"9 high like a Boss" knocked off his Throne? (1 Viewer)


Royal Flush
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Finksburg, maryland USA
By now this has made it's way around the web, but for those that haven't seen it, Rigby I believe goes down in history and naming a new hand in poker 23 off "The Dirty Diaper!" Lmao sorry Mr. Kassouf who said "9 high like a boss!" In the 2016 main event. This move is one for the record books!

Walking out of the room on break.

I don’t see an issue. Seems like Rigby played his hand perfect. Hahaha
By now this has made it's way around the web, but for those that haven't seen it, Rigby I believe goes down in history and naming a new hand in poker 23 off "The Dirty Diaper!" Lmao sorry Mr. Kassouf who said "9 high like a boss!" In the 2016 main event. This move is one for the record books!
Did you see Mickey play the 5 high hand VS Garrett. Sicko
View attachment 812031
Walking out of the room on break.

I don’t see an issue. Seems like Rigby played his hand perfect. Hahaha
A shit-for brains meme is more appropriate here.


Edit. Unsurprisngly Rigby didnt make it out of day 6 and the person he bluffed still managed to finish higher than him.
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