Tourney Standard Blinds Structures and Starting Stacks (1 Viewer)

Bloody Marvelous

3 of a Kind
Feb 7, 2015
Reaction score
Gouda, The Netherlands
No Limit/Pot Limit Hold'em/Omaha Tournaments

  • Blinds are designed for standard chipsets: 5 / 25 / 100 / 500 / 1,000 / 5,000 / 25,000
  • Blinds double every two levels except from level 1 to 2.
  • If you prefer the blinds never double, double the starting stack and start at level 2.
  • Rebuy periods are recommended to not last past the point where they equal 25 Big Blinds.
  • Recommended starting stacks are 100BBs or more for Freeze-out, or 50BBs or more for Rebuy tournaments.
  • Tournaments are extremely unlikely to last past the level where the Big Blind equals 4% of all the chips in play.

5 chip and up

Starting Stacks

Freezeout tournaments: Starting stacks of 1,000 chips (100BB) to 3,000 chips (300BB)
Rebuy tournaments: Starting stacks of 500 chips (50BB) to 1,000 chips (100BB)

Recommended 2,000 chips (200BB) starting stack:
15x 5
13x 25
11x 100
1x 500

Alternative 2,000 chips (200BB) starting stack:
10x 5
10x 25
7x 100
2x 500

1: 5 / 10
2: 10 / 20
3: 15 / 30
4: 20 / 40
5: 30 / 60
6: 40 / 80
- Color up 5 -
7: 50 / 100
8: 75 / 150
9: 100 / 200
10: 150 / 300
- Color up 25 -
11: 200 / 400
12: 300 / 600
13: 400 / 800
14: 600 / 1,200
15: 800 / 1,600
- Color up 100 -
16: 1,000 / 2,000
17: 1,500 / 3,000
- Color up 500 -
18: 2,000 / 4,000
19: 3,000 / 6,000
20: 4,000 / 8,000
21: 6,000 / 12,000
22: 8,000 / 16,000

25 chip and up

Starting Stacks
Freezeout tournaments: Starting stacks of 5,000 chips (100BB) to 15,000 chips (300BB)
Rebuy tournaments: Starting stacks of 2,500 chips (50BB) to 5,000 chips (100BB)

Recommended 10,000 chips (200BB) starting stack:
12x 25
12x 100
3x 500

7x 1,000

Alternative 10,000 chips (200BB) starting stack:
8x 25
8x 100
2x 500
8x 1,000


1: 25 / 50
2: 50 / 100
3: 75 / 150
4: 100 / 200
5: 150 / 300
- Color up 25 -
6: 200 / 400
7: 300 / 600
8: 400 / 800
9: 600 / 1,200
10: 800 / 1,600
- Color up 100 -
11: 1,000 / 2,000
12: 1,500 / 3,000
- Color up 500 -
13: 2,000 / 4,000
14: 3,000 / 6,000
15: 4,000 / 8,000
16: 6,000 / 12,000
17: 8,000 / 16,000
- Color up 1,000 -
18: 10,000 / 20,000
19: 15,000 / 30,000
20: 20,000 / 40,000
21: 30,000 / 60,000
22: 40,000 / 80,000

100 chip and up

Starting Stacks
Freezeout tournaments: Starting stacks of 20,000 chips (100BB) to 60,000 chips (300BB)
Rebuy tournaments: Starting stacks of 10,000 chips (50BB) to 20,000 chips (100BB)

Recommended 40,000 chips (200BB) starting stack:
15x 100
3x 500

12x 1,000
5x 5,000

Alternative 40,000 chips (200BB) starting stack:
10x 100
2x 500
8x 1,000

6x 5,000


1: 100 / 200
2: 200 / 400
3: 300 / 600
4: 400 / 800
5: 600 / 1,200
6: 800 / 1,600
- Color up 100 -
7: 1,000 / 2,000
8: 1,500 / 3,000
- Color up 500 -
9: 2,000 / 4,000
10: 3,000 / 6,000
11: 4,000 / 8,000
12: 6,000 / 12,000
13: 8,000 / 16,000
- Color up 1,000 -
14: 10,000 / 20,000
15: 15,000 / 30,000
16: 20,000 / 40,000
17: 30,000 / 60,000
18: 40,000 / 80,000
- Color up 5,000 -
19: 50,000 / 100,000
20: 75,000 / 150,000
21: 100,000 / 200,000
22: 150,000 / 300,000
Limit Hold'em/Omaha Tournaments

  • Limits are designed for standard chipsets: 5 / 25 / 100 / 500 / 1,000 / 5,000 / 25,000
  • Limits double every two levels.
  • Rebuy periods are recommended to not last past the point where they equal 6.5 Big Bets.
  • Recommended starting stacks are 25 Big Bets or more for Freeze-out, or 12.5 Big Bets or more for Rebuy tournaments.
  • Tournaments are extremely unlikely to last past the level where the Big Bet equals 16% of all the chips in play.

5 chip and up

Starting Stacks

Freezeout tournaments: Starting stacks of 1,000 chips (25 Big Bets) to 3,000 chips (75 Big Bets)
Rebuy tournaments: Starting stacks of 500 chips (12.5 Big Bets) to 1,000 chips (25 Big Bets)

Recommended 2,000 chips (50 Big Bets) starting stack:
20x 5
20x 25
14x 100

Alternative 2,000 chips (200BB) starting stack:
15x 5
13x 25
11x 100
1x 500

Blinds || Limits
1: 10 / 20 || 20 / 40
2: 15 / 30 || 30 / 60
3: 20 / 40 || 40 / 80
4: 25 / 50 || 50 / 100
5: 40 / 75 || 75 / 150
- Color up 5 -
6: 50 / 100 || 100 / 200
7: 75 / 150 || 150 / 300
8: 100 / 200 || 200 / 400
9: 150 / 300 || 300 / 600
- Color up 25 -
10: 200 / 400 || 400 / 800
11: 300 / 600 || 600 / 1,200
12: 400 / 800 || 800 / 1,600
13: 500 / 1,000 || 1,000 / 2,000
14: 800 / 1,500 || 1,500 / 3,000
- Color up 100 -
15: 1,000 / 2,000 || 2,000 / 4,000
16: 1,500 / 3,000 || 3,000 / 6,000
- Color up 500 -
17: 2,000 / 4,000 || 4,000 / 8,000
18: 3,000 / 6,000 || 6,000 / 12,000
19: 4,000 / 8,000 || 8,000 / 16,000
20: 5,000 / 10,000 || 10,000 / 20,000
21: 8,000 / 15,000 || 15,000 / 30,000
- Color up 1,000 -
22: 10,000 / 20,000 || 20,000 / 40,000

25 chip and up

Starting Stacks
Freezeout tournaments: Starting stacks of 5,000 chips (25 Big Bets) to 15,000 chips (75 Big Bets)
Rebuy tournaments: Starting stacks of 2,500 chips (12.5 Big Bets) to 5,000 chips (25 Big Bets)

Recommended 10,000 chips (50 Big Bets) starting stack:
20x 25
20x 100
5x 500

5x 1,000

Alternative 10,000 chips (50 Big Bets) starting stack:
12x 25
12x 100
5x 500
6x 1,000

Blinds || Limits

1: 50 / 100 || 100 / 200
2: 75 / 150 || 150 / 300
3: 100 / 200 || 200 / 400
4: 150 / 300 || 300 / 600
- Color up 25 -
5: 200 / 400 || 400 / 800
6: 300 / 600 || 600 / 1,200
7: 400 / 800 || 800 / 1,600
8: 500 / 1,000 || 1,000 / 2,000
9: 800 / 1,500 || 1,500 / 3,000
- Color up 100 -
10: 1,000 / 2,000 || 2,000 / 4,000
11: 1,500 / 3,000 || 3,000 / 6,000
- Color up 500 -
12: 2,000 / 4,000 || 4,000 / 8,000
13: 3,000 / 6,000 || 6,000 / 12,000
14: 4,000 / 8,000 || 8,000 / 16,000
15: 5,000 / 10,000 || 10,000 / 20,000
16: 8,000 / 15,000 || 15,000 / 30,000
- Color up 1,000 -
17: 10,000 / 20,000 || 20,000 / 40,000
18: 15,000 / 30,000 || 30,000 / 60,000
19: 20,000 / 40,000 || 40,000 / 80,000
20: 25,000 / 50,000 || 50,000 / 100,000
21: 40,000 / 75,000 || 75,000 / 150,000
- Color up 5,000 -
22: 50,000 / 100,000 || 100,000 / 200,000

100 chip and up

Starting Stacks
Freezeout tournaments: Starting stacks of 20,000 chips (25 Big Bets) to 60,000 chips (75 Big Bets)
Rebuy tournaments: Starting stacks of 10,000 chips (12.5 Big Bets) to 20,000 chips (25 Big Bets)

Recommended 40,000 chips (50 Big Bets) starting stack:
20x 100
6x 500

20x 1,000
3x 5,000

Alternative 40,000 chips (50 Big Bets) starting stack:

15x 100
5x 500
11x 1,000

5x 5,000

Blinds || Limits

1: 200 / 400 || 400 / 800
2: 300 / 600 || 600 / 1,200
3: 400 / 800 || 800 / 1,600
4: 500 / 1,000 || 1,000 / 2,000
5: 800 / 1,500 || 1,500 / 3,000
- Color up 100 -
6: 1,000 / 2,000 || 2,000 / 4,000
7: 1,500 / 3,000 || 3,000 / 6,000
- Color up 500 -
8: 2,000 / 4,000 || 4,000 / 8,000
9: 3,000 / 6,000 || 6,000 / 12,000
10: 4,000 / 8,000 || 8,000 / 16,000
11: 5,000 / 10,000 || 10,000 / 20,000
12: 8,000 / 15,000 || 15,000 / 30,000
- Color up 1,000 -
13: 10,000 / 20,000 || 20,000 / 40,000
14: 15,000 / 30,000 || 30,000 / 60,000
15: 20,000 / 40,000 || 40,000 / 80,000
16: 25,000 / 50,000 || 50,000 / 100,000
17: 40,000 / 75,000 || 75,000 / 150,000
- Color up 5,000 -
18: 50,000 / 100,000 || 100,000 / 200,000
19: 75,000 / 150,000 || 150,000 / 300,000
20: 100,000 / 200,000 || 200,000 / 400,000
21: 150,000 / 300,000 || 300,000 / 600,000
- Color up 25,000 -
22: 200,000 / 400,000 || 400,000 / 800,000
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Stud/Razz Tournaments

  • Limits are designed for standard chipsets: 5 / 25 / 100 / 500 / 1,000 / 5,000 / 25,000
  • Limits double every two levels.
  • Rebuy periods are recommended to not last past the point where they equal 6.5 Big Bets.
  • Recommended starting stacks are 25 Big Bets or more for Freeze-out, or 12.5 Big Bets or more for Rebuy tournaments.
  • Tournaments are extremely unlikely to last past the level where the Big Bet equals 16% of all the chips in play.

5 chip and up

Starting Stacks

Freezeout tournaments: Starting stacks of 1,000 chips (25 Big Bets) to 3,000 chips (75 Big Bets)
Rebuy tournaments: Starting stacks of 500 chips (12.5 Big Bets) to 1,000 chips (25 Big Bets)

Recommended 2,000 chips (50 Big Bets) starting stack:
20x 5
20x 25
14x 100

Alternative 2,000 chips (200BB) starting stack:
15x 5
13x 25
11x 100
1x 500

Ante / Bring In / Completion || Limits
1: 5 / 5 / 20 || 20 / 40
2: 5 / 10 / 30 || 30 / 60
3: 10 / 10 / 40 || 40 / 80
4: 10 / 15 / 50 || 50 / 100
5: 15 / 25 / 75 || 75 / 150
- Color up 5 -
6: 25 / 25 / 100 || 100 / 200
7: 25 / 50 / 150 || 150 / 300
8: 50 / 50 / 200 || 200 / 400
9: 50 / 100 / 300 || 300 / 600
- Color up 25 -
10: 100 / 100 / 400 || 400 / 800
11: 100 / 200 / 600 || 600 / 1,200
12: 200 / 200 / 800 || 800 / 1,600
13: 200 / 300 / 1,000 || 1,000 / 2,000
14: 300 / 500 / 1,500 || 1,500 / 3,000
- Color up 100 -
15: 500 / 500 / 2,000 || 2,000 / 4,000
16: 500 / 1,000 / 3,000 || 3,000 / 6,000
- Color up 500 -
17: 1,000 / 1,000 / 4,000 || 4,000 / 8,000
18: 1,000 / 2,000 / 6,000 || 6,000 / 12,000
19: 2,000 / 2,000 / 8,000 || 8,000 / 16,000
20: 2,000 / 3,000 / 10,000 || 10,000 / 20,000
21: 3,000 / 5,000 / 15,000 || 15,000 / 30,000
- Color up 1,000 -
22: 5,000 / 5,000 / 20,000 || 20,000 / 40,000

25 chip and up

Starting Stacks
Freezeout tournaments: Starting stacks of 5,000 chips (25 Big Bets) to 15,000 chips (75 Big Bets)
Rebuy tournaments: Starting stacks of 2,500 chips (12.5 Big Bets) to 5,000 chips (25 Big Bets)

Recommended 10,000 chips (50 Big Bets) starting stack:
20x 25
20x 100
5x 500

5x 1,000

Alternative 10,000 chips (50 Big Bets) starting stack:
12x 25
12x 100
5x 500
6x 1,000

Ante / Bring In / Completion || Limits

1: 25 / 25 / 100 || 100 / 200
2: 25 / 50 / 150 || 150 / 300
3: 50 / 50 / 200 || 200 / 400
4: 50 / 100 / 300 || 300 / 600
- Color up 25 -
5: 100 / 100 / 400 || 400 / 800
6: 100 / 200 / 600 || 600 / 1,200
7: 200 / 200 / 800 || 800 / 1,600
8: 200 / 300 / 1,000 || 1,000 / 2,000
9: 300 / 500 / 1,500 || 1,500 / 3,000
- Color up 100 -
10: 500 / 500 / 2,000 || 2,000 / 4,000
11: 500 / 1,000 / 3,000 || 3,000 / 6,000
- Color up 500 -
12: 1,000 / 1,000 / 4,000 || 4,000 / 8,000
13: 1,000 / 2,000 / 6,000 || 6,000 / 12,000
14: 2,000 / 2,000 / 8,000 || 8,000 / 16,000
15: 2,000 / 3,000 / 10,000 || 10,000 / 20,000
16: 3,000 / 5,000 / 15,000 || 15,000 / 30,000
- Color up 1,000 -
17: 5,000 / 5,000 / 20,000 || 20,000 / 40,000
18: 5,000 / 10,000 / 30,000 || 30,000 / 60,000
19: 10,000 / 10,000 / 40,000 || 40,000 / 80,000
20: 10,000 / 15,000 / 50,000 || 50,000 / 100,000
21: 15,000 / 25,000 / 75,000 || 75,000 / 150,000
- Color up 5,000 -
22: 25,000 / 25,000 / 100,000 || 100,000 / 200,000

100 chip and up

Starting Stacks
Freezeout tournaments: Starting stacks of 20,000 chips (25 Big Bets) to 60,000 chips (75 Big Bets)
Rebuy tournaments: Starting stacks of 10,000 chips (12.5 Big Bets) to 20,000 chips (25 Big Bets)

Recommended 40,000 chips (50 Big Bets) starting stack:
20x 100
6x 500

20x 1,000
3x 5,000

Alternative 40,000 chips (50 Big Bets) starting stack:

15x 100
5x 500
11x 1,000

5x 5,000

Ante / Bring In / Completion || Limits

1: 100 / 100 / 400 || 400 / 800
2: 100 / 200 / 600 || 600 / 1,200
3: 200 / 200 / 800 || 800 / 1,600
4: 200 / 300 / 1,000 || 1,000 / 2,000
5: 300 / 500 / 1,500 || 1,500 / 3,000
- Color up 100 -
6: 500 / 500 / 2,000 || 2,000 / 4,000
7: 500 / 1,000 / 3,000 || 3,000 / 6,000
- Color up 500 -
8: 1,000 / 1,000 / 4,000 || 4,000 / 8,000
9: 1,000 / 2,000 / 6,000 || 6,000 / 12,000
10: 2,000 / 2,000 / 8,000 || 8,000 / 16,000
11: 2,000 / 3,000 / 10,000 || 10,000 / 20,000
12: 3 000 / 5,000 / 15,000 || 15,000 / 30,000
- Color up 1,000 -
13: 5,000 / 5,000 / 20,000 || 20,000 / 40,000
14: 5,000 / 10,000 / 30,000 || 30,000 / 60,000
15: 10,000 / 10,000 / 40,000 || 40,000 / 80,000
16: 10,000 / 15,000 / 50,000 || 50,000 / 100,000
17: 15,000 / 25,000 / 75,000 || 75,000 / 150,000
- Color up 5,000 -
18: 25,000 / 25,000 / 100,000 || 100,000 / 200,000
19: 25,000 / 50,000 / 150,000 || 150,000 / 300,000
20: 50,000 / 50,000 / 200,000 || 200,000 / 400,000
21: 50,000 / 100,000 / 300,000 || 300,000 / 600,000
- Color up 25,000 -
22: 100,000 / 100,000 / 400,000 || 400,000 / 800,000
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At least for NL/PL, instead of starting at Lvl 2 and doubling (chip heavy), you can also squeeze in a "BGinGA" blind of 5/15, 25/75, or 100/300.

Or 10/15, 50/75 or 200/300 levels.

You can also opt for 500/1,000 and 700/1,400 i.s.o. 600/1,200 and 800/1,600 (though I personally prefer 600/1,200 and 800/1,600 levels).

You could also choose to double the blinds every 3 levels, though I'd recommend introducing antes if you're going to go that route.
Nice work, Bloody. I recommend always starting at L2 with 2x stacks or adding the extra L1a level to avoid pointless early 100% blinds increases.
Found this a few years back on another forum and found it very useful. I adjusted some of the Antes on version 2.


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