Patriots fans (and non-Patriots fans I suppose) (2 Viewers)

Agree that it's an issue between God, Brady, and his equipment manager and that the Hoodie isn't really involved here. On to Seattle.

Being a resident patriots fan, I subscribe to the jealousy aspect. Supposedly a norm across the league for all QBs to like their footballs a certain way, Colts crying wolf after getting destroyed. On the other side, it is the job of the ref to inspect the footballs, so I put some of the blame on them for not catching it.

The Patriots have beaten them on average by 20 points since Luck took over as QB. They were outmatched in every phase of the game. As the Colts player said himself, we could have beat them with a bar of soap....or a beach ball, or a bowling ball.

The deadbeat Colts reporter who has nothing to report any longer with his team out of contention is just grasping for headlines with the 2 week layoff between the title games and the Super Bowl. 2 years ago it was deer antler spray with Ray Lewis, this year its deflategate.

I suspect that the NFL will investigate thoroughly and come up with a quick response that is well received by the media and fans.............HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA Just Kidding, no matter what Goodell decides to do, he'll manage to fuck it up

/end rant
When the Vikings heated up balls on national television 2 months ago, people didn't care. The NFL issued a "reminder" to not do that, its against the rules.

When the Patriots played the Packers late in November (a game the Patriots lost), the commentators stated that Aaron Rodgers likes to inflate his footballs higher than what the league allows. No warnings, no crazy fanfare. Aaron backed up their claim, no issues.

Brad Johnson paid to have footballs scuffed before winning a superbowl in 2007. No noise.

Eli Manning currently has his footballs doctored months in advance.

Nobody cared about it until the Patriots. I'm personally torn about it until more information is released, but the more I hear about other teams the less I care. They could have rushed with bowling balls in that game and still crushed.
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What I can't understand is how the teams can supply their own balls. Seriously why isn't the nfl supplying all game day balls and taking responsibility for ensuring that everything is correct?
Vinatieri's comments this morning were kinda funny. Something to the affect of "well if they made a third down catch for a first down early in the game because the ball was easier to catch, it may have changed the whole momentum of the game". LOL Vinny
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I was a Packer Ballboy in the 70's 80's, and 90's. We did plenty of illicit things that the coaches, from Bart Starr to Mike Holmgren knew NOTHING about. We scuffed balls for the quarterbacks. We sprayed the Offensive line jerseys with silicon lubricant. We kept game balls under our coats to keep them warm for GB while the visiting team got ones that were left out in the cold.
Much ado about nothing IMO - and I'm the extreme polar opposite of a Patriot fan (huge respect for Brady, fwiw). Seems like they're just looking for something to talk about/generate buzz/get all teh interweb clicks. So I guess they're doing it right?
I hate cheating, and I hope this becomes nothing. I bet after the super bowl, we hear about it for a few more days, and not again until September. Guinness is right though, any other team that would have done this, people wouldn't have cared. When the pats do it, it gets blown up. If the Seahawks did this last week, I bet nobody would be asking the Seahawks to back out of the super bowl, forgo draft picks, and suspend Pete Carroll (who cheated at USC)
I dislike that smug Cheat Carroll way more than Belichick, but the difference is the Patriots got caught once before, so of course they are under more scrutiny. Do I think it made an ounce of difference last week? Absolutely not. The problem as I see it is that if the Patriots got caught videotaping other teams few years ago, and now they got caught tampering with the footballs, what else are they doing that hasn't been discovered yet? They obviously have no moral issues with breaking the rules. I think fines, loss of drafts picks, and suspensions are in order. And if Belichick claims he didn't know what was going on, while I may believe him on this count, as Roger Goodell said to Sean Payton about bountygate: "ignorance is not an excuse."
I dislike that smug Cheat Carroll way more than Belichick, but the difference is the Patriots got caught once before, so of course they are under more scrutiny. Do I think it made an ounce of difference last week? Absolutely not. The problem as I see it is that if the Patriots got caught videotaping other teams few years ago, and now they got caught tampering with the footballs, what else are they doing that hasn't been discovered yet? They obviously have no moral issues with breaking the rules. I think fines, loss of drafts picks, and suspensions are in order. And if Belichick claims he didn't know what was going on, while I may believe him on this count, as Roger Goodell said to Sean Payton about bountygate: "ignorance is not an excuse."

Lol at Goodell saying "ignorance is not an excuse" a few years ago to Sean Peyton, I bet he wishes he never used that exact phrase. Goodell is the worst
Haters gonna Hate. This would not be a story if it weren't the Patriots. The NFL is also looking into Texting on the sideline from the Browns and Tampering from the Jets, but your lucky if you can find 2 sentences on either. Given the number of blown/missed calls this year, why is it out of the realm of possibility that the refs did not actually measure the PSI of each football prior to the game?

One other thing that I don't fully understand, is how an under inflated ball is a distinct competitive advantage? Everyone is clamoring that an under inflated ball is easier to throw and grip, but isn't that just an opinion? Aaron Rodgers (arguably the best QB in football) says that he likes to play with an over inflated football. If the ball is overinflated in a game, does that give him an advantage or a disadvantage?
Under inflated ball is easier to catch especial in the cold weather. When the ball is over inflated it is more likely to bounce out of your hands as it is harder.

The thing that gets me is the balls were checked inside (warm room) then after the balls were sitting outside in the cold they were under inflated (this makes sense) if the ball was checked and passed at the lowest PSI then it would make complete sense on them being under after an hour in the cold.....
Under inflated ball is easier to catch especial in the cold weather. When the ball is over inflated it is more likely to bounce out of your hands as it is harder.

I know thats what everyone is saying, and it sounds logical, but its still just a matter of opinion. With an over inflated ball, you can throw tighter spirals and they won't be as affected by wind. Some receivers, similar to Rodgers, might actually think an overinflated ball is easier to catch.
I'm a pats fan. Chipjoker, the Colts balls were fine though. Also, they checked the pressure after the game, and they were legit. (Footballs were changed/filled at halftime).

Something happened. Did the refs slip up, did Brady order the code red. I honestly don't think we will EVER really know the truth.
Kind of bad when Mark Brunell and Troy Aikman are essentially calling Brady a liar with pants on fire. Patriots are going to get slapped in their pee pees...of course after the Super Bowl because it's best for business to hand down the punishment after the big game.
I hate cheating, and I hope this becomes nothing. I bet after the super bowl, we hear about it for a few more days, and not again until September. Guinness is right though, any other team that would have done this, people wouldn't have cared. When the pats do it, it gets blown up. If the Seahawks did this last week, I bet nobody would be asking the Seahawks to back out of the super bowl, forgo draft picks, and suspend Pete Carroll (who cheated at USC)

There is no history of Cheating in Seattle. [/discussion] I also agree with Guinness, if it were any other team than New England, this would be a non issue. However this IS the Patriots, and the Patriots cheating is well documented above and beyond anything else in this generation of football, and that's the only reason this is being discussed (and what else is there to talk about for two weeks?). They've been caught videotaping opponents practices to see how they were preparing to face the Pats... If they altered the balls after they were properly checked by the officials (which I hope they will be able to determine one way or the other) then they are flat out cheating, plain and simple.

If the the balls were not altered after being properly checked (unlikely, from what I've read), or the officials did not properly inspect the balls then the Pats did nothing too out of line, shady but not cheating. Otherwise they are just cheaters.

If it's determined the cheated with the balls here and they were caught with Spygate, I wonder what else they're doing?
For the love of God this argument has got to stop. I like the analogy of baseball pitchers putting pine tar on their hats/uniform to get a slightly better grip. They ALL do it even though it is technically against the rules. Same goes for this fiasco. All teams alter the damn ball in some way even though it is technically against the rules. Accept it or rant about suspending every quarterback in the league.

After the Pats win it all, I will be sending out this gem to all the haters here. :p BTW this beauty is not mine, but could be yours for the low low price of $7 on eBay.


  • !B+(lDygCGk~$(KGrHqYOKjoEzJV!tFsrBM+Z93s-w!~~_12.jpg
    71.4 KB · Views: 148
There is no history of Cheating in Seattle.

PED and OTA violations could be considered cheating as well. Only a total D-Bag would say that Seattle only won the Super Bowl because they were having illegal contact practices earlier than all of the other teams, and that gave them a competitive advantage, but if you are going to label anyone who has committed an infraction a Cheater, then it should be consistent.
Look...I HATE the Patriots but this is the dumbest no issue issue ever. Seriously do we think slightly deflated footballs were a difference maker in a 30+ margin of victory game?
Pats fans hate this because their team has a history of bending the rules. People are hating on the Pats for this because of that history - it's not like the Patriots descended from heaven accompanied by a winged Bill Belichick, spreading pixie dust and healing the sick on his way down to a soft landing on terra firma. What did you guys expect with a miserable old fuck like Belichick at the helm and after Spygate and the other things they've done.

Does it make a difference in the Colts game or is it material to the game in general? No. It's a non-issue but people are blowing it out of proportion because of the Pats recent history. Y'all should've expected this.

(FWIW, go outside on a rainy day with a fully inflated football and a partially inflated football. The fully inflated ball is more difficult to grip as a thrower. You can't get your fingers into it. Does it matter for an NFL QB with sufficiently large hands? No, not really, IMO).

I'd be laughing my ass off if this were Dallas and we were accused of cheating. Sorta like when people said we benefited from the picked up flag in the Lions game. My default answer was "SUCK IT, DETROIT!"

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I love pbrush.exe.
They've been caught videotaping opponents practices to see how they were preparing to face the Pats..

You do know it is legal (and common practice) to videotape the opposing team during practice, right? You do know, it was the location of where the Patriots were taping that was the illegal piece. It wasn't good, but to say it chronicles a history of cheating is negligent.

When the story broke, it was reported a Colts player (the guy who intercepted the ball) claimed the ball didn't feel right. Now he is coming out and saying he never said that, never thought the ball felt odd. He brought it to the sideline to keep it since it was his first post season interception in a 9 year career.

The NFL was supposed to have this wrapped up by today or yesterday. Instead, they reported today that they've hired a forensic team to review video (aka they have nothing). Lets just keep it going folks.

I like this graphic the best. For all you Brady haters, he keeps his family and friends in good company. These assclowns need WAAAY more attention than deflategate.

Hey Berg, remember this little Romo cheat? His foot pushing the ball to the first down mark after the refs put the ball down? CHEATERS!!!1

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