Tournament, short-stacked, 6 handed, ATo on the button (1 Viewer)


4 of a Kind
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
Niskayuna, NY
I seldom play tournaments, maybe once or twice a year, so I am curious if I played this hand "right" preflop.

6 people left, blinds are 150/300/25. Average stack is 12000.

Hero is short stacked on the button with 4400 (15BB) in chips.
Villain is in the CO with almost the exact same number of chips at 4600.
As best I recall, SB has about 6000, BB about 20000, UTG about 12000, Chip leader had about 25000.

UTG calls 300 , Chip Leader folds, Villain in CO makes it 1200.

Pot currently has 150+300+300+1200+25x6 = 2100 chips in it.

Hero has ATo on the button. Fold, Call, Raise (all-in)?
Hero has 4400 chips and will owe 600 chips per orbit, so "M" is a bit over 7. Not panic time, but soon.

If your villain read is "overly tight" maybe Hero should fold. But normally I would shove. Villain is getting 2-1 on the call, so I expect villain is calling with his whole range.

This is a gamble but I think Hero has a minor edge.

Double up or go play the cash game -=- DrStrange
Hero has 4400 chips and will owe 600 chips per orbit, so "M" is a bit over 7. Not panic time, but soon.

If your villain read is "overly tight" maybe Hero should fold. But normally I would shove. Villain is getting 2-1 on the call, so I expect villain is calling with his whole range.

This is a gamble but I think Hero has a minor edge.

Double up or go play the cash game -=- DrStrange

This ^
Ok, thanks for confirming what I thought was the right move at the time. I pretty much snap jammed. It was well within Villain's range to raise like that with tons of hands to steal the pot from that position/circumstance, and given my stack and the blinds, I figured it was an appropriate time to jam and take my chances.

Just for completeness, in what turned out to be a very unexciting hand, SB fold, BB fold, UTG thinks for about 30 seconds and folds (what unfortunately turns out to also be ATo). Villain calls my all-in and shows KK. Didn't hit one of the last two aces in the deck, went out.

Again, I kind of figured jamming given my stack/position was ok, but just wanted to make sure I wasn't being too impatient (which can be an issue when I play tournaments).
[QUOTE="bentax1978, post: 80114, member: 993" but just wanted to make sure I wasn't being too impatient (which can be an issue when I play tournaments).[/QUOTE]

I have the same issue if I'm short stacked in a tourney. Especially if a cash game is rolling :)
Its tough in that situation. you really don't have many orbits left to wait for a better hand, and unfortunately you were beat by one of those rare hands that you can't predict your opponent having. In that situation, I would shove and hope my opponent doesn't have AJ, AQ, AK, AA, KK, QQ, JJ, 10/10. Those are only eight hands you have to worry about. Good shove IMHO.
I wish you had given us a little more time, but I think this is a fold. You don't have any fold equity, and the play from both UTG and CO are really suspicious. The UTG limp can be aces some of the time. The CO didn't raise to fold to an all-in, so why didn't he just shove?

Shoving would be fine without the UTG limp. I'd probably still shove here with 99+, AQ+. I'm not sure about 77, 88, but I fold AJ.
I wish you had given us a little more time, but I think this is a fold. You don't have any fold equity, and the play from both UTG and CO are really suspicious. The UTG limp can be aces some of the time. The CO didn't raise to fold to an all-in, so why didn't he just shove?

Shoving would be fine without the UTG limp. I'd probably still shove here with 99+, AQ+. I'm not sure about 77, 88, but I fold AJ.

You are right on both accounts. 1) I thought I had more fold equity against CO when I made my push, but in hindsight I had almost none. 2) I didn't even take into account UTG's action, aside from what it added to the pot, and didn't account for the possibility that he would call or might have a better hand. No question I was at least partially stuck in cash game mode where the stacks are much deepeer and where a limp from UTG is usually just someone playing loose.
Yeah it depends on my read on the raiser's range but he'd have to be pretty over-aggro for me to jam here - just too many ways to be dominated and not enough ways to be dominating in a spot like this. We have enough play left to fold here and wait for a better spot I think.
+1 for folding though I don't mind jamming either, just depends upon who our Villain's are. If CO is capable of raising and calling off here with weaker aces, low-mid pairs, and hands like KQ then by all means jam away. Without this info I'd probably elect to hope for a better spot.

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