Tournament Hand from Last Night (1 Viewer)


Full House
Jun 24, 2017
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
So this is one of those hands that by the end, you may think I posted it for reasons other than why I did (e.g. massive suckout humblebrag or massive cooler sob story) - this is intended more a discussion around middle game tournament play in all stages of this hand.

Middle of a league tournament, with prizes and season points. Pays top 3. Points to all on a sliding scale.

5 players left. Blinds 300/600.

SB: Member here so I won't post read - 18,000
BB: Hero - 32,000
UTG: Winningest player in the game, TAG - 15,000
CO: Sticky player with shades of a calling station - 16,000
BTN: A 40 year old OMC - 25,000

UTG folds
CO RAISES to 1500
BTN Folds
SB Folds
BB (Hero) looks down at :kc: :tc:

Action on hero.
All you can do is call preflop. Never folding. KTs happens to be a decent 3! bluff candidate but you don't want a sticky player calling and having to continue out of position here with akward stack sizes.
Pretty clear flat call here.
Definitely a call. Very playable hand. If villain is who I think it is, it should be pretty easy to play this post flop against him.

At this stack depth, a 3-bet seems like an unnecessary waste of chips. Save those bullets for a better spot.
Pretty unanimous and I agreed - so moving the hand along a little quick for this step.

Middle of a league tournament, with prizes and season points. Pays top 3. Points to all on a sliding scale.

5 players left. Blinds 300/600.

SB: Member here so I won't post read - 18,000
BB: Hero - 30,500 remaining
UTG: Winningest player in the game, TAG - 15,000
CO: Sticky player with shades of a calling station - 14,500 remaining
BTN: A 40 year old OMC - 25,000

UTG folds
CO RAISES to 1500
BTN Folds
SB Folds
BB (Hero) looks down at :kc: :tc: and CALLS

Pot is 3300

Flop is :7h::5c::2h:

Action on Hero.
Definitely a call. Very playable hand. If villain is who I think it is, it should be pretty easy to play this post flop against him.

At this stack depth, a 3-bet seems like an unnecessary waste of chips. Save those bullets for a better spot.
Villain is a discord regular, and is artistic.
Pretty unanimous and I agreed - so moving the hand along a little quick for this step.

Middle of a league tournament, with prizes and season points. Pays top 3. Points to all on a sliding scale.

5 players left. Blinds 300/600.

SB: Member here so I won't post read - 18,000
BB: Hero - 30,500 remaining
UTG: Winningest player in the game, TAG - 15,000
CO: Sticky player with shades of a calling station - 14,500 remaining
BTN: A 40 year old OMC - 25,000

UTG folds
CO RAISES to 1500
BTN Folds
SB Folds
BB (Hero) looks down at :kc: :tc: and CALLS

Pot is 3300

Flop is :7h::5c::2h:

Action on Hero.
Check/fold to a bet. You have range advantage with this board, but that doesn't matter much if villain is sticky. You're too deep stacked yet to get fancy and try to float this. Next hand...
Following for entertainment, these are the kinds of hands that always get me into trouble, lol.



One of you two seriously needs to change your avatar, I mix you guys up all the time!! ;) :D
Following for entertainment, these are the kinds of hands that always get me into trouble, lol.


View attachment 907085

One of you two seriously needs to change your avatar, I mix you guys up all the time!! ;) :D
Dibs I keep avatar.:cool

Yes, there are backdoor clubs, but you'd need runner runner and even then you're second nutted in a situation where villain can very well have the Ace of clubs and run a naked ace bluff even if runner runner clubs come.
Check-call a reasonable bet. If he goes larger, we can let it go. But if he bets small then I hope you continued with the overs + back doors.
Check call for me. Two overs and backdoor clubs.
But I'm not wild there is two hearts on the board and if the villain bets this flop when we have the range advantage it does look pretty strong. I would probably still call a 1/3 pot bet and fold to a larger bet.
Check/fold to a bet. You have range advantage with this board, but that doesn't matter much if villain is sticky. You're too deep stacked yet to get fancy and try to float this. Next hand...
Yes. This hand kind of sucks because, 5-handed in position, I might be raising preflop. But we're in the stupid big blind facing a small raise preflop raise against a sticky guy. Normally, if I'm getting involved with a hand like this at this point, I'd like to be able to have options. But again, you say hes sticky, so what are my options going to be, if I don't hit the flop - 3 barrel bluff and hope for a scare card? So I don't really want to be involved. But I have to call 900 to win 3300, right? Seems like a no-brainer call, except that it will likely result in check fold for most flops. I hate sticky opponents in tournament poker.
Raising 2.5 in early position seems like an odd size to me. Of course I don't know him, or the table dynamic, but one thought is that this guy has GREAT cards and wants a call. If I had any reads/background to confirm this, I might have found a fold preflop.
As it's been posted I'm guessing we'll see a turn but I don't see him betting low enough here to justify a call and would be hoping he checks back. With his stack he's pretty much committing his stack here with any kind of large bet so unless you hit your chucking money here
Raising 2.5 in early position seems like an odd size to me. Of course I don't know him, or the table dynamic, but one thought is that this guy has GREAT cards and wants a call.
I was going to say the opposite. With the current stack sizes I think a raise should be 2x.
I was going to say the opposite. With the current stack sizes I think a raise should be 2x.
2 - 2.5x is ideal for any preflop raise (I prefer 2.5 myself until stacks get more shallow at which point I switch to 2.1)
2 - 2.5x is ideal for any preflop raise (I prefer 2.5 myself until stacks get more shallow at which point I switch to 2.1)
This is what I tend to use:

100bb+ = 3x
75 -100bb = 2.75
50 - 75bb = 2.5
30 - 50bb = 2.1/2.2
15 - 30bb = 2
Dibs I keep avatar.:cool

Yes, there are backdoor clubs, but you'd need runner runner and even then you're second nutted in a situation where villain can very well have the Ace of clubs and run a naked ace bluff even if runner runner clubs come.
I have two years of PCF seniority!
Continuing below...

Middle of a league tournament, with prizes and season points. Pays top 3. Points to all on a sliding scale.

5 players left. Blinds 300/600.

SB: Member here so I won't post read - 18,000
BB: Hero - 30,500 remaining
UTG: Winningest player in the game, TAG - 15,000
CO: Sticky player with shades of a calling station - 14,500 remaining
BTN: A 40 year old OMC - 25,000

UTG folds
CO RAISES to 1500
BTN Folds
SB Folds
BB (Hero) looks down at :kc: :tc: and CALLS

Flop is :7h::5c::2h:

CO pauses for about 15 seconds and then bets 1200.

Pot is 4500.

Action in hero.
The margin is just good enough for me to call. Any half pot size bet or larger and I likely fold. I'll change my course of action and call one time here.

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