Throw away your Masks? (1 Viewer)


Full House
Sep 20, 2017
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New Jersey
I might be in the Minority with this, but with the CDC announcing today that Vaccinated people do not need to wear a masks any longer I don’t agree with it. I kind of feel like I’ll be seeing the COVID version of the famous Leon Lett Thanksgiving play vs the Dolphins. I for one will still wear a mask in the foreseeable future in public. In private with friends who are vaccinated I may not. I won’t hold it against anyone for not wearing a mask. I think we are celebrating and getting ready to spike the ball when we haven’t crossed the Goal Line yet. We don’t know about all these variants and should use the New York Yankees as an example. 8 members of the Yankees whom were fully Vaccinated had tested positive with “Breakthrough” cases of Covid. Granted they most likely won’t have anything happen to them, but still I would not want to be sick with some of the Symptoms COVID presents. What are your thoughts about still wearing a mask even though you are Vaccinated? My second question also is why it did have to be the Yankees why couldn’t it be the Red Sox?
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I have a feeling that masking in public might be something that hangs around for awhile, not only because we don't know how much lasting immunity the current crop of COVID vaccines actually bestow (though I hope it is a long time, including against variants), but also because it's protective against good-old flu during the late autumn-winter season, and for some reason kills far too many Americans each year. Maybe getting the COVID vaccine will also help remind people to get the yearly flu vaccine.
I have no intention of wearing a mask if I don’t have to. My wife and I have the vaccine, as does my 16-year old. Waiting for a while on my 13-year old, but she’s been around tons of people maskless playing club softball for months.

I‘m ready to burn these suckers.
Second vax is next Tuesday, I am in construction and curious if that will apply at work or not. Brie and I keep to ourselves for the most part so outside of work we do not have to wear them other than in the store...

The real question is how do they verify rather you are fully vaccinated? Is the greeter at walmart going to ask each person for their vax card for the next year? 5 years? I don't see how they can police this properly and like @Klobberer said, the anti vaxxers will be the first to take them off and try to get around this.

But I absolutely am 100% burn the damn masks!! When you are in a labor intensive field, in building with no AC and the rooms get over 100 quickly it is almost impossible to work with a mask on!
The vaccine doesn't mean that you can't catch COVID or a variant, the primary purpose is to teach your body how to fight it and to lesson the symptoms. People will still get it like the flu each season. But you won't see people getting severely sick and needing hospitalization. I had the VID back in November and it was like a cold for me, still going to get my shots soon that I can be back to normal for attending events.
lets say the cdc's advice is picked up world wide.... fully vaccinated people will be ( i think) still hesitant to be in public with out their masks, but the antimask people will 100% go maskless.... so where will this put us? massive spike if the masks work, and no spike if the masks were a joke. interesting experiment.
I don't think there's a good reason to not keep a mask handy in the event you don't feel well and have to go out in public. Seems like a courtesy to your fellow humans. I remember in 2019 I caught a pretty gross cold while I was in Montreal. I was a sniffly mess on the flight home. I'm sure the other passengers would have appreciated me masking up.
I have about 600 steps from my car to my office. About half way in, I realized I left my mask in my car... During the day, I rarely wear it, except in common areas.

Today, specifically because of CDC guidance, I decided not to go back. I've only had one shot (second is tomorrow), but I was like, "fuck it, who's gonna know?!"

At Deuce's game last night, half the parents for the other school we're not wearing masks. I judged them.

so where will this put us? massive spike if the masks work, and no spike if the masks were a joke. interesting experiment.
My wife works in a K-8 school... You know, a germ factory? Every year, the common cold ravages the school, particularly in the winter months.

Kids have been live all year, with masks, save for a couple days here and there as a preventative measure. There has been very few cold-related absences (and lots with symptoms have been tested and most come back COVID positive). From this little petri dish, I can say that masks work.
Fully vaccinated here as a member of #TeamModerna and I'm not tossing my masks from what became a collection of sorts -- almost like chips! -- over the past year-plus.

These are my go-to masks. Not tossing any of them and I'll continue to wear one in public, especially in large public gatherings. That's my personal choice, as it is for other folks.


Side note: it's also been cool throughout the pandemic when a stranger walks up, introduces himself/herself and reveals they also served with the 101st. Cool way to meet fellow former Screaming Eagles.
Seems to me as though masks are a lot less political here in the UK than they are in the USA.

As well as wearing my mask, I've been fairly compliant with the guidance here in the UK since last March — and will be getting my vaccines imminently.

Personally, I won't carry on with wearing masks when things are back to 'normal'. We only have to wear them indoors in shops etc as it is, so once that's been lifted, I'll be ditching them.

This might sound naive, but I don't want to have to live my life in a bubble if I don't have to.

*Edited for typo.
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I’m struggling to find a reason why I, a fully vaccinated person (with a fully vaccinated family) should continue wearing a mask anywhere, inside or out.

I did play live poker this week for the first time, in a room where masks were optional. I wore mine, as did about half the people there. Though I’m not sure why. And based on the CDC’s statement, I doubt I’ll wear it again (when it’s optional.)

I keep an open mind, and I’ll continue to follow whatever directives are applicable. But I think that this point, I’ll only be wearing a mask when it’s required by a business or local government.

As for the anti-vax, anti-mask crowd, they’re no longer my concern.
At this point, I’m going to keep a mask in my car and some masks at home but I personally won’t be wearing them the way I was in mid-late 2020. It’s been pretty well-established for a while now that outdoor spread was minimal at worst, almost non-existent at best, and the CDC finally says they’re not needed for vaccinated people in most indoor spots.

Way I see it, we’ve established that the CDC is the scientific body of record in this arena. If the CDC saying wear masks outdoors was “the science” for over a year, why would the CDC saying don’t wear masks *not* be “the science” now? (Only tin-foil theory that I saw to explain why this guidance might be bullshit is a bi-partisan one that I’d be happy to share, but this isn’t the politics section so I won’t.)

I’ll wear one in a store but probably not anywhere else. Not because I think masks don’t work, but because I think the vaccines work better.

PS—I’m *fascinated* how babies born in late 2018/2019 will fare down the line. Not being able to touch things or see faces until you’re two probably does a number on object permanence.
There are many cultures around the world that already would wear masks a lot in public, either to not spread their own illness or to not catch one from others. So, depending on the country, there are already a lot of people wearing masks and will continue to wear masks. In North America, I can see a lot of people continuing to wear them in public for things like grocery shopping. When it comes to physical labor or sports though, I think those masks are going to come off for the most part.
If my state says to wear the damn mask, I'll wear the damn mask. I get my J&J shot on Monday, 91 days after my monoclonal antibody treatment. I'd love to see everyone's full face again, but not at the risk of taking a few steps backward. I'll keep a mask handy, but be more than happy to not wear it when the time is right.
I've been fully vaxxed for a few weeks now. I'm slowly trying to force myself to walk outside without my mask (it's weird psychological exercise when you are so used to it for so long) when I am not going indoors. I will not be going indoors without a mask yet, I just don't trust the anti-vaxxers and curious what the numbers will be like a few weeks from this CDC announcement. While the idea of burning masks sounds like a fun idea, I'm not there yet and probably won't be until next summer. I do like the ideo of wearing a mask during winter cold/flu season around my office since we work closely together.
I’m struggling to find a reason why I, a fully vaccinated person (with a fully vaccinated family) should continue wearing a mask anywhere, inside or out.

I did play live poker this week for the first time, in a room where masks were optional. I wore mine, as did about half the people there. Though I’m not sure why. And based on the CDC’s statement, I doubt I’ll wear it again (when it’s optional.)

I keep an open mind, and I’ll continue to follow whatever directives are applicable. But I think that this point, I’ll only be wearing a mask when it’s required by a business or local government.

As for the anti-vax, anti-mask crowd, they’re no longer my concern.
I, vaccinated and not wearing my mask anywhere I don’t have to, did make an exception and masked up at the poker table. So I could hide my shit-eating grin when i double barrel bluff then bink a gutter on river. It’s such a special feeling when you know how mad poor villain is about to be
For the good of the masses (actual good or perceived good).
Care to expand upon that?
We get vaccinated to protect ourselves and to protect people who can’t be vaccinated. I embrace that - glad to be a community.
But with vaccinations that are 95-99% effective, and with a CDC that tells us that that’s enough, what specifically do you think would be achieved by masking me up?
Care to expand upon that?
We get vaccinated to protect ourselves and to protect people who can’t be vaccinated. I embrace that - glad to be a community.
But with vaccinations that are 95-99% effective, and with a CDC that tells us that that’s enough, what specifically do you think would be achieved by masking me up?
We know vaccines prevent the most severe COVID-19 disease/outcomes caused by the virus nearly 100% of the time, we don't know yet for certain that they prevent infection from the virus itself. There's a big difference there when it comes to a vaccine protecting others.

In other words, right now we know the vaccine protects ourselves, as for protecting others we're not so sure.

It's very likely the vaccines will also prevent infection from the virus itself, and some reports are starting to come out backing that up. Because the scientific method hasn't validated that yet, wearing a mask might still be beneficial on a population level as a way of preventing asymptomatic spread. Ounce of prevention and all that. My guess is the CDC is acting on a strong hunch and making this recommendation.

I too hope people start normalizing wearing a mask when they are sick. As others have mentioned it's basic manners in a lot of places in the world.
For the good of the masses (actual good or perceived good).
Right but if you’re vaccinated, what utility are you actually providing?

In my opinion we’ve gotten to the point where we all have herpes. We can tell people to wear a condom in perpetuity (never going to happen) or tell them not to shtup when they have an outbreak (more reasonable). Now that we have a medicine to not only help prevent outbreaks but infections, I don’t see why we can’t leave the Trojans in the bedside table.

I just don't trust the anti-vaxxers and curious what the numbers will be like a few weeks from this CDC announcement.
I understand this point in theory but not in reality. If you’re vaccinated, you’ve already protected yourself immensely against the threat of anti-vaxxers, no? I know that you can still get it if vaccinated, but to me being vaccinated and wearing a mask because of the anti-vaxxers is like folding KJ preflop because you’re playing full-ring and someone probably has an Ace.

I’ll wear a mask because of a certain situation, but not because of the threat of anti-vaxxers.

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