Vegas Trip Report - Feb 24-27th (2 Viewers)


Aug 20, 2015
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I'm going to Vegas! It's been a while since I've been there for pleasure, so I'm extra excited. Heading there with my neighbor and a couple of his buddies whom I have never met, so that's going to be an adventure in itself. We've got some dinners lined up and otherwise just plan to gamble. Had a couple tee times set up but the weather is shit so we decided to skip lugging the clubs there (I may have shed a tear).

We're staying at the Linq, and I think my main goal is to check out Resorts World. Otherwise planning to play some cards at the Wynn and Aria, but we'll see where the group takes me. I'll be playing the low stakes poker, and planning to take a shot at 2/5 if I'm feeling it. Should get some craps in, Pai Gow, and might try some Baccarat for the first time. No real interest in harvesting anything.

What should you, the reader, expect from this trip report? Not much! No way will this be as prolific as a Zombie TR, but I'll have some chip pics and food pics and hopefully a funny story here and there. I always enjoy reading everyone's Vegas adventures, so I figured I should do my part and let you all along for the ride.
I'm going to Vegas! It's been a while since I've been there for pleasure, so I'm extra excited. Heading there with my neighbor and a couple of his buddies whom I have never met, so that's going to be an adventure in itself. We've got some dinners lined up and otherwise just plan to gamble. Had a couple tee times set up but the weather is shit so we decided to skip lugging the clubs there (I may have shed a tear).

We're staying at the Linq, and I think my main goal is to check out Resorts World. Otherwise planning to play some cards at the Wynn and Aria, but we'll see where the group takes me. I'll be playing the low stakes poker, and planning to take a shot at 2/5 if I'm feeling it. Should get some craps in, Pai Gow, and might try some Baccarat for the first time. No real interest in harvesting anything.

What should you, the reader, expect from this trip report? Not much! No way will this be as prolific as a Zombie TR, but I'll have some chip pics and food pics and hopefully a funny story here and there. I always enjoy reading everyone's Vegas adventures, so I figured I should do my part and let you all along for the ride.
Have a great trip! @SJFCPK18 and I just got back:

Resorts World and Wynn were at the top of our list for nicest rooms, and Aria is perhaps the ideal mix of room and game quality. We played mostly 1/2 and 1/3 and if you are looking for a comfortable 2/5, I found the Bellagio 2/5 with a $500 cap to play big enough to be a step up but not so big that it was unmanageable, if that makes sense. I was also at a new table so we all had exactly $500, which probably impacts my opinion as well.
So fresh and so clean clean

EDIT: I'm an idiot and posted this in the wrong trip thread! These are my harvests from my recent Vegas trip. Sorry for threadjacking @ruskba!)

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Flight was delayed an hour, then un-delayed while we were on the way. My buddy is an airport employee so we got stellar parking and cruised through the shit show of security. Running good!
Day 1 in the books.

Turns out you should wait until the flight actually lands to decide if you’re running good or not.

As per my previous post, we made it to the gate with little hassle, mostly thanks to an airport employee badge wielded by my friend. We both have a Priority Pass (which I recommend if you can get it through your credit card) so we headed to the restaurant and grabbed a meal and a beer for the grand total of $0 + tip. Things seemed to be cruising. Until then the wheels fell off. We boarded on time, then get the news of a ground stop in Vegas. Sit on the plane for a little over an hour, deplane, wait for another 30 minutes, then pile back on the plane. Eventually we get off the ground and it’s an uneventful flight, but landing 2.5 hours later than scheduled.

The slog of travel delays really works up a hunger, but luckily we had a reservation at Carmine’s at Caesar’s. To say the food was plentiful would be a gross understatement. Calamari, fried zucchini, garlic bread, chicken contadina (bone-in chicken with sausage, roasted peppers and potatoes), and penne with meat sauce.



Despite our best efforts, six grown men left behind enough food to feed another six grown men. I washed down my meal with a Sicilian mule, which was delightful. Would recommend Carmine’s to anyone, just order half or what you think you need.

After dinner, we got to gambling. Started with some Pai Gow at the Linq. But that left my pockets a bit lighter and jonesing for some real poker. A short walk to the Bellagio and I was in a 1/3 game by about 11pm. At the table was an extremely nice man who had a legitimate 100% VPIP on limped or single raised pots. I had a real tough time connecting with any boards and as a result, my stack was consistently below starting. I think at the low point I was -270, but managed to claw back some after a huge suck out with :kh::kd: against the :tx::2x: of the previously mentioned gentleman after getting all in on a :9x::2x::4x::tx:board and hitting a :9x: on the river. Yikes. Packed it in at -110 for the session. Something about the big winning hands being suckouts with strong holdings shakes my confidence, hoping to turn that around for the weekend.

Head met the pillow at 4am local time. Breakfast is scheduled for 10:30 at the Venetian.
Day 2

I don't know how I stayed out so late the night before. It was 4am Vegas time that I went to bed, but that's 5am to my body, and I am a grown man with children who feels like shit if he stays up past 11pm normally. Casinos and especially poker have that effect on me where time just doesn't really matter. I left when I did not because I was getting too tired, but because I was worried my body might literally fall apart if I didn't at least try to get some sleep. I woke up at my usual time of 6:30am Vegas time, but was able to convince myself to doze off for the next few hours before our breakfast reservation.

Up and ready for the day around 10, we wander to the Venetian for breakfast at Chica. I can't say I'm actually hungry by this point as last night's massive dinner was still sustaining me, but there's no way I'm going to sit on the sidelines for a Latin American brunch. Great ambiance in the restaurant, and our server was a delight. She recommended the Buñuelo Donuts for the table to start, and I added a pomegranate mimosa. I'm definitely a savory over sweet kind of guy when it comes to breakfast, so the donuts didn't really stand out to me. For the main, I couldn't pass on some Quesa-Birria tacos. It was a sensible portion with massive flavor. The consommé was excellent to dip in, though the beef was already incredibly juicy.

Belly full (again), it was gambling time. I really dislike the Venetian for some reason. It used to be my favorite casino when I was younger but it's soured since then. So despite walking out of Chica and being about 100 feet from the poker room, I made my way up to the Wynn. Got on the list for 1/3 NLH and 1/2 PLO. The room was starting to get busy, but the lists were short. I took a little stroll and saw their setup for the Wynn Millions series going on right outside the poker room, that was a lot of poker tables. They called the PLO list to open a game, and we took our seat. Well, we tried to take an empty seat but a gentleman nearby said he would be sitting there, so I made my way to the opposite end of the table and bought in for $400. The table was a mixed bag, a couple OMC looking guys, a couple players that seemed decent, and a few of us young guns just trying to drag a few pots. Apparently the standard there is a $20 double board bomb pot on dealer changes, so we all put in $20 and got the action started. Remember that guy whom informed me I was about to take his seat? Well he won that first hand with the stone nuts on both boards and dragged in a huge pot. And then proceeded to win the next four pots in a row. What could have been...

Didn't really have much going on for the first few orbits, bricked out a couple draws and needed to add on another $200. Get dealt :as::ac::5c::2s: in the SB, UTG had raised and there were a couple callers before it got to me. I decide on calling cause I am a nit. Flop comes :kh::6s::3s:. Original raiser bets $75, folds around to me, and I raise to $200, he jams and I call for about $200 more. I opt to run it twice, and see the bad news when he flips over :kd::kc:xx. Drill a spade and clean river on the first board, and the second board no spade and we think it's a chop for a second until my opponent realizes I spiked the :4d: to hit my gutterball. SCOOP!

Couple orbits later, called a raise in late position with :jd::tc::7s::6d: against three other players. Flop came :kx::9x::8x: rainbow and the first to act let out for pot. Second player raised, and I triple checked my mega wrap and shoved. First player calls all in for less, around $175 effective, and the other player calls for about $440 effective. Agreed to run it twice, and the first board pairs with a :9x:, second board comes :ax::6x:. My straight is good for half of the main and half of the side pot. Shorter stack had :kx::kx: for a boat and the other player had some bullshit pair to take half of the side pot. Oh well, slight profit on that one. Not many other notable hands, didn't win any bomb pots, and didn't really see any nice rundowns or premium hands. But cashed out for +$270.

Stack shot somewhere near my high point, and not far from what I cashed out with.

Met back up with our crew at the Linq and got ready for dinner with some pregame drinks in one of the guys' suites. He brought a bottle of gin from Ballmer Peak Distillery that was an "Australian Style Gin." Apparently Australian Style means tequila, because that's what all of us agreed it smelled and tasted like. So stay away if you're ever shopping for gin. But take a peek if you're shopping for tequila, I guess? Anyway, we went back down to the casino floor to gamble a bit before our dinner reservation. I had been studying (lol) baccarat, and wanted to give that a shot. I always turned my nose up at those weird automated blackjack/craps/baccarat/roulette setups where you sit at a computer and the wheels and dice are in bubbles with a camera pointed down that is shown on big screens. But I also didn't want to play $25 min baccarat just to see if I enjoyed it. So I swallowed my pride and took a seat with my buddy. You know what? Those setups are the nuts. Besides having lower limits, you can REALLY degen out and play multiple different games at once. We played bacc for a bit I cashed out up $90. Still had time for another drinks, so popped that ticket in to the video poker machines and watched a little basketball. I was trying to find the right video poker variant, but I guess I chose a shitty one cause I hit quads with AAAA3 and it paid shit. Not only that, I had looked at one of the bonus versions just a few hands before that paid 4000 credits for AAAA w/ 2, 3, or 4. Instead I got paid 125. Never been so tilted with a win. Whatever, time to eat again!

We walked up to the Venetian again to Cut by Wolfgang Puck's. Fancy steakhouse with an Old Fashioned cart that comes around to make tableside drinks. The cart made multiple stops at our table during the evening. Our waiter convinced us that the Maple Glazed Berkshire Pork Belly appetizer could not be missed, and I convinced the guys that we should try the beef tartare.
Just imagine that plate in the top right has five pieces of pork belly...they were incredible and disappeared before I could take a photo. The tartare was decent, could have used a bit more salt.

For the main, I had the dry aged New York Strip with a peppercorn sauce, and for sides we shared Mac and Cheese, Broccolini, and Kung Pao Cauliflower. The steak was excellent. The mac was amazing as well, but the cauliflower was easily the best side. So, so good. My peppercorn sauce left something to be desired, and I ended up having some of my buddy's spicy red chimichurri. Which left me to that not just salsa? What am I missing? But all in all, great meal ( and expensive meal), but would recommend as a splurge.

Given the food intake, I could not be bothered to waddle any further than the Venetian's poker room for that evenings poker session. And it reinforced that the Venetian is lame as hell. I bounced around a couple 1/3 NL tables and ended up down $11, then made it to 1/2 PLO and won $79. I remember no hands because that place sucks.

Cashed out around 2:45am, and headed back to the hotel for some sleep. One more day to go.
Love Cut! Had 1 mild experience there but the rest of my visits there have been superior to many other steak spots on the strip.
I've played poker in Vegas probably about a dozen times, and probably 10 of those were at the Venetian. I actually like their poker room, but maybe I just don't know better. :)
Is the bellagio doing hot stamped RHC 1's now???
Apparently they made it all the way to the casino floor before the error (RHC hotstamp vs house mold & inlay) was caught and they are in the process of being removed from play. I was in Vegas Feb 19-23 and snagged 3 from a session and estimated they are maybe 1-3% of the $1s in play.
Apparently they made it all the way to the casino floor before the error (RHC hotstamp vs house mold & inlay) was caught and they are in the process of being removed from play. I was in Vegas Feb 19-23 and snagged 3 from a session and estimated they are maybe 1-3% of the $1s in play.View attachment 1091175
Ohhh sweet! I'll keep my eyes open in a couple weeks but I imagine they've disappeared.
I think I saw one in another guy's stack the night I was there. Had I known, I would have tried to snag it!
I think I saw one in another guy's stack the night I was there. Had I known, I would have tried to snag it!
I first saw one in the dealers tray when she got a fill and I was like “WTF IS THAT?!”

I bought that one from her, looked through a barrel in my stack, asked my neighbor to look through his, then saw a third player drag a pot with one. I promptly asked to buy it from him.

A real flurry of degen moments that got me some odd looks around the table. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Day 3

Slept a lot better the second night after my buddy tossed me an extra pair of earplugs. The previous night was an intense battle of "who could snore louder" and it turns out there are no winners in that game. So up a little early before our breakfast reservation, I decided to do a little accounting and found I had a wad of $20s that needed to be $100s. Sensibly, I made my way to the casino floor, walked right past the cage, and put my ten $20 bills into a video poker machine. I hit buttons for a few minutes, found the cashout button and the machine printed me a ticket for $150. I guess they charge a $50 bill conversion fee? Maybe the cage would have been a better choice. Bad beat #1.

Breakfast was in the Linq at Chayo. I ordered the Chilaquiles with chorizo and was horribly disappointed. The green sauce had no discernable flavor, and also lacked seasoning. Bad beat #2 and it's not even 11am yet.

Breakfast wasn't much of a hit for half the table, but for others it was due to raging hangovers rather than bland food. So I had that going for me, which was nice. We wrapped up and headed down to Paris to see what kind of action was going on, and it turned out not much. Sat down at a new Pai Gow table next to a nice gentleman who had never played the game before. He was only at the table because the dealer was his blackjack dealer the night prior, and she was his good luck charm. Apparently she was a shark at Pai Gow, as she decimated the table in short order. Even landing quads with a pair back to really put a nail in our collective coffins. Left that table down about a hundo, and found myself a bubble craps machine with some of the other guys. Played pretty conservative, but hit a couple points plus a few of the inside numbers and had made back most of what I lost at Pai Gow. I pulled my money down slowly as it seemed the seven would be inevitable...but it never came. I hit my last point and cashed out, while the other guys had their screens loaded up and were raking even after I cashed out my ticket and chips. It ended up going 40+ rolls, and I cashed out after 18...what could have been. Bad beat #3.

Time to play some poker. Aria was calling me, so I headed down the strip. Proceeded to completely miss the correct entrance and walked probably an extra mile through the mall and casino floor before finally arriving at the poker room. Popped on the 1/2 PLO and 1/3 NLH lists, which were both short. My name gets called for NLH and I grab a seat at a table with three players with stacks <$50. Ugh. Everyone is miserable except for one kid wearing Ray-Bans in a wool pea coat with the collar popped. He's very chatty, but really just not vibing with anyone at the table. He announces he's "playing blind" on a few hands, and makes sure everyone knows it as he bets small on the flop and turn. It's not an action table, and this is not going over well. But he's about the only player with a real stack of around $300, so he's my new target. I win a couple smallish pots early on, and sitting at about $380 when I get dealt :kx: :tx: in mid position. I raise to $10, my new buddy calls, and a short stack on the button shoves his $30 stack. We both call and see a flop of :kx::tx::8x: rainbow. I bet $70 into the $90ish pot, and he raises to $210. I don't think too long before shoving and he basically snap calls. He doesn't flip them over right away, so I really am not sure where I'm at but feel pretty good. The turn comes :9x: and I wince a bit, and the river :ax: and I'm basically reaching into my pocket to rebuy. He eagerly asks me if I have :ax::kx:, and I say "two pair" and flip my hand...and he starts ranting "what a cooler!" and mucks. The short stack mucks as well, and I drag a beauty of a pot. And then I wonder...what the hell is the cooler there? He sounded like he wanted me to have :ax: :kx:, but he would have still lost. I don't think he realized there was an Ace on the river, and must have had :kx::8x:? I don't know, and I don't care, cause his stack became my stack. A few new players rotate in and I learn that there is a finance convention going on at the Aria. I look around and there's so many polos and quarter zips over button down shirts that it all makes sense. The few that sat at my table were god awful at poker, but I could not make any hands against them. Also had a random guy that would 3b shove :9x::8x: whenever he got it. I don't think he played any other hands. But again, my cards were all but dead, so I eventually racked up and made it back to the Linq to meet up with the crew.

I get cleaned up for dinner at Virgil's BBQ, but first to the floor for some light degeneracy. I've still got that $150 ticket in my pocket, so I jumped on a video rapid roulette machine. Roulette has zero appeal to me, I really just don't get it. Lost $40 and switched over to bubble craps. This was a machine with my own personal bubble dice, which was really fun. Could play real fast, and had another exceptional run, and up $111 in no time. Right behind me was the Linq's modern version of the Sigma Derby. Decided to pop my ticket in there to bet on the ponies. Not really as fun as the old school machine that required quarters. but still fun to see the mechanical horses make their way around the track. Played 6 or 7 races and finished even, considered that a win.

Off to dinner at Virgil's. Walking down the promenade between Linq and Flamingo was awesome, I had no idea that area even existed. Lot's of restaurants, dessert spots, shopping, etc. There's a big zip line overhead and the walkway leads all the way down to the High Roller observation wheel. Great little area, would recommend a stroll down there. But we had one purpose - to get some BBQ. I've consumed an obscene amount of food on this trip already, but this was not the time to hold back. My buddy and I decided to split the "Pig Out!" platter, consisting of spare ribs, pulled pork, sliced brisket, and a half chicken. Paired with mac 'n' cheese, mashed potatoes with gravy, and corn bread. Now, I am far from a BBQ connoisseur, but this BBQ was not it. The brisket and pulled pork were passable, but the chicken tasted far too blackened. Very carbon-y rather than BBQ-y. I couldn't describe the ribs as anything other than weird in both texture and taste. And the mac was even undercooked. Who knows, maybe my palette was wrecked from all the eating and drinking before, but I could not in good conscious recommend that place to anyone. Bad beat #4.

Being our last night, I didn't want to abandon the group for another poker session. But I did want to get the whole group at at Pai Gow table, and as we walked back to the Linq, there was an open table there just waiting for us. Finally got a wonderful dealer, and she brought both some much needed energy as well as some decent cards. We were all playing the bonus, but not the progressive, and she somehow decided I was the one to yell at for not playing it. I made a couple full houses, and she really let me know I was missing out! The progressive paid $20 for a FH, and after about 40 minutes I probably would have paid the equivalent in losses on the progressive, so I stood my ground. I played it once or twice to get her off my back, but never any luck. I was up a little bit, maybe $75, and peeled open my hand to reveal a beautiful hand containing :jc::jd::jh::js: plus a pair. It's funny to pull open a great hand and have the first words out of your mouth be "oh god, she's gonna be real mad at me." When she opened my hand, I think she tried to slap me from across the table, but luckily she was not tall enough to reach. I still got my $125 or so on the regular bonus, but missed out on $375 with the progressive. I guess she was right, though it still would have taken a big chunk of those winnings to play the progressive all night. We tipped her out nicely and decided to pack it in once a new, boring dealer took her place. Color up!

After it was all said and done, I overcame the bad beats of the day to earn a nice profit. Given the bad beats were mostly food related, I guess they weren't really a threat to my bankroll anyway.

Overall with the gambling, I came out pretty much dead even. On the poker side, the results were pretty decent. Though I really felt like I was card dead the entire trip. Had aces in PLO once, never in hold 'em. Could barely scrape together playable suited connectors, but I guess that kept me out of trouble. Won a couple big hands and that was really all it took.

(shoutout @edwardstarcraft for building the poker tools app, and incorporating an enhancement I suggested within like a day!)

Flight home was uneventful, and it was right back to real life.

Thanks for reading.
Thanks for great trip report!

I have never played poker because of my silly prejudice against poker,
open my hand to reveal a beautiful hand containing :jc::jd::jh::js: plus a pair.
I know this is a very beautiful and wonderful hand.

I want to learn poker and try it with my friends first.
Nice TR! That's really cool that you managed to snag some hot stamped Bellagio chips, I'm curious how it was an "accident" (how do you "accidentally" order those and then "accidentally" put them in play?). Definitely a unique harvest especially if they take them out of circulation!

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