What's your favorite CPC mold? (2 Viewers)


Full House
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The Shire
I'm chewing over which mold to use for my next custom project.

I think I'll be using rither MD-93 Scroll or MD-50 DIASQR.

What're your favorite CPC molds and why?

I have something of a quandry between the Scroll and DIASQR:


I like the oversize option available with the Scroll mold...

...but there's something about the DIASQR strike that gives chips made on the mold a real luminosity. I think it's the shape of the diamonds and squares, they help catch the light.

I think it's this quality that really helps elevate the appeal of chips made on MD-50. This is something that MD-93 lacks - the strike is shallow and it doesn't catch light in the same way...

I tried to capture the effect on my phone's camera.
I haven't handle the scroll mold so can't comment on how they feel. Looks wise I prefer the MD50 mainly for the reasons you also stated.

...but there's something about the DIASQR strike that gives chips made on the mold a real luminosity. I think it's the shape of the diamonds and squares, they help catch the light.

off topic, when did you get that 100 made? Can't recall seeing it before, is it part of a different set?
I haven't handle the scroll mold so can't comment on how they feel. Looks wise I prefer the MD50 mainly for the reasons you also stated.

Yeah. I'm not aware of many molds having this quality - not among the sparse selection of chips in my possession at any rate.

off topic, when did you get that 100 made? Can't recall seeing it before, is it part of a different set?

That 100 is not from my set. It's mdambach's, he sent me a sample set. I don't have many scroll/diasqr chips to compare with the same base color. Black is the only one I have a sample chip for both I believe.

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best mold - no mold ;)

Ha! Good call!
I like DIASQR and FDL but my favorite from ASM days was the E&C mold.

I'm not sure what is worse, knowing the mold is destroyed or having it collecting dust and unavailable to chippers like us.
I only have a couple FDL and Roman samples (with HHR, A mold and H mold on the way). I like the FDL, which makes sense since it's probably the closest to RHC (also a favorite). I'd really like to get a look at the SQINCIRC. The Redbelly chips in particular always look amazing in pictures. It would probably be my first look if I struck gold in the back yard. The contrast between the hatched surface and glossy diamonds and squares on the MD-50 looks like it would be a really nice effect, too.
I only have a couple FDL and Roman samples (with HHR, A mold and H mold on the way). I like the FDL, which makes sense since it's probably the closest to RHC (also a favorite). I'd really like to get a look at the SQINCIRC. The Redbelly chips in particular always look amazing in pictures. It would probably be my first look if I struck gold in the back yard. The contrast between the hatched surface and glossy diamonds and squares on the MD-50 looks like it would be a really nice effect, too.

I think the circle square is criminally underused
My personal fav's are diasqr, hourglass, and FDL. That being said, I think the scroll looks fantastic w/the right chips. I have a grey 50p chip from London w/no spots & hotstamped in silver that looks fantastic (minus the stamp fading) - clean, elegant. Basically, the scroll is the glitz, and spots might take away from it. .

EDIT: And now I see that you clearly noticed the same things I did re: the deep strike/light reflection. Guess I should read a complete entry before posting! I removed the duplicate content.
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I like nearly all of the CPC molds, including HHR, DIASQR/MD50, SQINCIRC, FDL, E&C (sob), American (A-mold), the Diamond-Jim-B mold, and the two no molds. However, it was playing with JM's set of DIASQR/MD50 chips that caused me to fall in love with DIASQR/MD50 and plunk down beaucoup bucks for a 2600-pc custom set.
...but there's something about the DIASQR strike that gives chips made on the mold a real luminosity. I think it's the shape of the diamonds and squares, they help catch the light.

I think it's this quality that really helps elevate the appeal of chips made on MD-50. This is something that MD-93 lacks - the strike is shallow and it doesn't catch light in the same way...

i agree that it's the deep strike that makes the MD-50 so impressive. i look forward to the Rounders tribute chips to finally check out the CPC-produced scroll mold chips. i really would like to have the option of doing oversized chips, but i have a feeling i'm ultimately going to have to side with the MD-50.

i'll keep an open mind, but we shall see...

my ranking of active CPC molds i've handled (i.e., not yet scroll mold) is as follows (worst to first):

Plain/No mold

the plain mold kind of defies comparison in some ways imo. for most sets i don't think it works well at all, but for others, it is absolutely necessary as a component of the overall design. so it's relatively low ranking is due in part to its unique quality, which might not be fair, but is nevertheless an accurate reflection of its usefulness imo.

if E&C returned, it would probably fall between Plain/No mold and CSQ which - i agree with Mr Tree above - is really underappreciated.
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i agree that it's the deep strike that makes the MD-50 so impressive. i look forward to the Rounders tribute chips to finally check out the CPC-produced scroll mold chips. i really would like to have the option of doing oversized chips, but i have a feeling i'm ultimately going to have to side with the MD-50.

i'll keep an open mind, but we shall see...

^ this pretty much where I'm at! :D

If there was a 44mm DIASQR, there'd be no contest for me. :)

E&C, FDL, and I think all others I've handled don't glow like DIASQR...

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FDL all day long followed by DSQ

didnt I see this thread like a month or so ago??? or am I having 'deja vu'? :cool:

If you did, sorry I missed it! I did do a search on PCF and the results didn't show it up. My bad!
Check out the B-mold if you haven't - it gets the same kind of cool light effect in the mold imprints, and is a superior-feeling mold to the MD-50 IMO (but I know I'm definitely in the minority on that one...)
I've only handled the A mold and the mold that the Key West chips were made on but looks wise I'd say FDL for the reasons stated (closest to RHC).
FDL & MD50 for me.

Check out the B-mold if you haven't - it gets the same kind of cool light effect in the mold imprints

The B-Mold, E&C and MD50 seem to have the most shine. I'm guessing these molds are more polished than others?

I think what sets the MD50 apart from the others is the softer bevel (and more subtle crosshatching) that really gives it that SCROWN feel.
my ranking of active CPC molds i've handled (i.e., not yet scroll mold) is as follows (worst to first):

Plain/No mold

if E&C returned, it would probably fall between Plain/No mold and CSQ which - i agree with Mr Tree above - is really underappreciated.

So much depends on the set theme to help determine "best" but for feel md-50 is hard to beat and looks awesome as well. I generally agree with this list but would rate FDL lower and CSQ and E&C higher.

Let's not omit Jockey mold for that horse racing, car racing, alpine skiing theme. About middle of the pack.
I've been peering at E&C and MD-50 side by side, from different angles. Cos I'm rock'n'roll like that.

E&C has a large strike, esp the elephant, so has large, smooth areas that catch the light. From certain angles.

MD-50 catches the light from more angles. I think this is by virtue of the strike being deeper and - I'm think I'm right on this front - having curved or angled edges.

Whereas E&C is shallower and does not have the same angles into the chip's surface.

If that makes sense.

Scroll has a v shallow strike, very little smooth area to reflect light, so by far the least luminosity.

Think my next project will be MD-50. :)

Folk on the train are regarding me curiously.
The curvature of the diamonds and squares of the MD50 give it depth and visual interest. It's a classic look that is also versatile. The cavities in the mold add a subtle "thock" to the "clack", giving them a unique dual sound. It's my favorite mold, bar none.

The circle square was neck and neck with the hourglass for my least favorite until they acquired the scroll mold. If the Rounders replica GB was offered on the MD50 instead of the scroll, I may have been on board. The scroll has limited use in my opinion, it looks too much like a Spanish dancer. I've never handled them though.
...which would be greatly reduced if you drove on the correct side of the road.

Start using the metric system and then maybe we will change lanes.

Happy to adopt both.

Could you arrange for a delegate of your finest idiots to come over to teach our badgers, buzzards, etc., the metric system and their left from right?

I'll inform The Queen of your plans. Expect a hand-written invitation to tea at the palace in the post any day..!

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The curvature of the diamonds and squares of the MD50 give it depth and visual interest. It's a classic look that is also versatile. The cavities in the mold add a subtle "thock" to the "clack", giving them a unique dual sound. It's my favorite mold, bar none.

The circle square was neck and neck with the hourglass for my least favorite until they acquired the scroll mold. If the Rounders replica GB was offered on the MD50 instead of the scroll, I may have been on board. The scroll has limited use in my opinion, it looks too much like a Spanish dancer. I've never handled them though.

Curvature - that's it...

...but now I'm curious aa to who has handled some Spanish dancers Who can weigh in on this point? ;)

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"Thanks to courage and Stocky, the whole world can see my arse as I cruise on by. God bless Australicans!"
I'm an idiot from kentucky. I'll volunteer for anything. [emoji12]

Md50 ftw. But I also love the e&c mold. It doesn't have to have a clown theme, can be used in a more serious regal theme. But I concede it's less versatile and sadly unavailable.

Scroll mold doesn't move me, but I've yet to shuffle samples.
Josh at Apache is in the process of designing a new mold with J5. It has crowns and diamonds and may be a tribute to the T.R. Kings. So far it's looking real good. I wonder how it will rate here?
Josh at Apache is in the process of designing a new mold with J5. It has crowns and diamonds and may be a tribute to the T.R. Kings. So far it's looking real good. I wonder how it will rate here?

I'm sure everyone will love it unreservedly, there will be no contrary opinions, everyone will like it exactly as it is, and peace and harmony will reign.
I'm sure everyone will love it unreservedly, there will be no contrary opinions, everyone will like it exactly as it is, and peace and harmony will reign.

I detect a note of sarcasm.

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