Whatcha doing? (1 Viewer)


4 of a Kind
Tourney Director
Jun 6, 2019
Reaction score
Cajun Country
Since some of us are stuck at home due to this Coronavirus outbreak, what will you be doing to pass the time?

Me? I’m gonna prepare for a test, play some online P* games with PCF and some family members. Also gonna spend quality time with my family.

It’s gonna be a long 30 days.
I'm actually at work. I even gave up my 7th floor corner desk with a great view and now I'm in a 6th floor sh!thole cubicle. Cuz "people gotta be separated"
I work from home full time, so my life has not changed lol. Balancing PCF and Work. Struggles :) Very fortunate!
Honest to God worst debate yet!! Back to broke and have the most amazing chips... or actually pay some Bill's uggh!! Wish you didn't lower that price and hope someone scarfs them up quick!! Its killing me
Editing photos. Catching up on invoicing. May update my website over the coming days/weeks. And build a new poker table. :)

Taking a day off to work the polls for today's Presidential Primary election. Since the polls opened at 7am, my precinct has had about 85 voters - many wearing masks and/or gloves.
Working from home. I travel through the southern parts of Saskatchewan, Alberta and SE British Columbia. All travel is restricted and only people that cannot work from home are at the office. Catching up on lots of data entry.
But I would rather be out visiting customers.
I think we might be the only group still working right now fully during this event at our site. It's been interesting.

So I brought Brisket for everyone.

Our plant of 250 is still full staff, running business as usual with no plan to change unless ordered by the government to do so.

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