Coronavirus Birthdays.... (2 Viewers)


Nov 25, 2017
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Anybody have a birthday during this shitshow? I turn 42 today and I am going to play video games, my wife is making sausage gravy and biscuits for a late brunch, and we are going to invite our neighbors over to sit six feet apart around a fire pit this evening. All in all, its not too far off of what I would want to do on my birthhday if we weren't in the end of times.

Anyway, any of you that had birthdays, or other reasons to celebrate during this madness, what did you do?
Happy birthday! Sounds like a pretty good one no matter the circumstances :D

Friends were going to get married mid-April. Since that was obviously not going to happen they decided they wanted to get married now and have a big party after all this is over. They were planning on having it a week ago Thursday with close family only but then on Tuesday their area was notified starting Thursday they’d be in a stay in place plan. Wedding was moved up to Wednesday night and they had it in their back yard. Immediate family only and 7 people total including the minister!
Anybody have a birthday during this shitshow? I turn 42 today and I am going to play video games, my wife is making sausage gravy and biscuits for a late brunch, and we are going to invite our neighbors over to sit six feet apart around a fire pit this evening. All in all, its not too far off of what I would want to do on my birthhday if we weren't in the end of times.

Anyway, any of you that had birthdays, or other reasons to celebrate during this madness, what did you do?

I turned 42 yesterday..27th. I just hung out with my family. we tried to go to this secluded park to have a picnic but the property manager saw us and asked us to leave. We grilled and just played in the yard.
Happy Birthday! Sounds like a good day. Hope things dry out for the fire pit.
Happy birthday! Sounds like a pretty good one no matter the circumstances :D

Friends were going to get married mid-April. Since that was obviously not going to happen they decided they wanted to get married now and have a big party after all this is over. They were planning on having it a week ago Thursday with close family only but then on Tuesday their area was notified starting Thursday they’d be in a stay in place plan. Wedding was moved up to Wednesday night and they had it in their back yard. Immediate family only and 7 people total including the minister!
Thats a great story to tell 20 years from now.
Kid turns 4 this Wednesday. Sucks a little for him as he was excited for fam to visit from overseas, but crushing to Mom, cause let’s face it, it’s really for her.

(Btw your birthday sounds awesome dude! What’s lined up for the video games?)
Yeah, I wasn't too bummed about it. I'm going to keep working my way through last of us: remastered. Its one that I am having a hard time putting down.
I turned 42 yesterday..27th. I just hung out with my family. we tried to go to this secluded park to have a picnic but the property manager saw us and asked us to leave. We grilled and just played in the yard.
Happy Birthday Man! That sound like a great birthday to me!
Happy Birthday! Sounds like a good day. Hope things dry out for the fire pit.
In a rare moment of foresight, I built the fire last night and covered it with a contractors trash bag. Once it burns through, the coals should be hot enough to get the wet wood going.
Trey turns 13 on Easter. We were supposed to be on a cruise. Now it's just gonna be us at home.

Bummer for him.

But happy birthday to you. Sounds like a great plan, coronavirus or not.

Actually, it sounds like a post-vasectomy agenda... March Madness and video games are interchangeable...
my brother's wedding was may 16th in Portland, OR. They cancelled the wedding and just went to the courts. i'm trying to figure out how to get a full refund on all our flights
My son's birthday is April 1. Nice joke for him. Worst part is all of the Nintendo Switch's have been sold out so now I'm scrambling to find a gift. He's wanted one for 3 years and this year we finally caved to get him one.

He's going to get hosed again not getting a proper party (last year was a baseball tournament).

Maybe his first poker chip set???
Anybody have a birthday during this shitshow? I turn 42 today and I am going to play video games, my wife is making sausage gravy and biscuits for a late brunch, and we are going to invite our neighbors over to sit six feet apart around a fire pit this evening. All in all, its not too far off of what I would want to do on my birthhday if we weren't in the end of times.

Anyway, any of you that had birthdays, or other reasons to celebrate during this madness, what did you do?
Happy birthday by the way!
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My birthday is April 23rd. I was planning on traveling to play poker with some PCF’ers, but that’s not looking promising. :(
My b-day was the 17th, second day of work from home / kids remote learning, so I played teacher. We almost forgot about it with everything else going on lol. My son's birthday is in two weeks, we're trying to figure out something special to do since there will be no family party. Probably let him order food from wherever he wants. Our combined gift was a trip to DC over spring break and to see Godsmack in April.... o_O

Back to drawing board I guess.
The US will be opened on my birthday it’ll be a great day. However I don’t think that will actually happen.
Mine is on Monday. Just be spending the day with my family. Wife is making deep dish pizza for supper, have beers in the fridge, so all in all, no complaints!
Trey turns 13 on Easter. We were supposed to be on a cruise. Now it's just gonna be us at home.

Bummer for him.

But happy birthday to you. Sounds like a great plan, coronavirus or not.

Actually, it sounds like a post-vasectomy agenda... March Madness and video games are interchangeable...
My vasectomy story deserves its own thread. Maybe after enough loose cannons tonight....
My b-day was the 17th, second day of work from home / kids remote learning, so I played teacher. We almost forgot about it with everything else going on lol. My son's birthday is in two weeks, we're trying to figure out something special to do since there will be no family party. Probably let him order food from wherever he wants. Our combined gift was a trip to DC over spring break and to see Godsmack in April.... o_O

Back to drawing board I guess.
My wife turned 40 on the 17th. Normally its not too tough to plan a party on her birthday, but this year was a bit different.
Today was my moms birthday and we just face timed so she could see my son. My wife’s birthday is Thursday and we will either order take out or I will cook for her and maybe build a fire depending on the weather. Then my son has his first birthday on Sunday and if it’s nice we might have people come over and see him in the yard. I’m happy he won’t remember missing his birthday.
Mine is on Easter Sunday this year. Been off the last 2 weeks and will probably be off the next 2. I was supposed to move to Turkey next week (I'm in the military) but thats been put on hold. We're still getting paid so I'm not complaining.
Actually it was a pretty great day. knocked out a good chunk of last of us, had some awesome sushi that was delivered, went over to my neighbors for a couple driveway beers, ended the night with a movie. My wife got me some poker art for the basement.


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