What are your chipping goals? When do you reach your "chipping nirvana" ? (2 Viewers)


Royal Flush
May 20, 2019
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After viewing @Changster's post in the mail pr0n thread, I thought to myself wow. What a baller set, that's a serious chipping accomplishment. And I thought hmm... what would my ultimate chip goal/nirvana be?

So I thought to myself, what would my chipping goal be? I'm close, I have some great sets, Ben and I have several great sets together. Yes, customs are on the list at some point down the road. If we get customs would we sell some of our sets? Maybe...not sure? I hear friends say they dont reach their chip nirvana until they have their personal grail set in hand, or their custom set. Sure, new sets are cool, they're fun and an excellent contribution to the community. But no, not what I really need either. I'm very happy with what Ben and I have, and quite honestly am close to not needing any more sets (we have everything covered at this point lol)

After some thought however, it hit me. Although I'd consider a complete playable hyattsville set a grail set, after doing quite a bit of research it seems most of those chips were destroyed when the casino was shut down.
So while I will always look, I wont be putting all my eggs in that basket.
It dawned on me this morning that chip nirvana for me would be a palms tournament set. No, not tomorrow, not next week, but later in life. Something about these chips just makes me say wow, I feel peace just looking at pictures of them. I know, weird, right?

Anyway, this triggered me to want to hear from others what their chipping goals are, and what you consider to be your chip nirvana?
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I don't know exactly where my personal chip nirvana line lies, but I feel like I'm getting pretty close. I'm mostly just filling in holes in a few sets at this point.
That's about where we are. No real inclination to buy additional sets/new (to us) sets
You'll never know

I have times that I feel I have what I need...sometimes I feel I have to many....most of the time i'm still looking.
And when timing & availability (money & chips) match, strange things can happen in a short time.

Early this week, I was in conversation with Ook and told him I was pretty much settled.

Next day I found the Las Palmas rack
Last night I pulled an all nighter to make the Protege buy work (and add a +1500 tourney set to my collection...and I don't even play tournies :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: )

This is what chipping is about...often the hunt beats possession (no matter if this concerns low or ultra high end chips...we all have our hopes & dreams).
When you have a community/friends backing you on your search...things become more then just a hobby.
I have gained so much respect for people building a set by buying (expensive) singles over +10 years....then you know what a goat set is

Ps. and when I should win the lotto...chips will NEVER be on my mind first (family, friends & those that need it are with distance 1 - 2 & 3
It's just chips people...
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I'm really not the target demo for this question. I'm much more av poker player than a chipper. I'm a practical chip enthusiast on a very limited budget. I derive my enjoyment from utility, not collecting. I have a very hard time justifying paying $1+/chip when I'm not even going to get to put those chips into play that often. Though I do love playing with a variety of chips. And I love seeing everyone's sets.

As such, my goals are much simpler than many others I would think. I want a single cash set that can support .25/.25 through $1/$2 NL and PL games and .50/1 through $3/6 limit games. In a perfect world these would be maybe AS or some mixed casino set involving the Paris $1. Though I would need A LOT of Paris $1s. And a lot of fracs. Like 8 racks of each.

I also would want the ES secondary tournament set for two table tournaments. I've always loved the WSOP Secondary Paulson set.

Both these goals are currently not within the realm of reality for me. But thinking about it is fun.
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My unrealistic chipping Nirvana: win the lottery / become a millionaire and have enough money to throw at GPI to create a custom set for my own private cardroom.

My realistic chipping Nirvana: own CPC Rounders + Chesterfield Club cash sets.
I have always adored the Ambassador Plaza as a tourney set. I think it's the generous use of orange. The $500s are among my favorite chip ever.

Pic by @RocAFella1:
unfortunately I never seem to complete my sets, as there is always some idea or another chip that works with the set. I guess I can't really answer this question :(
My absolute dream is to have a poker room in my house with 2 nice tables and 2-3 different sets, ideally 1 custom cash set, 1 custom tourney set and 1 set of decent casino chips. It's be nice to have some collector's frames on the wall, full of singles or whatever, but that's a decent end goal I feel :)
Successfully put together my first full THC set with the exact chips I want (and potentially do some custom work with relabeling them depending on what pieces I obtain - not a requirement), then try and put together a bright-chip/CA set along the likes of one of @JeepologyOffroads. I am a sucker for the bright colors such as the cocaine giraffes, but so is everyone else, so if that ever comes to fruition it will likely take a long time with a ton of patience.
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As a relative noob I feel that I am half way there in theory. I have a playable cash set that I love.

I have a small cash set to travel with.

I’m working on a huge tournament set that will have custom labels.

I finally decided what to do about a single table tournament, Paulson WTHC.
Feel like Nirvana is a mirage for most. Always something new out there and tastes change so it’s a moving target. Plus like most collectibles, the hunt is half the fun sometimes. That said, I’m 100x happier where I am now than where I was 3 months ago. Chip nirvana though? No but it’s a lot closer than it was.
Feel like Nirvana is a mirage for most. Always something new out there and tastes change so it’s a moving target. Plus like most collectibles, the hunt is half the fun sometimes. That said, I’m 100x happier where I am now than where I was 3 months ago. Chip nirvana though? Close but no.

Such a great subject and I completely agree with ^ ^ ^

I think with any hobby, it boils down to staying happy. A lot of my close friends, including those who play a lot of poker, don’t have the same enthusiasm over chips. And every time I consider pulling the trigger on a purchase, a majority will laugh at me but tell me to be me. They know it makes me happy. I believe a person will know when the feeling is gone, sort of like knowing when it’s time to change jobs. The feeling of dread of pulling in the parking lot early and instead of happily getting out of the car to head inside to begin the day, one prefers to wait in the vehicle until the last possible moment.

I’m still getting out of the vehicle early.
A Paulson THC Cali colored set is the only glaring hole in my chipping heart.

I bought a DDLM in Cali colors and it is a beautiful set that is helping fill that hole though.

I also have another custom set on the way later this year, just because and I’m excited for it, more than I thought I would be.

I’m also entering the home stretch to completing my Paulson THC relabel set. All parts are now in my possession finally.

I may add some chips to make a set bigger here and there. I ordered labels to turn some AS $100’s into Casino Cancun $100’s for example.

I will probably add on to my custom sets from time to time to make them bigger over the years.

At 10 sets now I feel if I added any more they wouldn’t get used often enough to justify owning them.

I could see adding a custom limit set at some point if my group continues to play mixed limit games a lot. But that is a big cash investment compared to the $1/chip I paid for my current limit set so that may not happen or will be a few years from now at least if it does at all.

So I would say I am about 90% to my chip Nirvana.
I'm still quite green in this neck of the woods so would already be very happy with my first decent set; hope to reach that stage soon though! As mentioned here before, the hunt itself, the searching and the reading-up is already more than half the fun so I can easily see an everlasting hunting season where you just keep on going for more. Gambling might be addictive, but never realized that might just be due to something in the chips themselves ;)

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