Two Pair
During a hand I played last night with my online group, another player was talking during an all in and was way out of line in my opinion. His response was that I am still in the hand, so I can talk. The action was not on him.
Short version: I flop a royal flush draw with QTs. By the river, I had missed my flush, but made broadway for the nuts. The betting had been pretty heavy up to that point with the talkative player trying to run yet another massive three barrel bluff. Me and one other player were calling. Ace of clubs comes on the river and I raise $50 putting the bluffing player all-in and a $50 call into a $150 stack for the other player. While the other player is thinking about his call, the talkative player starts saying "Come on, obviously he has QT, just fold" He went on to describe the action to that point that he felt made it obvious that I had QT. I was very pissed. The other player eventually folded his flopped set of jacks. I immediately berated the talkative player saying sure you can talk if you are still in a hand if the action is on you, but you cannot, under any circumstances try to influence another players decision. That is not allowed whether you are in the hand or not.
Not sure if an actual rule was broken or it was just horrible etiquette on his part.
Short version: I flop a royal flush draw with QTs. By the river, I had missed my flush, but made broadway for the nuts. The betting had been pretty heavy up to that point with the talkative player trying to run yet another massive three barrel bluff. Me and one other player were calling. Ace of clubs comes on the river and I raise $50 putting the bluffing player all-in and a $50 call into a $150 stack for the other player. While the other player is thinking about his call, the talkative player starts saying "Come on, obviously he has QT, just fold" He went on to describe the action to that point that he felt made it obvious that I had QT. I was very pissed. The other player eventually folded his flopped set of jacks. I immediately berated the talkative player saying sure you can talk if you are still in a hand if the action is on you, but you cannot, under any circumstances try to influence another players decision. That is not allowed whether you are in the hand or not.
Not sure if an actual rule was broken or it was just horrible etiquette on his part.