When do you plan to host live poker again? (1 Viewer)


4 of a Kind
Jun 1, 2015
Reaction score
LaVista, NE
For those of you who host for your crew, when do you see yourself hosting again?
My county lifts its ban on groups >10 on May 3.
Technically I could have a 50 person game on May 4. Many of my crew has asked when I will host again, and most of them want to do it asap.
Not gonna lie, no matter when I do host again it is going to seem like it is too soon.

When is too soon too soon?
My state has allowed groups of up to 10 to gather as of Monday just gone.

So whenever I can organise. But we are basically a covid free zone, so the risk is almost 0 at this point.

It felt weird seeing my mates again for the first time in a while. We were all a bit unsure how to greet eachother :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
August 5 because that is the soonest you have a plan for or because that is the soonest you are comfortable doing so?
I kinda know your scenario, so if you could host before that time, when would you feel comfortable?
August 5 because that is the soonest you have a plan for or because that is the soonest you are comfortable doing so?
I kinda know your scenario, so if you could host before that time, when would you feel comfortable?

I won't host again in Saudi, I have plans for summer. I'm locking myself down with hope I can get out of here...that would never happen if I test positive for covid.
About 80% of the counties in my state are opening up next week. Not mine, though.

My best guess is that I will follow my employer's lead on this one. Pretty much everyone at my company is working from home, but we are currently planning to have people return on June 1. So I hope to host a game next month. We shall see.
I'm still waiting to host my first in our new house. However we are in the epicentre here in NYC. So maybe later in summer, maybe early fall, maybe in two years. Even then I think there will be hygiene protocols we all have to follow like lots of hand sanitizer and no one even remotly not feeling well.

Then maybe wash all the chips after. This thing IS coming back.

What if we come up with a soccor red card for poker that anyone can call on another player if they sneeze?
I’m in Louisiana, and I’m not hosting a game at least until we are back at work. I’d say early to mid June for me.
A few of my friends work in the oil field so safe to say that any attempts to host a game may failed anyway lol.

Everyone who still plays in my local group has been cool playing on pokerrrr2 using zoom. I am fearful that my pals will want to stick with this moving forward. :(
The correct answer to all open up questions is when a vaccine is readily available. Any sooner is assuming risk for you, your family, and the people you interact with in close proximity.

If you don’t care about any of that that, you do you.
Sorry, but this is ridiculous. A vaccine could take years. They STILL don't have a vaccine for every virus / disease.
Sorry, but this is ridiculous. A vaccine could take years. They STILL don't have a vaccine for every virus / disease.
They will get this it eventually, less than 2 years. Mayb much less with the way AI is working on it. They have made other Coronus viruse vaccinations before so there is a roadmap. Plus the whole world is working on it. The reality is there is no real back to normal until we have a vacinated herd immunity. It will just keep coming back over and over.
Even though we already play every game outside in a tropical environment, we are in a major city and many of our players travel frequently. I also have a child with a congenitally compromised immune system. So live games are not in my immediate future. We will see how things develop but probably will start up in August at the earliest.
Anyone want to meet at a local park and play pokerrrrrr from 6 feet away?

Not very covid related, but this would be a poker format that could break through on national TV :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

More on-topic: the first homegame here will take place as soon as bars and restaurants are back to normal and as soon as my friends in healthcare don’t have to pull incredible stunts anymore to make sure the people in their care receive the care and resources they deserve. It’s mire a rule of thumb as it’s too soon to put an actual date on it.
I just wish there was a reliable test. Unfortunately, with political and economic shitstorms out there, the FDA relaxed its criteria for antibody test development, which means that there is a wide range of possible false-positive results among the available test kits. The best tests are great (99% accurate), the worst tests are absolutely horrible (85% accurate).

The best test is highly accurate, easily performed, quickly assayed, easy to produce/distribute, and (hopefully) cheap, In addition to refining blood tests based on antibody detection, I think some companies are also working on saliva sampling (way less invasive than current swabbing).
Hosting: I have jockey chips coming in July/August so probably will break those in when they get here.

Playing casinos: no plans indefinitely. This year is looking iffy

Playing home games: They’ve been online til now so haven’t had to decide. Windy Crest is again online in May. There is a short 3rd Sunday of the month sit-n-go that I will probably attend if they decide to have it on 5/17, but also ok if it gets postponed
I got an invite for a game tomorrow. I'm not going because we're still in lockdown. Would anyone alert the authorities?

I prefer to stay in my own lane. I certainly wouldn’t be attending, but I don’t know what I don’t know in situations like this and would just mind my own business.
We stopped gathering in groups because the local heath officials told us we needed to.
When those same health officials tells us it is ok to be in groups, why wait until June/Jul/Aug/etc??

I realize every location is different and has different levels of risk they are dealing with, but if the same officials said it was unsafe are now saying it is ok.....

I am not criticizing or passing judgement on anyone, i'm just having a hard time pulling the trigger to open up and host and I don't know why.
We stopped gathering in groups because the local heath officials told us we needed to.
When those same health officials tells us it is ok to be in groups, why wait until June/Jul/Aug/etc??

I realize every location is different and has different levels of risk they are dealing with, but if the same officials said it was unsafe are now saying it is ok.....

I am not criticizing or passing judgement on anyone, i'm just having a hard time pulling the trigger to open up and host and I don't know why.

I think it's going to be a few months before i host at the earliest

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