Vinyl Rail Care (1 Viewer)


Sep 8, 2022
Reaction score
Eagan, Minnesota
Hey folks, checking in.

Caring for rail on a regular basis? I treat mine before every session. I used to an Armorall product for vinyl etc but ran out. With the new ellipse going into service this week at The Godfather Club for Session 100 I wanted to make sure the rails looked spiffy.

I ran across a bottle of Mothers Back to Black lotion and moving forward it’s the only thing I’ll use.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current Game)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)

Are you going to tell us why you found it to be so superior to other products?
It’s a lotion and I’ve only ever used the comparable product by Armorall in spray form. The AA was kind waxy.

I can’t remember why the Mother’s was recommended but it was by someone who led me to believe that this was a superior product but I tend to concur.
Also, it seems like it’s more of a conditioner than what I’ve used. Now, that said, small sample size right? But for me, and I have a brand new bottle, this is what we’ll use until someone gets me to try something bigger, badder, boner.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)
How much do you use per application?
I just squirt a liberal amount onto a microfiber cloth and start rubbing. It’ll do about a quarter of the rail, getting the inside and outside portions. You can tell when it’s time to squirt again because you can see that it’s going on thinner. I’d err on the side of less per pass than more.

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