John Law Comes a Knocking - Your Action (1 Viewer)


Sep 8, 2022
Reaction score
Eagan, Minnesota
So a popular podcast back in the day broached the subject of local law enforcement making an unannounced appearance at your home game. Could be because of parking, noise, who knows…

They knock on the door and as the host you answer. “Good evening Mr. Soandso, I’m Officer Suchandsuch and this is my partner Officer Whatshisname. How are you tonight?”

Well, most likely you have nothing to hide; home games are legal in your state or whatever and you’re not raking the game.
“I’m doing well. What can I do for you guys?”

“We’re just peeking in on the house with all the cars parked on the street, your neighbor Ms. Noseywitch called and was concerned about parking.”

“Oh, Ms. Noseywitch, yeah she’s keeps a good eye on the neighborhood. We really, ahem, appreciate her hard work. Is there a parking problem? Everyone is parked legally right?”

“No problem with the parking. She said you have friends over pretty regularly to play poker. Mind if we come inside?”

***********************************************************************Ok kids, I’ve gone over this in my head countless times since the substantive conversation that ensued on the podcast and rest assured The Godfather Club has a protocol in place for just such an event. Additionally, if the house is detained, all players understand what they would be required to do if they’re somehow in a position to answer my door. They shouldn’t be answering my door and I’m never detained.

So, what say you?

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)
Not everybody who wears a uniform is a policeman….

I wouldn’t let anyone in my house. If they want to talk about parking then let’s go out into the street and talk about it.
Nobody is parking in the house.

It’s a sad society when we are terrified what the police will do to us for minor things. I live in a low crime area, and really everyone here is more afraid of the trouble the police can cause you than any criminal activity. I’d honestly rather have my tv and laptop stolen than interact with a triggered law official that’s targeted on me.
No warrant, no entry. Regardless of if I have people over or not. Just because there's nothing illicit doing on doesn't mean someone isn't fishing for something.
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When they ask of they can come in the answer is "I'm sorry sir. The only people I allow in my house is people who have already been approved by my PIT BULL and she is already barking scared because she doesn't know you". That usually scares away anyone.
The Godfather Club has a protocol in place for just such an event
Does that protocol include tearing down and eating the “tip your host” signs?
I’m partly teasing here obviously, but I’m also serious inasmuch as i would think that’s the sort of thing that arguably pushes you further from typical social home game toward illegal game prosecution. State laws vary of course.
If there is no noise complaint and no parking complaint, I have a hard time seeing a realistic scenario where a police response would be generated.
I call the PD the day of my game and let them know I'm having people over and they may be here late past the parking restriction times.

"Ok, no problem, we'll mark it down."
I must be the only person worried as a *guest* of poker games. Have your own business? Going through divorce? Applying for loans in the near future? Travel frequently? There's a million scenarios where an infraction, misdemeanor, or felony can ruin your life.

I wouldn't worry what to say to a cop at my door, I would worry why they're there in the first place. If I host:
attendees know not to bring over anything illegal
it's a gated community with ample parking space
there's flock cameras at all community entrances/exits
people can't even get in without a valid license/being admitted
I generally know everyone attending

I.e., there's no reason for LEO to be remotely interested in my house or who is in it, as that information is readily available.

If for some reason there was a warrant (which I believe would only be by mistake), I'd ask if they would allow me to take a moment and call local dept. to verify it's authenticity and would happily open my house to them if it was real.

All of that being said, would I be nervous going to a hosts home to play poker where I don't readily know everyone, or host doesn't know everyone, and there's a large amount of people? Absolutely. I think it's a non 0 risk for sure.

I don't really care about chips, and I don't even really like standard poker. It's all just an excuse to be social and hang out with folks, so for me hosting includes taking certain precautions on your attendees behalf. Like @upNdown half joked about, things like tip your dealer signs I would never have out and I'm somewhat likely not to attend those places either.
When they ask of they can come in the answer is "I'm sorry sir. The only people I allow in my house is people who have already been approved by my PIT BULL and she is already barking scared because she doesn't know you". That usually scares away anyone.
Cops kill a lot of dogs yearly too.
Killed a dog in the house next door to where they were ordered, it was barking .... you know at aggressive strangers that look dangerous.
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I must be the only person worried as a *guest* of poker games. Have your own business? Going through divorce? Applying for loans in the near future? Travel frequently? There's a million scenarios where an infraction, misdemeanor, or felony can ruin your life.

I wouldn't worry what to say to a cop at my door, I would worry why they're there in the first place. If I host:
attendees know not to bring over anything illegal
it's a gated community with ample parking space
there's flock cameras at all community entrances/exits
people can't even get in without a valid license/being admitted
I generally know everyone attending

I.e., there's no reason for LEO to be remotely interested in my house or who is in it, as that information is readily available.

If for some reason there was a warrant (which I believe would only be by mistake), I'd ask if they would allow me to take a moment and call local dept. to verify it's authenticity and would happily open my house to them if it was real.

All of that being said, would I be nervous going to a hosts home to play poker where I don't readily know everyone, or host doesn't know everyone, and there's a large amount of people? Absolutely. I think it's a non 0 risk for sure.

I don't really care about chips, and I don't even really like standard poker. It's all just an excuse to be social and hang out with folks, so for me hosting includes taking certain precautions on your attendees behalf. Like @upNdown half joked about, things like tip your dealer signs I would never have out and I'm somewhat likely not to attend those places either.
All of that being said, this is also me with @quintooo going to get a Munchies Box from Jack in the Box at 3 AM:

Half my game is filled with cops and attorneys. I'd probably ask them why they didn't RSVP, lol.

FWIW, I think the overwhelming majority of street level responding officers are completely uneducated (and quite frankly uninterested) on "Poker law". I myself had to do research before I started hosting. I wouldn't expect the average person to know what the make or break is for having a legal/illegal game.
Does that protocol include tearing down and eating the “tip your host” signs?
I’m partly teasing here obviously, but I’m also serious inasmuch as i would think that’s the sort of thing that arguably pushes you further from typical social home game toward illegal game prosecution. State laws vary of course.
It does not. Lol

Raking a game is definitively different than asking for donations to cover food and beverage in MN.

Good jab though. I could see some tighter folks trying to implicate me in this regard lol
If, I let the officers in. Which I would not.

At my Frogtown Game years back cops thought they were going to push past me when I stepped outside closing the door behind me to talk.

A little unnerving. St. Paul Police threatening to arrest me. I stayed cool, tried not to sway (I was pretty hammered) and talked to them. As they were getting in their car and leaving I said “I’m losing my ass in here. Bail would be cheaper.” I was thrilled when the cop that turned around and scowled at me just rolled his eyes and got in the car.
I must be the only person worried as a *guest* of poker games. Have your own business? Going through divorce? Applying for loans in the near future? Travel frequently? There's a million scenarios where an infraction, misdemeanor, or felony can ruin your life.

I wouldn't worry what to say to a cop at my door, I would worry why they're there in the first place. If I host:
attendees know not to bring over anything illegal
it's a gated community with ample parking space
there's flock cameras at all community entrances/exits
people can't even get in without a valid license/being admitted
I generally know everyone attending

I.e., there's no reason for LEO to be remotely interested in my house or who is in it, as that information is readily available.

If for some reason there was a warrant (which I believe would only be by mistake), I'd ask if they would allow me to take a moment and call local dept. to verify it's authenticity and would happily open my house to them if it was real.

All of that being said, would I be nervous going to a hosts home to play poker where I don't readily know everyone, or host doesn't know everyone, and there's a large amount of people? Absolutely. I think it's a non 0 risk for sure.

I don't really care about chips, and I don't even really like standard poker. It's all just an excuse to be social and hang out with folks, so for me hosting includes taking certain precautions on your attendees behalf. Like @upNdown half joked about, things like tip your dealer signs I would never have out and I'm somewhat likely not to attend those places either.
Tip the dealer? Put a buck in the jar for your 10 hot dogs or *I’m* calling the police.
Good jab though. I could see some tighter folks trying to implicate me in this regard lol
If, I let the officers in. Which I would not.
It was a jab but it was also part of the larger conversation about legality. Or what might trigger a raid. Because that seems relevant.

If they get in your house, whether by invitation or by warrant, I would think that things like a tipping culture and multiple tables are more likely to trigger a prosecution.
And regularly parking a buttload of cars in a residential area is the kind of thing that might piss off the neighbors and trigger an investigation.
Laws vary and none of this is necessarily specific to you. But people here are always worried about these law issues. And so my advice to anybody worried about drawing police attention would be to keep it small, so as not to piss off the neighbors.
It does not. Lol

Raking a game is definitively different than asking for donations to cover food and beverage in MN.

Good jab though. I could see some tighter folks trying to implicate me in this regard lol
If, I let the officers in. Which I would not.

At my Frogtown Game years back cops thought they were going to push past me when I stepped outside closing the door behind me to talk.

A little unnerving. St. Paul Police threatening to arrest me. I stayed cool, tried not to sway (I was pretty hammered) and talked to them. As they were getting in their car and leaving I said “I’m losing my ass in here. Bail would be cheaper.” I was thrilled when the cop that turned around and scowled at me just rolled his eyes and got in the car.
Hopefully this doesn’t come across as cross. I mean who knows, I might be completely off base here. And it’s not just you, this whole place is full of SelfAwarewolves.

But before you provided this info, @upNdown was passing along unsolicited advice around legality and I was simply stating I’d never attend that type of game for what *could* go wrong and those type of games.

Lol and then you replied with the several times you’ve had issues and run into problems with LEO at games.

It’s almost as though….we might have a point? But just because I would never attend your game doesn’t mean it’s not a great fit for you and your guests! Honest best wishes.
It's probably my neighbor across the street who is a state trooper. And he's probably looking for his dog or kids, both of which have a track record of escaping his home and ending up in mine. I'd laugh at him and ask who he lost this time and ask if he wants a beer.
Hopefully this doesn’t come across as cross. I mean who knows, I might be completely off base here. And it’s not just you, this whole place is full of SelfAwarewolves.

But before you provided this info, @upNdown was passing along unsolicited advice around legality and I was simply stating I’d never attend that type of game for what *could* go wrong and those type of games.

Lol and then you replied with the several times you’ve had issues and run into problems with LEO at games.

It’s almost as though….we might have a point? But just because I would never attend your game doesn’t mean it’s not a great fit for you and your guests! Honest best wishes.
No harm. People like the food and feel obliged to kick in for it. If I said “We’re eating and I’ll order pizza it wouldn’t even be an issue who’s paying. Everyone. By having food ready and availble it doesn’t slow the game down and they pony up what they want. It’s always covered.

I’ve stirred up enough dust around here that everyone pretty much knows I mean no harm and have thick skin.

Now, chase me out of a pot and eat all the hot dogs. Sir, we’re gonna need to talk. lol

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