Moxie Mike
Full House
Hero is in the BB with a stack of ~$800 and easily covers the table as most stacks are in the $3-$400 range. Hero is the BB.
Villain from the previous hand is the button with a stack of $365. Villain (middle aged ornery guy) seems to be steaming a little. This was about 5 or 6 hands after the hand I posted about last night.
Villain posts a $5 button straddle. SB calls and Hero looks down at and calls. Why? Mainly because I don't like bloating the pot OOP. There's certainly a case to be made for raising.
3 more players limp to the Villain who raises his straddle to $25. Everyone calls. Pot: $150.
The flop comes . SB checks, action is on Hero.
UPDATE: The hand continues.
Hero considers a 'find out where he's at' bet of $75 but figures a check is better to see what the rest of the table does. Action checks around to the preflop aggressor, who bets $100.
Villain seems like he might be steaming a little. SB folds and Hero elects to call - mainly to see if any of the remaining players jam. Everyone else folds, adding legitimacy to the possibility that the Villain may actually have flopped the nuts.
The turn is . Hero checks and Villain bets $200, leaving about $35 behind.
Villain from the previous hand is the button with a stack of $365. Villain (middle aged ornery guy) seems to be steaming a little. This was about 5 or 6 hands after the hand I posted about last night.
Villain posts a $5 button straddle. SB calls and Hero looks down at and calls. Why? Mainly because I don't like bloating the pot OOP. There's certainly a case to be made for raising.
3 more players limp to the Villain who raises his straddle to $25. Everyone calls. Pot: $150.
The flop comes . SB checks, action is on Hero.
UPDATE: The hand continues.
Hero considers a 'find out where he's at' bet of $75 but figures a check is better to see what the rest of the table does. Action checks around to the preflop aggressor, who bets $100.
Villain seems like he might be steaming a little. SB folds and Hero elects to call - mainly to see if any of the remaining players jam. Everyone else folds, adding legitimacy to the possibility that the Villain may actually have flopped the nuts.
The turn is . Hero checks and Villain bets $200, leaving about $35 behind.
Hero tanked for a bit. This seems pretty binary - he either flopped it or he didn't. The fact that he bet into 5 opponents on the flop is more indicative of strength although he may just have been betting since it checked to him. Me flatting the flop bet OOP pretty much tells him what I'm holding... so with the turn bet he's either trying to protect his hand or move Hero off his.
Hero considers that perhaps Villain picked up a flush draw on the turn, but that really doesn't change the binary nature of the situation. Considering the cautious way Villain played the previous hand, Hero leans toward him having it and folds.
Hero considers that perhaps Villain picked up a flush draw on the turn, but that really doesn't change the binary nature of the situation. Considering the cautious way Villain played the previous hand, Hero leans toward him having it and folds.
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