What are the rules for any High Hand Promos at the casino you play at? (I lost out for not knowing) (1 Viewer)


3 of a Kind
Aug 10, 2022
Reaction score
New Jersey
I'm sure most know this promo but just in case - typically runs during the day and resets every 30 minutes or so, best hand in the poker room during that time wins some $$. Rinse/repeat.

Went to the casino to play some cards today and I wound up losing a high hand promo for not knowing the casino's rules, and I'm curious how other casinos run their high hand promos. I held A 9 going to the flop. Flop comes A 3 A (bets follow). Turn is the last A (checks all around). River is a 10 (I throw out a bet and get called for showdown). After the dealer pushed me the pot he then tells me that had I jammed all-in on the turn and made everyone fold then showed him afterwards, I would have qualified for the high hand (that hand ultimately would have held for that time slot)

He then tells me that the 10 on the river negated my hand. I told him I was under the impression that for quads to qualify that one had to use both your hole cards to make quads Ex: holding any pocket pair. Curious how other card room run theirs. I'm a dope.
Down here in central Florida on some days you can still win half the amount with a single card. I got lucky once and hit quad 7s with 79 but nothing higher than 9 ever came.
Quads loses. Both people must use both hole cards in their hand (I made it pay once with an 8 high heart straight flush beating a pocket pair that river their quads). Needs to have a certain amount in the pot (just let your opponent lead out they want the bad beat too so they will ensure the pot is big enough). Oh, also, shut up until the dealer says it's all good. They can say it was collusion if you talk about it and not pay it.
MD Live is any Quads using both of your cards. For example, I was involved in a hand in which I had 22, and my opponent had 9 10. flop was 299. turn was a 9, so he over-jammed so that his kicker played ( I would have folded to almost any bet there anyway, knowing any 9 or any pocket pair beat me). He ended up with the High Hand for the 20 min period, and an extra $400.

For the bad beat, I think both players need to have a pocket pair, but that is any Quads losing.

He then tells me that the 10 on the river negated my hand. I told him I was under the impression that for quads to qualify that one had to use both your hole cards to make quads Ex: holding any pocket pair. Curious how other card room run theirs. I'm a dope.
Yeah, same here. Your 9 would have used both hole cards, and qualified. Live and learn though.
AT Resorts World Catskills for HH you can use 1 card and must have at least 20 in the pot. The regs use a code word to ask for help if there is less than 20 and seems like checking down, then bet 5 or whatever and get called and behind the scenes give the bet back, so your hand was good at RW.

Interesting nuance for Bad beat Jackpot where you have to use 2 cards and it is quad 55s or better to get beat. What some don't realize is you must have a pocket pair, i checked with the floor on this and basically if I have AK and you have 99 and the board is 99AAA, we would both be using 2 cards for quads however that would not qualify for BBJ, crazy stuff right so yeah always know the rules.
For the high hand jackpot at Sarasota Kennel Club both hole cards must play for any quads or straight flush and there must be at least $20 in the pot. The hand does not need to go to showdown. In a very player friendly move, you can also ask for help if you need someone to call your bet to reach the required $20 minimum. Typical payout is $599 but it varies. Sometimes there is even a $50 table share for each player dealt into the hand.
oh and another HH nuance at RW, if your hole card matches the board card you can still use it for HH even if the pot chops, for instance board is AAAAK so chop for all, if I have a K i am eligible for the high hand, I have seen this happen but not to me. So 4 people chopped but 1 guy with a K got the high hand. And yes never needs to go to showdown just flip over when hand ends on any street.

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