Tourney BB vs BBA: Different players posting? (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2023
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I got to wondering something. I have no idea if this is a good, bad, or neutral idea.

I've been thinking about introducing a BBA into my home tourneys to speed things up a bit and encourage looser action in the late-game.
Some folks might feel a particular psychological sting if, when they post the BB, they're giving up twice the amount.

Is there any advantage or snag you would run in to if you had a separate token rotating around the table that indicates when it's your turn to post the ante for the whole table?

Now that I think about it, would probably get a bit complicated when coupled on top of dead-button / moving-button concerns. You'd have a whole other button to think about.

I've heard of small blind antes. Any other way to take the sting out of a BBA other than have folks post individual antes?
Yeah another button traveling during a tournament would be a nightmare, we can barely keep track of dealer button. Feel the sting, embrace the sting.
I remember discussing this when BBA was first popularized, but I don’t remember why people didn’t embrace my idea - what’s wrong with having the button pay the table ante, instead of the big blind?
We just played a bomb pot RxR tournament with two buttons, the dealer buttons and the bomb pot button (traveling counter clockwise). No issues with two buttons moving around the table in a tournament. Then again, @mike32 (aka, where buttons go to die) was not there...
I remember discussing this when BBA was first popularized, but I don’t remember why people didn’t embrace my idea - what’s wrong with having the button pay the table ante, instead of the big blind?
I think back then there was a very minor thing about sometimes a dead button, never a dead big blind.

Now there is a much bigger reason to have it be from the big blind…everywhere else has it posted from the big blind.
I think back then there was a very minor thing about sometimes a dead button, never a dead big blind.

Now there is a much bigger reason to have it be from the big blind…everywhere else has it posted from the big blind.
Not to mention the simplicity of it. With a BBA you just have two people to post money. Making the dealer do it is just one more complication, and then you have to post money 3 hands in a row.

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