CPC Jockey Mold - Cash set - Yoshi's (1 Viewer)


Aug 12, 2013
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It has been a long time since I have ordered up a custom CPC set. So long, that it was actually in the days of "Red". I finally pulled the trigger back in December of 2021, on what was going to be a small crown cash set. I wasn't fully committed to the small crown mold though, as I do have a CPC set ready to be relabeled some day, and I would like to have a set on each mold that they produce. (Just cards/dice and large crown left now!)

So, with those considerations, I also ordered up a barrel or so of jockey and large crown chips, just to handle and see what I might like best. In the end, jockey won out, but MUCH to my surprise, large crown became a heavy contender. It will most definitely be the next mold that I choose.

Anyways, with the order placed, I told David that I would most likely be modifying some things. Molds, colour changes, spot changes, and shaped inlay changes. Luckily, he said it would be at least 9 months out before I would need to get all that in line. Cue December of 2022, and I was now scrambling to get things finalized. (Luckily, I had already confirmed going to the jockey mold, which gave me a month or two extension!)

As those who have met me would attest, I like colours. Lots of colours. I like flashy. Unconventional. Interesting. (Sure, some would say, gaudy, loud and tacky, but they would just be wrong :p )

Luckily, due to my wife's line of work, I have made friends with many super talented artists. Unfortunately, many of them are also quite busy , producing art, lol! However I was very lucky to be able to have one of them agree to work on some logo design for me. Many years ago, I had my wife do a Yoshi artwork, with Yoshi (of Super Mario Bros fame) , done in a Pacific NorthWest Native art style. While I still love it, I also realize that times have changed, and that it could very easily appear as appropriation, and that was never my intent. So, I was intent on creating a new Yoshi's chip.
First he created a "Yoshi" text for me. My request was "asian neon" , lol.

Then I asked him to create a neon samurai. He sent me a few rough sketches, which I loved, and then he polished them up, which,,,, I didn't love as much? So I asked him to go back to the roughs, and just keep the asymmetrical sketchy kind of look, and he nailed it.


I had already been working on a few concepts for chips. Using,,,,, unconventional spot patterns. David allowed me to go with some interesting things, but only because it wasn't a ton of chips. (This was only going to be about 600 chips for the full set, more than I would almost ever use with a single table cash game, we aren't a meetup group usually!)
This was the part that I had the most fun with. I also could quite easily see it becoming a massive dirty stack issue, which is another plus to ordering a small set. If something doesn't work out, I can re-order something for a denom to change it out at a later date, and not feel too bad about having racks and racks of chips.

Next up, was figuring out shaped inlays (yes!), but which shapes? That actually turned out to be fairly easy. As the shapes kind of flowed well with the spots, at least in my eyes.
Then, I decided I would try to do some colour matching with the logo and text, to the chips. Which turned out to be a massive disaster. Nothing looked right. Finally, I decided to just go with colours that I thought worked within each chip, even though it wouldn't be a match to the chip. I think it's ok, but could definitely be better.

I also had to choose some sort of background colour for the inlay. I didn't want to go with white, and originally I had thought to go with a golden kind of scheme, like a yellow smoked vintage look, but in the end, decided to just go with a fade and highlight, mostly because I was running on borrowed time, and on my vacation to Israel, trying to get it all finished up.

I submitted everything, and David worked his magic, and sent me the proof.

Disregard the levels of spots. They're not accurate, as they are just as if they would be the standard versions of them.

I'm usually really patient (heck, I placed the order at the end of 2021!) but when I got a shipping notice on March 4th? I started to get really anxious. Really really really anxious.

But on March 8th, I got a notification that they were waiting to be examined by customs.
And waiting.
And waiting.
And waiting.

Much despair.

Then, with a little assist from David, they got kicked out of the system, and magically yesterday, they appeared.

And the real chips will be posted,,,,, next.
Haven’t had time to pull the chips out yet, (passover starts tomorrow) but here’s some pics from last night.

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in for a sample set!

12 spot colours on a single chip. that has to be a PCF first right? its bonkers but i dig it!

the only way you could have got more colours on a chip would have been to have unique spot colours all the way around the $5 chip.
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Can't wait, looks like one of the most expensive CPC sets per chip ever.
No clue, but I was definitely happy it was a small set I was building ;)

Congrats on the set! Its totally nuts but I think I like it a lot!
Thanks! I’m eager to see it in play. Still mildly worried about dirty stacks, so we’ll see if I need to switch out any of the denoms.

I have to go to sleep soon….can I see them now?
Sorry about the delay, saw you were directed to another of my posts though.

When I see the 1s, I think of melting crayons and acid lol
I wanted to have a super colourful $1 since that is the workhorse in most of my games.

That $100 is wild!
I have to admit that I saw @Ronoh ‘s pillage and plunder set years ago with his original hundo was similar

in for a sample set!

12 spot colours on a single chip. that has to be a PCF first right? its bonkers but i dig it!

the only way you could have got more colours on a chip would have been to have unique spot colours all the way around the $5 chip.
I don’t have many sample sets, and basically none of the 12 spot chip :(
David told me that my $5 and $20 were the first of their kind to be made, but that someone has done a 12 spot chip before. That chip was his theoretical highest spot level, 19.

And I also had a lineup with the 16 colours, but I was already stressing out the CPC artisans with my requests.
I don’t have many sample sets, and basically none of the 12 spot chip :(
yeah totally understand. getting extras for wild creations such as that is always going to be tough given CPCs reluctance to make them in the first place
David told me that my $5 and $20 were the first of their kind to be made, but that someone has done a 12 spot chip before. That chip was his theoretical highest spot level, 19.
who else has a 12 spot colour? I cant recall seeing any off the top of my head.
And I also had a lineup with the 16 colours, but I was already stressing out the CPC artisans with my requests
lets see the mockup and it needs to get made!
It has been a long time since I have ordered up a custom CPC set. So long, that it was actually in the days of "Red". I finally pulled the trigger back in December of 2021, on what was going to be a small crown cash set. I wasn't fully committed to the small crown mold though, as I do have a CPC set ready to be relabeled some day, and I would like to have a set on each mold that they produce. (Just cards/dice and large crown left now!)

So, with those considerations, I also ordered up a barrel or so of jockey and large crown chips, just to handle and see what I might like best. In the end, jockey won out, but MUCH to my surprise, large crown became a heavy contender. It will most definitely be the next mold that I choose.

Anyways, with the order placed, I told David that I would most likely be modifying some things. Molds, colour changes, spot changes, and shaped inlay changes. Luckily, he said it would be at least 9 months out before I would need to get all that in line. Cue December of 2022, and I was now scrambling to get things finalized. (Luckily, I had already confirmed going to the jockey mold, which gave me a month or two extension!)

As those who have met me would attest, I like colours. Lots of colours. I like flashy. Unconventional. Interesting. (Sure, some would say, gaudy, loud and tacky, but they would just be wrong :p )

Luckily, due to my wife's line of work, I have made friends with many super talented artists. Unfortunately, many of them are also quite busy , producing art, lol! However I was very lucky to be able to have one of them agree to work on some logo design for me. Many years ago, I had my wife do a Yoshi artwork, with Yoshi (of Super Mario Bros fame) , done in a Pacific NorthWest Native art style. While I still love it, I also realize that times have changed, and that it could very easily appear as appropriation, and that was never my intent. So, I was intent on creating a new Yoshi's chip.
First he created a "Yoshi" text for me. My request was "asian neon" , lol.
View attachment 1112850

Then I asked him to create a neon samurai. He sent me a few rough sketches, which I loved, and then he polished them up, which,,,, I didn't love as much? So I asked him to go back to the roughs, and just keep the asymmetrical sketchy kind of look, and he nailed it.

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I had already been working on a few concepts for chips. Using,,,,, unconventional spot patterns. David allowed me to go with some interesting things, but only because it wasn't a ton of chips. (This was only going to be about 600 chips for the full set, more than I would almost ever use with a single table cash game, we aren't a meetup group usually!)
This was the part that I had the most fun with. I also could quite easily see it becoming a massive dirty stack issue, which is another plus to ordering a small set. If something doesn't work out, I can re-order something for a denom to change it out at a later date, and not feel too bad about having racks and racks of chips.

Next up, was figuring out shaped inlays (yes!), but which shapes? That actually turned out to be fairly easy. As the shapes kind of flowed well with the spots, at least in my eyes.
Then, I decided I would try to do some colour matching with the logo and text, to the chips. Which turned out to be a massive disaster. Nothing looked right. Finally, I decided to just go with colours that I thought worked within each chip, even though it wouldn't be a match to the chip. I think it's ok, but could definitely be better.

I also had to choose some sort of background colour for the inlay. I didn't want to go with white, and originally I had thought to go with a golden kind of scheme, like a yellow smoked vintage look, but in the end, decided to just go with a fade and highlight, mostly because I was running on borrowed time, and on my vacation to Israel, trying to get it all finished up.

I submitted everything, and David worked his magic, and sent me the proof.
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Disregard the levels of spots. They're not accurate, as they are just as if they would be the standard versions of them.

I'm usually really patient (heck, I placed the order at the end of 2021!) but when I got a shipping notice on March 4th? I started to get really anxious. Really really really anxious.

But on March 8th, I got a notification that they were waiting to be examined by customs.
And waiting.
And waiting.
And waiting.

Much despair.

Then, with a little assist from David, they got kicked out of the system, and magically yesterday, they appeared.

And the real chips will be posted,,,,, next.
Sample set please?
in for a sample set!

12 spot colours on a single chip. that has to be a PCF first right? its bonkers but i dig it!

the only way you could have got more colours on a chip would have been to have unique spot colours all the way around the $5 chip.
Sample set please?
Oh boy. Whelp I’m in line.

David told me that my $5 and $20 were the first of their kind to be made, but that someone has done a 12 spot chip before. That chip was his theoretical highest spot level, 19.
L19? Theoretical highest spot level?
Huge fan!!! Love it! I too love colors! My first set was safe, conservative, traditional casino colors and I do not regret it at all but my second set is going to be colorful and unconventional. Thanks for the inspiration!
R.I.P. the poor folks at CPC plugging the spots into the chips before pressing. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Mostly kidding, of course. These look great!! I love the alternate $1s with the black and charcoal bases.
Was awesome to check these out in person. The $100 and maroon NCV were my favorite
yeah totally understand. getting extras for wild creations such as that is always going to be tough given CPCs reluctance to make them in the first place

who else has a 12 spot colour? I cant recall seeing any off the top of my head.

lets see the mockup and it needs to get made!
I don’t know who else has done the 12 spot colour chips, but I was told it had been ordered before. Makes me wonder what else is out there that we haven’t seen.
As far as the 16 spot mockup,,,,, I may still do it one day………

Sample set please?
I can’t get you a full set, but next time I see you, I can give you a partial set.

Oh boy. Whelp I’m in line.

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What I said to Pippa above, stands for you as well. If you’re able to read this……

L19? Theoretical highest spot level?
View attachment 1112985
Yeah, level19 is the highest spot pattern. Although there have been “one”-off chips that cost more, they’re just not given a level.

Congratulations, Mike!

Those chips look great! And expensive! Mostly great!
Thanks, Berny! I’m already working on the add-on. Lol.

These are wild! Congratulations!
That’s exactly what I was going for, lol.

Huge fan of quarter pie with the chosen shaped inlay and choice of allignment.
Thanks! Initial plans was to go with only one stule of shaped inlay, but decided in the end to just go all out and try a bit of everything. The shaped inlays tried to flow with the spot patterns.

Huge fan!!! Love it! I too love colors! My first set was safe, conservative, traditional casino colors and I do not regret it at all but my second set is going to be colorful and unconventional. Thanks for the inspiration!
Variety is the ,,,, you know the rest. I have sets on most of CPC’s mold offerings, so I can go conservative as well :)

Nice work, Mike. I love that charcoal chip!
Thanks Scott! It’s funny, unoiled, the black chip looks similar to the charcoal chip (on the edges) I want to be able to just slip a few of the charcoals into stacks as a neat “special” chip.

R.I.P. the poor folks at CPC plugging the spots into the chips before pressing. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Mostly kidding, of course. These look great!! I love the alternate $1s with the black and charcoal bases.
David has told me that some workers have quit because of the crazy things we ask for. I’m amazed at what they are able to do, and owe them a lot of thanks for everything.

Don't you work for THE table builder? Or is it in the grass because honey badger don't give a fuuuuuuuck!
Have you seen our wait list?? ;) and yeah, honey badger gotta honey badger.

Was awesome to check these out in person. The $100 and maroon NCV were my favorite
Thanks for being a sounding board on these! I wasn’t thinking and should have asked Travis to bring you some……
Thanks! Initial plans was to go with only one stule of shaped inlay, but decided in the end to just go all out and try a bit of everything. The shaped inlays tried to flow with the spot patterns.
Id be interested in a single if you can swing a spare!
David has told me that some workers have quit because of the crazy things we ask for. I’m amazed at what they are able to do, and owe them a lot of thanks for everything.
people quit there jobs because customers (who pay for said jobs) have unique requests? GTFOOH!
Id be interested in a single if you can swing a spare!

people quit there jobs because customers (who pay for said jobs) have unique requests? GTFOOH!
To be fair, the extreme spot levels, take a lot more work. And sure, while someone is getting paid to do a job, that doesn’t mean they need to stay at that job if it’s not what they were expecting to do.

(I have been on both sides of employment, employee and employer, so I’m pretty empathetic to work/life balance at this point)
To be fair, the extreme spot levels, take a lot more work. And sure, while someone is getting paid to do a job, that doesn’t mean they need to stay at that job if it’s not what they were expecting to do.

(I have been on both sides of employment, employee and employer, so I’m pretty empathetic to work/life balance at this point)
same, but quiting because you are making chips at a factory that makes chips? wot? isnt that like what the job entails?

One would think that making something unqiue and different would actually be exciting and break up the monotony or doing the regular stuff all the time.
I only received 3 true error chips in my order.

In the splash pot pics, I put all 3 of them in there. Somewhat surprised that no one caught them, however @Ronoh doesn't seem to be around much anymore :(

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