A good natured discussion/challenge for BGinGA if able ad can be bothered............. (2 Viewers)

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Woohoo, I lied we have 3 winners that have put themselves squarely on the MENTAL HEALTH SELF HELP DAY organised by me, woohoo.
Definitely No prizes though as if that the best they have they are in the wrong place, bye bye losers. Too easy. Next!!!
Consolation photo for the haters each comment, my treat and a new rule until I'M bored, ok. Keep up the good work but hope the amateurs just give it a miss as more boring than me even. SPECIAL mention to Rich there, I hope that all keeps well but I'd hate to know you and have a problem as you'd just help with the noose. x Oh and Shorticus, thanks my job is done, quitter. All full of it and cry baby when no effect. I await MY own lesson when you warm up but until then I will amuse myself, too easy, dropped if used. Oh this is fun for me, ask me when I care about your comments later, go on just ask, given not taken dry white martini there, Sir??
Oh I forgot, extra points for innuendo, sarcasm, double entendre etc although I doubt they will be given out zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Comeback-yeah and............
Please feel free if it annoys you that much, I've had my fun and another free gift out so........cheers.


  • £5 plaque (1).jpg
    £5 plaque (1).jpg
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I don’t know why I keep coming back to this thread, I think it’s because my brain can not compute the utter incoherence in each of OP’s posts. How on earth can someone type so many words and still leave me wondering what is being said?? I try to read and understand, but I can literally feel my brain cells dying with each futile word/phrase/sentence/paragraph.

@UKcollector I hope you can find a voice of reason somewhere deep within to get back on track.
Zzzzz haters, Special (Needs) List on way with me at top, woohoo. My own sad bit of fun.
Yes pure and utter drivel but mine, ok. Join in if good hearted but if not, oh dear oh dear. Mental sparring is not my cup of tea but will try to give a good show just my pressie to the haters. They will laugh when I crash and burn first one but hey, frustrations abound so.......safe way to let off hopefully.
Ignore of get involved at YOUR own risk, big enough without crying, doubt it. Early Christmas present spice the abuse you dole out every day all in one place, Happy Birthday. I look forward to some intelligent comments and thought provoking chats, Wise men will reply I'm sure and the first gets special dispensation so roll up, roll up, give the wife a break, fella. Don't worry a similar thread on Chipboard too soon.
A separate "Well adjusted list" as I almost got sectioned today due to some of you "people" whose "intelligence" (very broad sense of the word, mind you) I seem to have done something to, your problem not mine so......off you go!!.
If you want to attack or demean, go for it but you have been warned in a friendly way, ok, so far.
Your choice which list you go on, obviously just comments from the rabble with answers so I have a concise idea of % of small minded selfish people on here. Long enough already hence the idea so..............Results when I am actually bothered what some of you say, it will be a while away yet.
If you get abusive because of my sarcasm mode or violent/threats you will be reported or ignored. Ok, other rules will be adapted by me when I want. I hope it has nothing on it at all and people grow and up stop taking the pleasure to reply but nope, most will so their little thingys can be ready for...whatever.
Insulting to potential customer "crack" if so then I don't want your custom. Can't say fairer than that.
Please do not take me up so I look even more stupid but I know that is in vain as too many of you and can't read or think on own so hey..........
I answer when I want so repeat before, ignored I hope.
My words offend you or help you get over the bullying you've had? Either way, this is for me so..........
Yes, full of self importance right now and 4 years of frustration just itching. It is time! Worm has turned, if no heart attack first.
Mental Health Day is here, so go away.
The bullied will rise up. Hahaha
For the really masochistic, the plaques and last monotonous part will be wrapped up tonight and never darken doors again. Some of you can now go back to Fox ans the orange one, others shooting and whetevering raccoons and anybody with an ounce of common decency, I welcome a hi and interest in the stuff that I have bent over backwards to help get to worthy homes but thrown back in my face so your loss, trust me. Yes zzzz bye for now, maybe. Oh and new rule, any issues with grammar, punctation blah blah, too easy. Me personally, likewise. So concentrate on the chips s I need the practice. If not done in spirit it is meat then there is no hope for you (or me) I'v,ve use 3 word bullet points if easier. And an added bonus is the best insult at the end wins a free all expenses paid for trip to...............under a stone The best comeback a James Bond "style" (as always maintained with some proof) of my choosing as a gracious loser. That must keep the all happy. I will leave well alone until 12 tonight GMT and check then. My comebacks then yours and the winner gets the plaque (£50 and rough but I'd have it) Hope to have results on winners and % a few days afterwards or not (losers side) And hey, I think I've transcended the hate now so the "good boys and girls" also get a prize for the best story comeback or something that touches me. (Losers lose straight away and out all together as Gary Glitter/Savile jokes are too easy). Proper insults to my chips get brownie points if good. All covered? Let the games begin or not. Enjoy your special Mental Health Issues day, for you and me. Speak soon with comebacks to insults of plaques/chips etc. Even get you started as pics still to show. Thanks for the loan of the 3 brain cells you can have them back as worn out and don't even need them. Concentrates the hate against me so others can have some inner peace too.

Could I buy some pot from you?
Oh that's too easy, over your head mate. Simples. Thank you for playing though sorry over so soon.
Oh come on, at least attempt something a little ambitious, no not that.
The more of you lot are in here the more peace some will get out there and it'll make you blow in the end (prematurely I bet too). My whole idea.
Shiny shiny, people. Yoohoo, over here, bending over ready. Big enough as so far a diappointment. I'm actually looking for a verbal challenge today and yet again failing dismally to find it so if no improvement from the bully pulpit there well zzzz I really will leave until another illiterate person joins in as I aim to answer all comments if I can. Remember shiny shiny. When your last 2 brain cells (says a lot) blow and this is reported probably it'll stop but until then, amuse yourselves another way and a lot messier, well maybe not. Can't see the joke yet, mirror please maestro. If can't take it don't get involved no business being here ,Thanks and move along. Oh and there's an IQ test arranged soon so, won't take long marking them so far.
'Nuff said.
Oh so easy to confuse, silence for some so all good. And Fox getting worried too now. Not even good enough to pick on a funny thing, jeeez. Waste of even my limited intelligence.there, take it free shot and dunk....................
Please take it off, didn't realise I was just playing with the sad little bullies with nothing there, nothing. Oblivoius and ignorant. My point is proven, goodbye.
Please take off Admin.
Anybody who wishes to redeem themselves and interested in Le Cercle stuff send me your email before I get banned for making these pussies cry. SOrry, wasted my time and sarcasm. Another large error or judgement. No substance whatsoever, every comment is whinging, pointless and worse than mine, go back to Fox but hey Wedgerock I think you win. You will get exactly what you deserve one day, karma baby. I leave with mt head held high instead of you lot, up my posterior (oh fcol get a dictionary, fool) google it even instead of piggy stuff.
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