My daughter sent me a text earlier today asking if I would send her some chips so that she and her friends could put a game together at college. I have never been more proud. Actually brought a tear to my eye...
She will need a tourney set, and will never have more than 8 players in her small apartment. I'm thinking a gently used ceramic set is the way to go, but am open to suggestions. I don't want to spend a bunch, as they are likely to get misplaced (I had a 600 piece ASM set from when I graduated law school 20 years or so ago that I would let her take to friend's houses when she was younger, and the set mysteriously vanished. She SWEARS she had not left them anywhere and that somehow I misplaced them, but I know better).
Anyone have a set I could purchase for her that would fit the bill? Anything with Carolina Blue would go to the top of the list.
Thanks in advance.
She will need a tourney set, and will never have more than 8 players in her small apartment. I'm thinking a gently used ceramic set is the way to go, but am open to suggestions. I don't want to spend a bunch, as they are likely to get misplaced (I had a 600 piece ASM set from when I graduated law school 20 years or so ago that I would let her take to friend's houses when she was younger, and the set mysteriously vanished. She SWEARS she had not left them anywhere and that somehow I misplaced them, but I know better).
Anyone have a set I could purchase for her that would fit the bill? Anything with Carolina Blue would go to the top of the list.
Thanks in advance.
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