Board Gamers, show us your loot! (6 Viewers)

We’ve been driving around Ireland for a week, this whole country is obsessed with Agricola. The whole country is just one big game board

Got some Brass: Birmingham in last night. Always enjoyable. I went into Manufactured goods and Beer and it paid off for me.
Ooo, jealous. This is my favorite Brass game, and probably one of my favorite games ever. I don't even own Lancashire! No need.
I feel the same way. Birmingham is so great, everytime I try a different strategy and the random selling locations make that possible and interesting.
No, still learning. Mostly Citadel contrast paints with a couple of layers
Nice. Those work well for leaning to paint. I have played with them using a white zenithal highlights over a gray base and it added some nice contrast on top if the paints contrast. I have alao found that thinning the contrast a touch with the contrast medium on my pallette helps the flow with a few of them. Best of luck painting! You'll have to share some finished photos.
Have not purchased Magic cards since The Dark. Caught wind that this might be a good investment. Might crack them open, might sit on them, might just wait six months or a year to do something?

Nice! I've been sitting on a single box since 2014 that has only been going up on value. It's quadrupled so far. Pretty happy about it. Getting the right set can be great long term.
Going "Marie Kondo" on the collection today. Gonna be about 40 games available CHEAP when I'm done. (Say 20-30% below the cheapest new you can find, SHIPPED)
I’m all about rescuing games that are leaving a collection.
I didn't find this past year that interesting for board games. Granted some of that is me getting more heavily back into playing cards every week and moving. But I haven't purchased a new game since Ark Nova. I am waiting on fulfillment of Hegemony and Castles of Burgundy SE though.
Ark Nova almost made the list. I still don't think I have to pay any attention to my opponents to play well, unless we are close to a break and I have a 2x token. I'll give it another try or two. It's a good game. Except for one maybe two of these, I'd play any of these games. They're good. They simply didn't survive the Marie Kondo "Does it bring me incredible joy?" treatment. There are many that did make the cut though.


Prices are a good starting point. Shipping is cheap or free for the most part, but I will not eat 15 shipping to send you a 20 game. Ideally you would put your car in my driveway and buy them all in person for Benjamins.

sell list.jpg
Splendor, Space Base, Great Western Trail. I'm assuming this is a dibs sale? :D
Some real bangers in there by my tastes! Orleans for one is a never-part-with game for me. Awesome that your copy has everything with it; it's a really robust experience with everything it can offer while still being pretty lightweight. Great pick up for anybody who likes X-building games!

Vinhos is I think the only Lacerda I haven't played, but I've owned a copy for something like 6-7 years... lol Need to get around to it, though I have no doubt being one of his earlier designs it won't live up to Lisboa, On Mars, etc. ...need to play his new one, Weather Machine, now that I mention it...

Of everything I'm actually interested in the NBMR9 tiles, which I'd never seen before!
I own two copies of the base game just so we could get really weird with it and do a variety of different ways to play: straight double-deck game, mixed deck that's still exactly 20 cards at random, 50% of the cards indicate that tiles are placed face-down instead of their normal face-up orientation, etc. We've got a ton of mileage out of that game since its release years ago.
Some real bangers in there by my tastes! Orleans for one is a never-part-with game for me. Awesome that your copy has everything with it; it's a really robust experience with everything it can offer while still being pretty lightweight. Great pick up for anybody who likes X-building games!

Vinhos is I think the only Lacerda I haven't played, but I've owned a copy for something like 6-7 years... lol Need to get around to it, though I have no doubt being one of his earlier designs it won't live up to Lisboa, On Mars, etc. ...need to play his new one, Weather Machine, now that I mention it...

Of everything I'm actually interested in the NBMR9 tiles, which I'd never seen before!
I own two copies of the base game just so we could get really weird with it and do a variety of different ways to play: straight double-deck game, mixed deck that's still exactly 20 cards at random, 50% of the cards indicate that tiles are placed face-down instead of their normal face-up orientation, etc. We've got a ton of mileage out of that game since its release years ago.
Great minds think alike. I also have two NMBR9 base games, plus two of these starter tiles, in my personal copy. I'm looking for two copies of the "extra tiles" but that will be difficult.
Interested in Caverna, Tapestry, and Arkwright. But I'll need to sit on this for a bit as we really haven't been playing many games lately.

Also... is it bad I sold Nations to a buddy and I'm considering buying it again?!? I just sold Through the Ages recently because it was too hard to get it played. And Nations, while similar, has a different enough feel and an arguably lighter rule set that I think it could get some action.

Stuff for me to think about here...

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