Giveaway Giveaway #2: For pilots - Aero club x 5 sets (2 Viewers)

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Full House
Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
NB Canada - Maine's next door neighbour
This giveaway is for 5 licensed pilots.

Aero Club of Oregon.

I included a pic below of the ChipGuide.
I remember reading on The Chip Board that this was a club exclusively for pilots.
Not sure how accurate that is.

Offering 5 sets of (2) sample chips (1 x 25c, 1x 50c) to anyone who's a licensed pilot.
This is open to North America. Free shipping. Overseas pilots can enter if paying extra shipping.

Not sure how many pilots we have.
If we have more than 5, I'll enter all names in a random generator and top 5 names will be the winners. If you know pilots tag them here.

(Unfortunately I only had about 2 of the $1 and gave those away already)


Cool. I’m in.

Incidentally, do you know to tell if a guy is a pilot???

Answer: Don’t worry, he’ll let you know by figuring out a way to work it into the conversation within the 1st 2min of meeting him.... Or make it his online screen name.... Or get it tattooed on some obvious part of his body. .....or perhaps all of the above. :cool
Cool. I’m in.

Incidentally, do you know to tell if a guy is a pilot???

Answer: Don’t worry, he’ll let you know by figuring out a way to work it into the conversation within the 1st 2min of meeting him.... Or make it his online screen name.... Or get it tattooed on some obvious part of his body. .....or perhaps all of the above. :cool

Ha ha. I was thinking the same joke.

How do you know there is a pilot at your party?

A: He tells you.

In my defense. When I made this name I didn’t see myself participating much on the forum. However, I’ve really enjoyed it here.

Had I known I would have been participating in the forum I would have chosen:

1.) TotallyIncrediblePilot
2.) AwesomeAviator
3.) HeyLookImaPilot
very cool! Would love to win this! Can I enter my oldest son too? ... just got his private working on his instrument... currently in Kuwait with his guard unit... dabbles in poker. Would be fun for him to win... although it's a deep dark rabbit hole...
Thank you!
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