Cash Game 10+ players single table, how to handle it? (1 Viewer)


Two Pair
Apr 29, 2019
Reaction score
Reykjavík, Iceland
I'm about to host a cash game night next week.
The occasion is my bday.
The expected players are 12.
I want to have a single table so I can chat and spend time with all of my friends.
The only idea I had to manage this scenario was: if 12, 11 players at the table (1 of them just as dealer) and 1 sits out for one full orbit (~25min).
Dealer changes as the button moves after every hand.
Other suggestions about how to handle it?
in my opinion, it would be great to make a team game of it. 6 teams of 2 players.

We call it tag-team

To make it extra challenging we do a format where in every team you have a player A and a player B.

Preflop only player A can look at the cards and make a bet, or call or fold. After the flop player B can take a look at the cards, and player A must remain silent. Then again when the turn hits, it is back for player A, and on the river player B.

Players A and B can't communicate during the rounds. A fun way to let 12 players play at one time. Ofcourse everyone can be chitchatting, but no discussing hands or tactics. It can be funny, when A wants to bluff and B doesn't see it straight away.

A and B combine their buy-ins and split it even when done.
in my opinion, it would be great to make a team game of it. 6 teams of 2 players.

We call it tag-team

To make it extra challenging we do a format where in every team you have a player A and a player B.

Preflop only player A can look at the cards and make a bet, or call or fold. After the flop player B can take a look at the cards, and player A must remain silent. Then again when the turn hits, it is back for player A, and on the river player B.

Players A and B can't communicate during the rounds. A fun way to let 12 players play at one time. Ofcourse everyone can be chitchatting, but no discussing hands or tactics. It can be funny, when A wants to bluff and B doesn't see it straight away.

A and B combine their buy-ins and split it even when done.
Have you ever actually tried this? My players would hate it, curious if its worked for you before.
You could have everyone stand, and play a 12 man all-in tournament. Everyone looks at their cards and then is either all in or fold, bet it will be a blast, and that will be enough for a few people to sit out after
If everybody can comfortably fit at the table, I don’t see the problem, and I don’t see any reason at all to make somebody sit out for an orbit.
11 handed Holdem isn’t ideal, but there are worse things in the world.
Sure, genecide, famine, pestilence. After those 3 it’s 11-handed holdem for sure.
Sure, genecide, famine, pestilence. After those 3 it’s 11-handed holdem for sure.
Poop I say! It’s his birthday. He’s having friends over. They could all just sit around a table and shoot the shit. That’s essentially what they’re doing. Sounds like a nice night. Now add poker. Even better!
That’s my read on it anyway.

I guess it depends on the crowd. If this is mostly a poker crowd then yeah, they might be annoyed by 11-handed Holdem. If this is mostly friends who occasionally play poker, it’s probably fine.
My 2 cents. Break up into two groups of six. The advantages are reduced noise level and less cross-talking, which makes for easier conversations. Also, everyone gets to play more hands.

I was of the mind that nine or ten players is best for hold-em, but I had great fun playing five or six handed during the pandemic. Alternatively, I have also played 11 handed at least five times. Having 11 players at the table brings me no enjoyment.

Are you gong to host a tournament and have a cash game afterwards?
Poop I say! It’s his birthday. He’s having friends over. They could all just sit around a table and shoot the shit. That’s essentially what they’re doing. Sounds like a nice night. Now add poker. Even better!
That’s my read on it anyway.

I guess it depends on the crowd. If this is mostly a poker crowd then yeah, they might be annoyed by 11-handed Holdem. If this is mostly friends who occasionally play poker, it’s probably fine.
That’s fair. A “poker party” is not a poker night. I tend to error on the side of making the poker game good. Stray too far away and you’d usually be better off just having a party. A well structured game can still be non-serious and fun. Plus, nits are usually also boring at parties.
Just play 11-handed if you all comfortably fit at the table. Alternatively, devise a way to rotate 2-3 players out for an orbit at a time. Maybe they have to play a drinking game based on the board or something while they watch.
Thanks everyone for answering and sharing ideas.
I was travelling back home so I didn't have the time to answer earlier...
It won't be a real birthday party, I'm simply turning 42... *
The bday it's just the excuse for me to invite my best poker friends, offer them food and drinks and play some cards.
The guys I invited are regular players in my group, we meet and play almost every week (poker league or cash game).
They enjoy the game and we will play it all night.
My idea was cash game so everyone can always rebuy if busted.
We usually play a HoldEm twists (Pineapples, SHESHE, Double Board, Bomb Pot..) every orbit and Horse Race Game a couple of times per night.
I think that sitting out for one orbit won't be a big deal.. people can use the opportunity to get drinks, food, go to the toilet, smoke...
And if I see people annoyed by that I can be more often the guy sitting out and use the time to prepare some cocktails for them.

* Yes, I know. 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything. :)
I've already told my friends about it and I'm now looking to add something funny to the game inspired by that
  • 4-2 game instead of 7-2? If suited pays x2?
  • Don't Panic bonus chips? What's the purpose?
  • High Hand jackpot higher than 44422? Not hard to beat it...
  • When playing the horse race game if you roll 4 and 2 you pay a fee? Or roll again?
  • ....?
I say sit everyone at the table if possible..keep it to hold em to keep the the deck from running out.. even at 12 handed only a few will stay in for each hand.. it’s your party so enjoy the comradery.
I would just play 2 tables and then redraw for seating arrangements every X period of time so the scenery changes.
Play two tables but redraw seats periodically (every two hours) so you get a chance to sit with more people.

Or just use birthday/host’s restorations and just switch your seat with one random person at the other table.

If it has to be 10+ at one table, dispense with a dealer. Or you deal.

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