...
- CPSs seem to have a very thick and heavy cross hatching texture while the Paulson's have very fine and almost smooth texture (there is a cross hatching-like pattern but it's so fine that you can barely see it)

Am I wrong?

- Paulsons have inlays that look like they're embedded into the chip and the clay is actually overlapping the inlay. Am I right? If so, are the CPCs made the same way?
- CPC inlays have the cross hatching texture that seems consistent with the mold itself. Is it possible to get a smooth inlay just like casino/Paulsons?

Thanks in advance.
Hi. I've been lurking for sometime doing research on creating a custom cash set.
It sounds like CPC is best possible option out there in terms of quality and true casino feel?
CPC is the best/only option for custom compession-molded clay chips, although one can also assemble a semi-custom Paulson clay set by selecting from available chips and replacing the inlays with custom laminated labels of your own design.

Other available full-custom casino-quality products include ceramics (BrProPoker, Sun-Fly) and high-end plastics (Matsui, Abbiati) -- both chip types are used by many casinos.

Get samples.

- It seems like the edges are very rough and not very crisp and clean on the CPCs vs a casino (Paulson) chips. Almost look like they're chipping off...
- CPSs seem to have a very thick and heavy cross hatching texture while the Paulson's have very fine and almost smooth texture (there is a cross hatching-like pattern but it's so fine that you can barely see it)

Am I wrong?

Although the processes used for final edge dressing differ, both CPC and Paulson chips have relatively smooth and sharp edges as delivered from the factory.

Cross-hatching is dependent on the design characteristics of the specific mold used to create the chips. CPC has many molds with different characteristics, that produce chips with varying degrees of 'smoothness' or 'texture' on the chip face (and inlay, which also may or may not match the chip face characteristics, pending the specific mold used). Similar situation for Paulson chips, which will also vary by when they were produced (most chips since 2000 or so have glossy inlays with no texture).

Get samples.

- Paulsons have inlays that look like they're embedded into the chip and the clay is actually overlapping the inlay. Am I right? If so, are the CPCs made the same way?
- CPC inlays have the cross hatching texture that seems consistent with the mold itself. Is it possible to get a smooth inlay just like casino/Paulsons?
Not entirely. With both chips, the inlays are pressed into the base chip using both high temperatures and pressure. The inlay is thus embedded into the chip material, but there is no base material overlapping or covering the inlay itself.

As mentioned above, chip (and inlay) texture is a function of mold design. Some CPC molds produce smooth inlays; most do not. Older Paulson casino chips (1970-2000) have textured inlays, while most modern chips have smooth inlays (both casino and home game chips), which were developed to accommodate advanced security features (microdot, RFID, etc.).

Get samples. Your research is incomplete without them.
Ok, thanks all. Will order some samples.
I first had settled on getting a customer majestic set but the beveled edges and slippery shuffle was bothering me and decided to just go all in...
This is becoming a bigger project than I thought...
I got a bunch of sample sets (mold set, color set, and the 10 chip sample) and they definitely have a rougher finish and edges vs Paulson/Casino chips. Is this something that gets smoothed out over time? Mint condition Paulsons seem to be pretty smooth from what I'm seeing.
I love CPC but in my honest opinion they are not on the same level (sorry if I offended anyone). When handling a stack of both you will notice the difference right away.
I love CPC but in my honest opinion they are not on the same level (sorry if I offended anyone). When handling a stack of both you will notice the difference right away.
I have to agree with you. It's as close as it gets though I guess.
Hi. I've been lurking for sometime doing research on creating a custom cash set.
It sounds like CPC is best possible option out there in terms of quality and true casino feel?
However, I noticed a few things that bothered me about CPCs that I wanted to clear up.

- It seems like the edges are very rough and not very crisp and clean on the CPCs vs a casino (Paulson) chips. Almost look like they're chipping off...
- CPSs seem to have a very thick and heavy cross hatching texture while the Paulson's have very fine and almost smooth texture (there is a cross hatching-like pattern but it's so fine that you can barely see it)

Am I wrong?

- Paulsons have inlays that look like they're embedded into the chip and the clay is actually overlapping the inlay. Am I right? If so, are the CPCs made the same way?
- CPC inlays have the cross hatching texture that seems consistent with the mold itself. Is it possible to get a smooth inlay just like casino/Paulsons?

Thanks in advance.

Don't feel bad dude. I am doing the same thing rn.
CPC offer a 38-colour palette, while Paulson HAD an almost 90-colour palette.
The difference is in the past tense, regarding the latter.
CPCs may be the second-best casino-type clay chips in the world, but they 're still the best chips in the world offered to the public today.
They have to be cleaned and oiled, when out of the factory, though.
To avoid that, you may embark into looking for specific unused Paulsons of your liking, on the secondary market.
This would take much more money, time, patience, humility, and faith in God, though.
CPC offer a 38-colour palette, while Paulson HAD an almost 90-colour palette.
The difference is in the past tense, regarding the latter.
CPCs may be the second-best casino-type clay chips in the world, but they 're still the best chips in the world offered to the public today.
They have to be cleaned and oiled, when out of the factory, though.
To avoid that, you may embark into looking for specific unused Paulsons of your liking, on the secondary market.
This would take much more money, time, patience, humility, and faith in God, though.
I couldn't get myself to pay $3-$4 per chip for a good Paulson. I'd rather pay a little less with the full customization of CPC, even though the texture and quality isn't perfect. Already knee deep into designing my inlays right now so no turning back, lol.
I couldn't get myself to pay $3-$4 per chip for a good Paulson. I'd rather pay a little less with the full customization of CPC, even though the texture and quality isn't perfect. Already knee deep into designing my inlays right now so no turning back, lol.

Unless you are getting solid customs, I don't think CPC is any cheaper. I am in the concept stage of designing a possible future set. At Level 10 and 11 , plus tax and shipping, you are looking at a final price tag of about $4 - $5 usd per chip (about $6.5 cad).
I couldn't get myself to pay $3-$4 per chip for a good Paulson. I'd rather pay a little less with the full customization of CPC, even though the texture and quality isn't perfect. Already knee deep into designing my inlays right now so no turning back, lol.
I wouldn’t say CPC is lower quality (they’re top notch, IMO) but the difference between CPC and Paulson is in the feel of the material, and especially color and edgespot choices.
I couldn't get myself to pay $3-$4 per chip for a good Paulson. I'd rather pay a little less with the full customization of CPC, even though the texture and quality isn't perfect. Already knee deep into designing my inlays right now so no turning back, lol.
I just did a 1100 chip set, fully custom, with a range of levels for 2700. That's basically 2.50 a chip with shaped inlays. You just have to figure out how to do it without running 10-11 level spots. CPCs are lighter then Paulson’s and feel different, but it's a one true from the ground custom you can have made at that price point.

I couldn't be more excited for the set, and I think with time and refinement, you can always get the same impact without spamming spots.
I couldn't get myself to pay $3-$4 per chip for a good Paulson. I'd rather pay a little less with the full customization of CPC, even though the texture and quality isn't perfect. Already knee deep into designing my inlays right now so no turning back, lol.
Man, you are taking me back to when I first started posting here. About budget and such...

I first thought, ain't no way I'm paying $3/chip for CPCs. My goodness.

Be careful friend. For my experience, it's been a trail of craziness and I easily blurred the line of what was a right price per chip. I have over 260 43mm Jack chips. What was that about budget I say to myself....:tdown:
I just did a 1100 chip set, fully custom, with a range of levels for 2700. That's basically 2.50 a chip with shaped inlays. You just have to figure out how to do it without running 10-11 level spots. CPCs are lighter then Paulson’s and feel different, but it's a one true from the ground custom you can have made at that price point.

I couldn't be more excited for the set, and I think with time and refinement, you can always get the same impact without spamming spots.

I'm definitely going to consider this as an option at least for the first custom tournament set.

I have leads already for a few THC's but CPC's would save me many depression trips.
Actually I just might, since the THC's are going to take a while. I would need something that stood the test of time, and I just thought of another card room with a different theme.
ASM/CPC are easy to relabel so I’ve just been buying them on here and putting my own labels on them to make my non-denom limit set.

CPC offer a 38-colour palette, while Paulson HAD an almost 90-colour

For me it’s not just the amount of colours. I believe 38-colour palette is sufficient to put together a nice design. I just think there’s a huge difference in the vibrancy between the two. Paulsons seems to be much brighter. Perhaps they use a different type of pigment in the dye. Not too familiar with the procedure
For me it’s not just the amount of colours. I believe 38-colour palette is sufficient to put together a nice design. I just think there’s a huge difference in the vibrancy between the two. Paulsons seems to be much brighter. Perhaps they use a different type of pigment in the dye. Not too familiar with the procedure
Sure. CPCs need to be cleaned and oiled to bring the colors' vibrancy close to that of Paulsons.
I have a set of Paulson Pharaohs, and just yesterday I ordered a sample set of Atlantic Clubs from CPC. I'll see if I can compare them side by side and get you some comparative info.

I can say though, that these Pharaohs I have are the nicest chips I've seen. When I go to casinos I feel like it's a chip downgrade from what I have at home...even casino Paulsons (just because they're older / dirty I guess). At the time I bought them, I also got some sample Paulson Casino de Isthmus chips, same quality as the ones I got, although I didn't like the label design as well. Point being; you will not be disappointed with the Paulsons...if you can find them that is. I've been looking for some to beef up my set / fill out my case, but I can't find them anywhere. In fact, if anybody here can point me in the direction of any, that would be a huge help.

I'm wanting to assemble a new set, and in looking around, prior to finding CPC, I had decided on the Majestic chips from Apache. They're nice, and I like the "Dark Mode" feel of the black label with white text, but they don't feel as high quality as my Paulsons (duh). From what i hear, the CPC's are pretty solid and are probably the closest to Paulsons in the game right now. Anybody know of any other high end, Paulson-adjacent clay chips available for retail purchase these days?
I have a set of Paulson Pharaohs, and just yesterday I ordered a sample set of Atlantic Clubs from CPC. I'll see if I can compare them side by side and get you some comparative info.

I can say though, that these Pharaohs I have are the nicest chips I've seen. When I go to casinos I feel like it's a chip downgrade from what I have at home...even casino Paulsons (just because they're older / dirty I guess). At the time I bought them, I also got some sample Paulson Casino de Isthmus chips, same quality as the ones I got, although I didn't like the label design as well. Point being; you will not be disappointed with the Paulsons...if you can find them that is. I've been looking for some to beef up my set / fill out my case, but I can't find them anywhere. In fact, if anybody here can point me in the direction of any, that would be a huge help.

I'm wanting to assemble a new set, and in looking around, prior to finding CPC, I had decided on the Majestic chips from Apache. They're nice, and I like the "Dark Mode" feel of the black label with white text, but they don't feel as high quality as my Paulsons (duh). From what i hear, the CPC's are pretty solid and are probably the closest to Paulsons in the game right now. Anybody know of any other high end, Paulson-adjacent clay chips available for retail purchase these days?

I also had initially decided to go with Majestics but I convinced myself that this is a lifetime investment and something I can pass down to my kids, lol.
I got my CPC samples and it confirmed what I saw on other people's images. The edges are very rough and feels unfinished. I do think the material itself is superb and feels great. I'm just bothered by how unclean it looks close-up and I don't think oiling is going to help with that. But obviously CPC is the top of the line custom available so I decided to go with it.

In terms of pricing, I didn't go too crazy with the combinations and was able to create a great looking set for a decent price. A-mold with lvl 3 edges for $2.09/chip.

Will share my designs here at some point. Spent way too much time on it...

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