New Cards Sticking Together (1 Viewer)


Dec 23, 2019
Reaction score
Long Island
So I promise I’m not crazy! I got a new setup of Club Poker Angel cards that were sticking together. They were difficult to fan out and push together after a shuffle. I put them in a ziplock with a little bit of flour and gave them a shake. After a few shakes I removed the cards and wiped them down individually. Cards feel great now! Maybe I am crazy…. :unsure:
whaat brand? and yes tat is a mad man's move
Angel club poker. So far no issues and they feel way better when handling. Work in the shuffler just fine too
I've had this with Desjgn before. Love the cards but brand new out of package had an odd gritty oily feel; wiped each one down with slight damp cloth and they're back to wonderful. Don't know what it is, glad they're resilient.

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