Playing 6-handed, $.25/$.50 PLO8 with a $1 straddle.
Hero is in the BB, sitting on a $50 stack on a $20 buy-in (2-3-6-9 - don't remember the suits, but they're largely irrelevant). Pot is limped to Hero, who calls, and the straddler checks.
Pot: $6
Flop: 6d-6s-3d with two diamonds
SB checks, Hero bet $5, folds around to SB, who has me covered by a tiny bit, calls.
Pot: $16
Turn: 4d
SB bets $7. What does Hero do now? (Happy to also discuss Hero's line PF and on the flop, but the hand didn't really get interesting until the turn)
Hero is in the BB, sitting on a $50 stack on a $20 buy-in (2-3-6-9 - don't remember the suits, but they're largely irrelevant). Pot is limped to Hero, who calls, and the straddler checks.
Pot: $6
Flop: 6d-6s-3d with two diamonds
SB checks, Hero bet $5, folds around to SB, who has me covered by a tiny bit, calls.
Pot: $16
Turn: 4d
SB bets $7. What does Hero do now? (Happy to also discuss Hero's line PF and on the flop, but the hand didn't really get interesting until the turn)
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