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Not Mine What were these and who gone em? (2 Viewers)


4 of a Kind
Mar 25, 2013
Reaction score
I had emailed the seller for face pics but you snooze you lose. I hope they are something nice!
uggg, reply from the seller.

All gone sorry yeah this guy bought some for me about a week ago and then said if I had more to let him know and I found those 4 racks and he bought them. I have some more but they aren’t like those . Those were actual casino tournament chips and I have a small poker chip set with a glass box in my store but besides that I have none
uggg, reply from the seller.

All gone sorry yeah this guy bought some for me about a week ago and then said if I had more to let him know and I found those 4 racks and he bought them. I have some more but they aren’t like those . Those were actual casino tournament chips and I have a small poker chip set with a glass box in my store but besides that I have none
We can only hope the buyer will be cherishing these for months maybe even days to come :bag:
Wow, I only asked him for a pic of the face, and if he had any others. Ill bet someone offered more money after the sale which is dirty and I hope something no one here would do.

Congrats to the buyer and post PrOn when you get them! These are the kind of scores we all live for.
Wow, I only asked him for a pic of the face, and if he had any others. Ill bet someone offered more money after the sale which is dirty and I hope something no one here would do.

I'm not following why that would be dirty? If I found someone selling mint Paulsons for $5 per rack, after quickly clicking BIN, I would email the seller asking for more...
I'm not following why that would be dirty? If I found someone selling mint Paulsons for $5 per rack, after quickly clicking BIN, I would email the seller asking for more...

It would be dirty to offer more money to the seller to sell the chips to them after the auction had ended, which is how I interpreted the sellers response above. It's perfectly fine to ask if they have other chips.
I really only check online on Monday mornings. Crystal Parks going for .50 a chip, TRKs at .30 a chip, and spotted starburst for a quarter a chip.

Hopefully they’re going to people who actually need em. And I should probably be checking during the week.

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Barrie god bless your heart for posting that
I’m about to go so nuclear here I might catch a ban
Barrie god bless your heart for posting that
I’m about to go so nuclear here I might catch a ban
Why? Unsolicited advice - Just turn off notifications for this thread and that thread.

This is too much of a topic lately. People find great deals, they can sell for "Market Value". There's some great private hookups and relationships, but public sales are 99% seller takes what they can get. I think it'd be poor form to go after one person just for following suit.

I mean hell, look at this thread: https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/tourney-set-for-daughter-in-college.60710/#post-1188638 It's just a bunch of glad handing. A guy asked for a cheap fun set for his daughter, and 90% of the posts are people tagging their own sales ad. But we think that's "amazing" and "selfless".

No reason to go "nuclear". I encourage people who want there to be a change here to be part of that change. Me charging under my cost and giving constant deals doesn't do jack, so I'm resorting to putting the exact thread or cost of what I bought my chips for in sales. Hoping it catches on.

edit: I also post the total $ before "closing" a thread if it was purchased privately. Not sure how else folks find previous sales costs when people PM offers.
I mean hell, look at this thread: https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/tourney-set-for-daughter-in-college.60710/#post-1188638 It's just a bunch of glad handing. A guy asked for a cheap fun set for his daughter, and 90% of the posts are people tagging their own sales ad. But we think that's "amazing" and "selfless".

WAIT! What?
Someone posts an ad, in the classifieds, looking for a cheap set.

Quote "Anyone have a set I could purchase for her that would fit the bill? Anything with Carolina Blue would go to the top of the list."

You seem to be implying that me actually replying to said ad that I have a cheap $200 set that actually matches his criteria is a dick move. WHAT....THE....FUCK...

Am I misinterpreting or missing something Barrie? Sorry, I don't understand this one. :tdown:
WAIT! What?
Someone posts an ad, in the classifieds, looking for a cheap set.

Quote "Anyone have a set I could purchase for her that would fit the bill? Anything with Carolina Blue would go to the top of the list."

You seem to be implying that me actually replying to said ad that I have a cheap $200 set that actually matches his criteria is a dick move. WHAT....THE....FUCK...

Am I misinterpreting or missing something Barrie? Sorry, I don't understand this one. :tdown:
You for reals dawg? I don't see where I pointed you out in my general comment. I'm not trying to down any one specific person in there, but if we need to break it down, let's break it down.

Home boy says, yo, looking for a cheap set for my daughter at college, bout this color.

Someone says, hey look at my set I'm bumping for a month. Then another person. Another one with customs. And then another one that hadn't been up long, but is at the tippy top of the price range. So sure, maybe all of those folks were super gracious via PM saying that they'd donate or give 75% off or something like that. That's a big maybe. What I saw was people filing in with stuff that typically isn't going to sell today for what it's listed. So again, maybe it's self serving, maybe they're all just amazing in PMs.

You actually had a set that matched the description he was looking for, it made sense for you to post yours.

So next time, I suppose I can write it's a bunch of glad handing, but make specific shout out to each specific comment or individual where that's not the case.

edit: it also may just be me being over sensitive to the "glad handing" that is pervasive in other places. Honestly, maybe all the other folks were trying to help, and I'm sure at least one of them if not more would've given a nice discount or something via PM. I don't have a ton of faith in that, but I'll go with it.
Just my two cents, not that it will do anything for Barrie.

I thought that a young woman may enjoy the brightly colored Mayfair set that I have for sale as it is a nice looking set. I was ok selling only half of the set which would mean it would fit her game well. And finally, statesvegas helped me out with a pickup a while back, so I felt this would be a good time for me to repay that favor if he was interested in the chips.

As for the other people who posted about their sets, I think everyone was willing to either give him a discount or to give him a set for free. I don't think he had any expectation that people would make some great white night offer and offer him a bunch of different sets for free. People have him options and he can now choose what works or doesn't work for his daughter.

Just because you disagree with something doesn't mean you have to post about it, man. It's like 24/7 Festivus with you constantly airing your grievances. Go spend some time with your family.

And while I'm ranting, leave Stas alone too. Who the fuck cares how much he sells his RHCs for or how much he paid for them on eBay? This site doesn't have a lot of rules, but it specifically states not to complain about prices. If they seem to high to you, don't buy the chips.

Ok, rant over. But seriously, get over yourself. PCF has never been the way you want it to be, and you will never be PCF Jesus no matter how hard you try. Now the rant is over.
Just my two cents, not that it will do anything for Barrie.

I thought that a young woman may enjoy the brightly colored Mayfair set that I have for sale as it is a nice looking set. I was ok selling only half of the set which would mean it would fit her game well. And finally, statesvegas helped me out with a pickup a while back, so I felt this would be a good time for me to repay that favor if he was interested in the chips.

As for the other people who posted about their sets, I think everyone was willing to either give him a discount or to give him a set for free. I don't think he had any expectation that people would make some great white night offer and offer him a bunch of different sets for free. People have him options and he can now choose what works or doesn't work for his daughter.

Just because you disagree with something doesn't mean you have to post about it, man. It's like 24/7 Festivus with you constantly airing your grievances. Go spend some time with your family.

And while I'm ranting, leave Stas alone too. Who the fuck cares how much he sells his RHCs for or how much he paid for them on eBay? This site doesn't have a lot of rules, but it specifically states not to complain about prices. If they seem to high to you, don't buy the chips.

Ok, rant over. But seriously, get over yourself. PCF has never been the way you want it to be, and you will never be PCF Jesus no matter how hard you try. Now the rant is over.
Off topic... but wouldn't "PCF Jesus" be @Tommy son?
Just make sure you go hit up the other 5 threads where people are complaining about the redic flipping. I'd hate to think that you've only crawled up my ass. Again.


edit: if you think not flipping in a community and sharing where someone gets their chips makes them Jesus...we should work on your standards.

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